To get some insight about people's lives, I decided to read "101 Teenagers of Uzbekistan", focusing on its plot and story without paying attention to its writing structure. I've read 22 stories so far. So much pain. Most of them, I'd say, are about typical Uzbek families. Women's inequality; death; arguments; education. Sometimes I'm too afraid to imagine there are even worse families experiencing much harsher events. So scary. Sometimes it's ridiculous that I'm worrying about things that doesn't really make sense in a few years, while those people are living through the worst moments of their lives. I don't even know what kind of person someone could become in such conditions. Do traumas make people kinder? Or do they make them cruel? At some point, I feel like there's no such thing as an evil person, everyone has their good sides. But looking at some people, maybe they had traumatized past and became "evil" over time. Because not everyone can endure these traumas. Not everyone can make the right decisions. Not everyone can escape this system. Not everyone tells their stories and gets support. Many remain untold.