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Toifa: Ta’lim

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O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Postlar filtri

🌍 Global isishga qarshi kurashishga tayyormisiz?

Global isishning yovvoyi hayvonlar yashash hududiga ta'siri haqidagi ushbu vazifani bajaring. Ma'noli paragrafni yaratish uchun gaplarni to'g'ri tartibda joylashtirib chiqing.

Javoblaringizni izohlarda yozib qoldiring va o'z mahoratingizni ko'rsating! 😎


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🌍 Ready to tackle global warming?

Take on this task about the effects of global warming on wildlife habitats. Rearrange the sentences in the correct order to create a meaningful paragraph.

Drop your answers in the comments and show off your skills! 😎


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Kitob o’qishni xush ko’rasizmi? 📖

Bu dars Buyuk Britaniya adabiyotiga qaratilgan bo'lib, o’quvchilarni uzoq gapirish va Shekspir iboralaridan foydalanishga o'rgatadi. Shuningdek, o’quvchilar Charlz Dikkens haqidagi matn orqali tez o‘qishni mashq qilishadi va muhokamalar orqali o‘z tajribalarini bo’lishishadi.

🔸 O'qigan kitob yoki romanini taqdim etish.
🔸 Gapirish va yozishda Shekspirning idiomalaridan foydalanish.
🔸 Charlz Dikkens hayotini o'rganish orqali o'qish tezligini oshirish.

Daraja: Intermediate level (CEFR B1+)
Vaqt: 90 daqiqa
Yosh: 13-17

Materiallar izohlarda berilgan.


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Do you like reading? 📖

This lesson focuses on UK literature, teaching students to speak at length and use Shakespearean idioms. They’ll also practice speed reading with a text on Charles Dickens and share their own experiences through discussions.

🔸 Present a book or novel they’ve read.
🔸 Use idioms from Shakespeare in speech and writing.
🔸 Improve speed reading by exploring Charles Dickens’ life.

Level: Intermediate level (CEFR B1+)
Time: 90 minutes
Age: 13-17

For materials, check the comments.


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✈️ They __ to Paris last summer for their vacation.
  •   fly
  •   flew
  •   flying
4 ta ovoz

🍎 The apples __ fresh and juicy at the market.
  •   looks
  •   look
  •   looking
4 ta ovoz

🏫 The teacher __ the homework in class tomorrow.
  •   explains
  •   explaining
  •   will explain
5 ta ovoz

🌧️ It __ heavily when we arrived at the station.
  •   rains
  •   rained
  •   raining
5 ta ovoz

🐕 He __ his dog every morning before work.
  •   walk
  •   walking
  •   walks
4 ta ovoz

📝 Grammatikaga oid ko’nikmalaringiz qanchalik yaxshi rivojlangan?

Ushbu qiziqarli grammatik chellenjni bajaring! To’g’ri javobni tanlang va natijalaringizni izohlarda yozib qoldiring. Ushbu testdan kimlar yaxshi o’tishini bir ko’raylikchi! ✨


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📝 How confident are you in your grammar skills?

Take on this fun grammar challenge! Pick the correct answers and show off your score in the comments. Let’s see who aces this test! ✨


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“Construct” so’zining sinonimlarini o’rganish orqali so’z boyligingizni kengaytiring!

Til ko’nikmalaringizni yaxshilash uchun ushbu so’zning bir qator alternativlarini ko’rib chiqamiz:

Assemble: Qismlarni bir butunga yig’ish yoki birlashtirish.
“The team assembled the new prototype in record time”.

Build: Biror nimani bosqichma-bosqich yaratish yoki ishlab chiqish.
“They plan to build a new library in the city center”.

Create: Nimanidir hayotga tatbiq qilish.
“The artist created a masterpiece from a blank canvas”.

Develop: Vaqt o'tishi bilan biror narsani o'stirish yoki kengaytirish.
“The software company is developing a new app for productivity”.

Formulate: Biror narsani puxta rejalashtirish yoki loyihalash.
“The scientist formulated a hypothesis based on the data collected”.

💬 Sizningcha “construct” so’zining ma’nosini yana qanday ifodalash mumkin? Fikrlaringizni izohlarda yozib qoldiring! 👇


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Expand your vocabulary with synonyms for 'construct'!

Let’s explore some great alternatives to make your language more dynamic:

Assemble: To gather or put together parts into a whole.
‘The team assembled the new prototype in record time.’

Build: To create or develop something step by step.
‘They plan to build a new library in the city center.’

Create: To bring something into existence.
‘The artist created a masterpiece from a blank canvas.’

Develop: To grow or expand something over time.
‘The software company is developing a new app for productivity.’

Formulate: To carefully plan or devise something.
‘The scientist formulated a hypothesis based on the data collected.’

💬 What other words can you think of for 'construct'? Share your ideas in the comments below! 👇


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🌫️ Ready for a challenge on air pollution?

Take on this task about the effects of air pollution on public health. Rearrange the sentences in the correct order to create a logical flow.

Drop your answers in the comments below! Let’s see who can ace this! 😎


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🌫️ Havo ifloslanishi bo'yicha chellenjga tayyormisiz?

Havo ifloslanishining aholi salomatligiga ta'siri haqidagi vazifani bajaring. Mantiqan to’g’ri tuzilgan matnni hosil qilish uchun gaplarni to'g'ri tartibda joylashtiring.

Javoblaringizni quyidagi izohlarda yozib qoldiring! Bu vazifani qanchalik yaxshi uddalashingizni ko’raylikchi! 😎


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🖊️ Rasmni ta’riflash va uni chizishga tayyorlaning!

Ushbu qiziqarli dars o'quvchilarga rasmlardagi narsalar joylashuvini tasvirlash uchun predloglar va so’zlarni o’zlashtirishga yordam beradi.

Darsga tayyorlanish
1️⃣ “… the top” yoki “... the corner” kabi toʻliq boʻlmagan iboralarni tanishtiring va oʻquvchilardan ularni predloglar bilan toʻldirishlarini soʻrang.
2️⃣ Shakl va chiziqlar (masalan, doira, to'rtburchak, zigzag)ni ko'rib chiqing va ularni doskaga joylashtiring.

1️⃣ Doskada oddiy dizayndagi bitta kvadratni chizing. O’quvchilar sizga ko’rsatmalar berib, ikkinchi kvadratni chizgan holda uni qayta yaratishga yordam berishadi. O’quvchilar bilan bir-biringizni tushunmay qoldingizmi? Aniqroq ko'rsatmalar olish uchun biror narsani noto'g'ri chizing!
2️⃣ O’quvchilar o'z daftarlarida geometrik dizaynlarni yaratadilar.
3️⃣ O’quvchilar juft bo‘lib ishlab o‘z dizaynlarini bir-birlariga tasvirlab berishadi, ularning sheriklari esa bu dizaynlarni qog’ozga tushirishadi — ammo bu payt chizmaga qarash mumkin emas!

O’quvchilar o'z dizaynlarining ta’rifini yozishadi, daftarlarini almashishadi va bir-birlarining yozuvlarini tuzatishadi.

💡 Bu speaking, listening va writing ko’nikmalarini oshirish uchun ayni muddao! 🎨

Yosh guruhi: 13-17
Daraja: A2 (Beginner)
Vaqt: 30 daqiqa

Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun havolani bosing.


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🖊️ Get ready to describe and draw!

This engaging lesson helps students practice prepositions and vocabulary for describing positions in pictures.

1️⃣ Introduce incomplete phrases like ‘… the top’ or ‘… the corner’ and have students complete them with prepositions.
2️⃣ Review shapes and lines (e.g., circle, rectangle, zigzag) and label them on the board.

Draw a simple design in one square on the board. Students guide you with instructions to recreate it in a second square. Miscommunication? Draw something incorrect to prompt clearer instructions!
2️⃣ Students create their own geometric designs in notebooks.
3️⃣ In pairs, they describe their designs while their partner draws—no peeking!

Students write a description of their design, swap notebooks, and correct each other’s writing.

💡 Perfect for boosting speaking, listening, and writing skills! 🎨

Age group: 13-17
Level: A2 (Beginner)
Time: 30 minutes

For more details, click the link.


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🤩 Identify the word that is an antonym of 'proficient':
  •   Skilled
  •   Inept
  •   Capable
10 ta ovoz

🎨 Choose the synonym for 'enigmatic':
  •   Obvious
  •   Mysterious
  •   Clear
9 ta ovoz

🚀 Select the correct synonym for 'voracious':
  •   Insatiable
  •   Satisfied
  •   Indifferent
6 ta ovoz

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.