🟥DAY 10
⛈handcrafted - qo'l bilan yasalgan
⛈intricately - murakkab tarzda
⛈sustainably - barqaror ravishda
⛈unique - noyob
⛈cherished - qadrlamoq
⛈ thoughtfulness - e'tibor
⛈utility - foydalilik
⛈ aptness - moslik
⛈ crucial - muhim
⛈appropriate - mos keladigan
⛈ memorable - esda qolarli
⛈ relish - zavqlanmoq
⛈ profound - chuqur
⛈ surprise - ajablanish
⛈ gesture - imo-ishora
⛈ generosity - saxiylik
⛈ fosters - rivojlantiradi
⛈ cherished - qadrlanadigan
⛈ heritage - meros
⛈ deep - chuqur
⛈ respect - hurmat
⛈ admiration - qoyil qolish
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🟥DAY 10
⛈handcrafted - qo'l bilan yasalgan
⛈intricately - murakkab tarzda
⛈sustainably - barqaror ravishda
⛈unique - noyob
⛈cherished - qadrlamoq
⛈ thoughtfulness - e'tibor
⛈utility - foydalilik
⛈ aptness - moslik
⛈ crucial - muhim
⛈appropriate - mos keladigan
⛈ memorable - esda qolarli
⛈ relish - zavqlanmoq
⛈ profound - chuqur
⛈ surprise - ajablanish
⛈ gesture - imo-ishora
⛈ generosity - saxiylik
⛈ fosters - rivojlantiradi
⛈ cherished - qadrlanadigan
⛈ heritage - meros
⛈ deep - chuqur
⛈ respect - hurmat
⛈ admiration - qoyil qolish
🔝 Gapga qarab to'g'ri holatda ishlating ( bo'lmasam ma'no o'zgarib ketishi mumkin) 🔄
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