Abdulkarim Uzbek

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Imam Shafi's wise words remind us to love and admire the righteous, even if we are not like them. Let us strive to emulate their righteousness while hating the sin within ourselves and others.

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Today determines tomorrow 💭✨ The choices and actions we make now shape the future we'll have. Let's keep moving forward and creating a better tomorrow 🚀


Секрет успеха | Сила одиночества 🔥🔥🔥

Navbatdagi videoyimizni rus tilida tomosha qiling!

Marhamat👉 https://youtu.be/UD81ck_EQF4


Bu kabi videolarimiz koʻproq kishiga yetib borishi uchun siz ham like va izohlar orqali qoʻllab-quvvatlang!

Noma’lum dan repost
⚡️ Плачевный анекдот

С кем надо продолжать путь | Как сделать выбор

Navbatdagi Rus tilidagi video.

Bu kabi videolarimiz koʻproq kishiga yetib borishi uchun siz ham like va izohlar orqali qoʻllab-quvvatlang!


Havola👉 https://youtu.be/tS6wA50Bxbk

“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.”


Subscribe to the channel: 👉 @AbdulkarimUzbek

New short video OUT now!⚡️⚡️⚡️

Check it now and leave your comment⬇️⬇️⬇️


A good person doesn't need to talk about
their deeds to prove their goodness; they keep doing good things.

In fact, wisdom is not always found by avoiding people but by engaging with them.


Subscribe to the channel: 👉 @AbdulkarimUzbek

With these drips, drop by drop, even the hardest stones are eroded.


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"Anyone can do my job, but no one can be me"


Subscribe to the channel: 👉 @AbdulkarimUzbek

Why we fear criticism?⚡️

Ingliz tilidagi navbatdagi videoyimiz efirda. Quyidagi havola orqali Abdulkarim Uzbek YouTube kanalida tomosha qiling va like va komentariya orqali qoʻllab-quvvatlang.


"If only you knew that you consist of numbers, that with each passing day, you become less..."


Subscribe to the channel: 👉 @AbdulkarimUzbek

If you do not content Allah, what is the use of people being content with you?


Subscribe to the channel: 👉 @AbdulkarimUzbek

New short (video) out now⚡️⚡️⚡️

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Person must know that good cannot come from evil, and this conclusion can only be reached through knowledge and wisdom.



New video (short) out now⚡️⚡️⚡️

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⚡️Anecdote that will
Make You Cry

Ingliz tilidagi navbatdagi videoyimiz efirda. Quyidagi havola orqali Abdulkarim Uzbek YouTube kanalida tomosha qiling va like va komentariya orqali qoʻllab-quvvatlang.

➡️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_k2k-UtrqnI

New video out now⚡️⚡️⚡️

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Bizni YouTube da kuzatib boring va ingliz tilidagi yangi videolarimizni birinchilardan boʻlib tomosha qiling.

Video haqida oʻz fikringizni yozib qoldirishni unutmang

Eʼtiboringiz uchun rahmat


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