📘 Book 3 | Unit 4
📑 Word list
🟦 refresh [rɪˈfreʃ] v. — tetiklashtirmoq
🔻>> To refresh someone is to make them feel less hot or tired. >> Biror kishini refresh qilish bu uning isishi yoki charchashini kamaytiradi.
— The baby was refreshed after taking a cool bath.
— Chaqaloq sovuq dushdan keyin tetiklandi.
🟦 sneeze [sniːz] v. — aksirmoq, chuchkirmoq
🔻>> To sneeze is to suddenly blow air out of your nose and mouth. >> To sneeze to'satdan burun va og'izdan havo chiqarib yuborish.
— He sneezed after smelling the flower.
— Gulni hidlaganidan so'ng u aksirdi.
🟦 spice [spaɪs] n. — ziravor
🔻>> A spice is a flavor for food and drinks. >> A spice bu taom va ichimliklar uchun maza, lazzat.
— Two common spices found in many homes are salt and pepper.
— Ko'p uylarda uchraydigan ikkita oddiy ziravor - tuz va murch.
🟦 whistle [hwɪsəl] v. — hushtak chalmoq
🔻>> To whistle is to make a sound by putting your lips together and blowing. >> To whistle lablaringizni bir-biriga bog'lab, puflab ovoz chiqarish.
— Ashe was listening to music, Daryl whistled.
— Esh musiqa tinglayotgan edi, Deril hushtak chaldi.
🟦 wool [wʊl] n. — jun, yung
🔻>> Wool is the hair that a sheep has. >> Wool qo'ylarda bo'ladigan jun.
— Grandma wants to use the blue wool to knit me a sweater.
— Buvim ko'k jundan foydalanib, menga sviter to'qimoqchi.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.
📑 Word list
🟦 refresh [rɪˈfreʃ] v. — tetiklashtirmoq
🔻>> To refresh someone is to make them feel less hot or tired. >> Biror kishini refresh qilish bu uning isishi yoki charchashini kamaytiradi.
— The baby was refreshed after taking a cool bath.
— Chaqaloq sovuq dushdan keyin tetiklandi.
🟦 sneeze [sniːz] v. — aksirmoq, chuchkirmoq
🔻>> To sneeze is to suddenly blow air out of your nose and mouth. >> To sneeze to'satdan burun va og'izdan havo chiqarib yuborish.
— He sneezed after smelling the flower.
— Gulni hidlaganidan so'ng u aksirdi.
🟦 spice [spaɪs] n. — ziravor
🔻>> A spice is a flavor for food and drinks. >> A spice bu taom va ichimliklar uchun maza, lazzat.
— Two common spices found in many homes are salt and pepper.
— Ko'p uylarda uchraydigan ikkita oddiy ziravor - tuz va murch.
🟦 whistle [hwɪsəl] v. — hushtak chalmoq
🔻>> To whistle is to make a sound by putting your lips together and blowing. >> To whistle lablaringizni bir-biriga bog'lab, puflab ovoz chiqarish.
— Ashe was listening to music, Daryl whistled.
— Esh musiqa tinglayotgan edi, Deril hushtak chaldi.
🟦 wool [wʊl] n. — jun, yung
🔻>> Wool is the hair that a sheep has. >> Wool qo'ylarda bo'ladigan jun.
— Grandma wants to use the blue wool to knit me a sweater.
— Buvim ko'k jundan foydalanib, menga sviter to'qimoqchi.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.