Unite Girls

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Toifa: Ta’lim

Non-profit initiative that is aimed at providing STEM education for girls and uniting them to create a better future!
For any concerns: @Unite_Girls_Contact

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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📖Writing a Research Paper as a High School Student

Are you excited to learn more about the process of writing a research paper as a high school student?

Then, wait no more! Join our training about the process of writing a research paper where you will learn all the step-by-step instructions to start your own paper.

At the end of our training, you will have the chance to hear from our guest speaker, who was able to conduct a successful research study and learn from her first-hand experience.

The most active participants will have the chance to win one-on-one consultation from our guest speaker to start off their journeys as young researchers.

Time: 20:00 (GMT +5)
Date: October 30th (Wednesday)
Where: Special link for Telegram group

📌To participate:

- Fill out this Google form
- Mark your calendars

Trainer: Sabina Nasriddinova
G-Speaker: Bahora Shukurova

Hurry up, we will accept the first 15 participants only!


📣Hurmatli Unite Girls a'zolari,

Unite Girls jamoasi hozirgi vaqtda "Markaziy Osiyoda yosh qiz va ayollar uchun bo'lgan ijtimoiy ko'makni rivojlantirish" mavzusi bo'yicha o'z tadqiqot ishini olib borishmoqda.

🚀Ushbu tadqiqot muvaffaqqiyatli amalga oshishi hamda tashkilotimiz yanada ko'proq rivojlanishi uchun 2-5 daqiqagacha vaqt oladigan quyidagi so'rovnomani to'ldirib berish orqali o'z hissangizni qo'shishingizni so'rab qolamiz.

So'rovnoma anonim hisoblanib, sizning identifikatsiyangiz butkul anonim saqlanib qoladi.

🔜So'rovnoma ikki xil tilda mavjud bo'lib, o'zingizga qulay bo'lgan tilda to'ldirishingiz mumkin:

🟣So'rovnoma O'zbek tilida
🟣So'rovnoma Ingliz tilida

➡Jamoamiz nomidan, kanalimizdagi barcha qizlar ushbu so'rovnomani to'ldirib o'z do'stlaringiz va yaqinlaringiz bilan ulashishingizni so'rab qolamiz. Sizning birgina javobingiz bizning kelajakdagi rejalarimizga bo'lgan ta'siri juda ham katta hisoblanadi!

Hurmat bilan,
Unite Girls Jamoasi

@unite_girls - together for a better future!

Suhbatimiz boshlanmoqda!

✔️O'zingizni qiziqtirgan savollarni shu post kommentariyasida yozib qoldirishni unutmang.

🔥Eslatib o'tamiz Shahzoda yurtimizda faqatgina 28 ta ayol-qizlarga beriladigan Zulfiya mukofoti sovrindori va bir nechta xalqaro olimpiadalar g'olibasi hisoblanadi.


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Less than 2 hours left

➡Bugungi bo'lib o'tadigan suhbatimizga juda ham oz vaqt qoldi! Suhbat uchun shinamgina joy hamda salqin ichimliklaringizni tayyorlab oling!

📃Ha, aytgandek, daftar va ruchkalaringizni ham olishni unutmang, bugungi suhbatimiz juda ham manfaatli bo'lishi ko'zda tutilgan!

Savollaringizni shu post orqali yozib qoldirishingiz va suhbat davomida javob olishingiz mumkin.

Soat 21:00 da ko'rishguncha!


🔥Guest Speaking Sessions are back!

Bu safargi mehmonimiz, Unite Girls loyihasining Kimyo Fani o'qituvchisi, Shahzoda Hakimovani kutib oling!

Shahzoda Hakimova yoshligidan o'z qiziqishlarini Kimyo fani orqali ifodalab kelganlar va hozirga qadar quyidagi yutuqlar egasi hisoblanadi:

🟣Zulfiya Mukofoti Sovrindori
🟣55-Xalqaro Kimyo Olimpiadasi Kumush Medal Sohibasi
🟣56-57-Xalqaro Mendeleyev Olimpiadasi Bronza Medal Sohibasi
🟣Abu Rayhon Beruniy Xalqaro Kimyo Olimpiadasi Oltin Medal Sohibasi

Suhbat davomida Shahzoda STEM sohasidagi yutuqlariga erishish yo'li haqida batafsil gapirib o'tadilar va hamda Zulfiya Mukofoti haqida ko'proq ma'lumot ulashadilar.

💌Qatnashuvchilar o'zini qiziqtirgan savollarni kommentariya qismiga yozib qoldirishlari va suhbat kuni shaxsan javob olishlari mumkin.

☑️Sana: 6-iyul
☑️Vaqt: 21:00
☑️Manzil: telegram voice chat

❕Do'stlaringiz bilan ulashishni unutmang!


One of the most given questions:

- Is it required to have an IELTS or any other certificate?

Answer: If you do not have any official certificates, you can also upload your recent mock test scores or upload your predicted scores of IELTS/Duolingo/Cefr certificates.


2 hours left until we close the application🙌

Don't miss your chance!

Apply here


❗️Today is the last day to apply❗️

The deadline for the SAT Math Club application is tonight at 23:59.

The club will run for two months, and our students will be able to study for the test with better guidance and assistance from the teacher, who has an excellent math score of 800/800.

Don't forget to apply, and share this opportunity with your friends who are taking the test in August😍

Apply by the link

Together for a better future!


📌Unite Girls welcomes participants to the SAT Math Club!

Our new SAT Math Club will help you prepare for the test in a more profound way to boost your knowledge and confidence until the test day for absolutely free of charge!

What does our club offer?

- assistance by the teacher with an 800 score in the Math Section
- 2 months mentorship
- a community of like-minded girls
- incredible journey ahead to help you achieve your dream score

❗️Open the Google forms to learn more about the club and the requirements for participants and hurry up to apply.

Application Link

Join us to ace the SAT in August and become part of a supportive and driven community dedicated to helping each other succeed. Don't miss out on this opportunity to excel in the SAT Math section with the guidance and resources provided by our club.

The deadline to apply is 25th May, 23:59.


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📍Volunteer Teachers from SAT RW and Math sections are needed!

Unite Girls is aiming to help girls ace the standardized exams, and we need SAT teachers who can help us implement our SAT clubs.

🧷If you want to empower girls by sharing your knowledge and experience, then try this opportunity!

Minimum test score requirements:
• Math 720+
• RW 700+

• Joining the community of inspiring and supportive girls
• Letter of Recommendation (if needed)
• A certificate of appreciation

📌Note that if you have a lower score, you can still apply and try your chance as we value your passion, experience, and genuine aim of helping young girls achieve their dreams.


Share this post with your friends who might be interested in the position!

The deadline for the applications is April 18th, 23:59


🌷Unite Girls is back!

💫Great news, now you can open your own STEM related club at Unite Girls.

- As we want to make more opportunities accessible in our program, we are creating clubs where girls from different backgrounds can join and learn in one community.

We need passionate and experienced club organizers' help to make this opportunity available for all!

🔥Wait for more information soon...

📌What kind of clubs do you want to see in Unite Girls? Leave your answers in the comments section👇🏻

With Unite Girls for a better future🙌🏻


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💌Happy International Women's Day!

🔥Unite Girls Team congratulates all girls and women with the 8th of March, International Women's Day.

🌺Your presence makes this world better and lighter. Always work towards your dreams and goals to make this world even better and be a light for your closed ones.

💕We believe in the bright future together with all of you!


🪷Unite Girls has officially finished its first cohort with success!

- Our 1 month lessons of STEM subjects are designed to provide knowledge and support to young, like-minded girls who are passionate about STEM.

- With over 110+ girls joining our first cohort in 5 different STEM subjects and 11 mentors, our first cohort participants were able to gain knowledge in their interested fields and explore their passions.

🎀We wish all the best luck to our first cohort alumni and wish to achieve many successes in their future endeavors!

Unite Girls - unites girls from all over the country from different backgrounds and perspectives to help, inspire, and provide opportunities.

@unite_girls - With Unite Girls for a better future!

Join our chat with the second guest speaker! Leave all of your questions in the comments section.

💘Meet our second Guest Speaker!

Madina Abdurashidova is the finalist of Techgirls 2023. She was chosen as a finalist out of 2400 applicants this year. She also has got her youtube channel which is called "MY World" travel.

🎟Despite her young age, Madina is a young activist, and she knows four languages fluently: Russian, Uzbek, Turkish, and English.

Madina made her own film about national clothes called "Ikat," which was shown on the Seattle Art Museum.

If you want to ask any questions about her acceptance to TechGirls and experience, you are welcome to join our Guest Speaker session😍.

Date: 26th December
Time: 21:00 (uzb time)
Location: telegram voice chat


- Savollaringizni shu yerda yozib qoldiring

Suhbatga qo'shilib olishingiz mumkin.

Suhbatda oxirigacha qatnashgan ishtirokchilar uchun mehmonimiz tomonidan ajoyib sovg'a ham bor😍


✔️Tanishing, bizning birinchi Guest Speaker!

⭐️Nilufar Amon, Amerikadagi top 100 college talabasi, hozirda "Connecticut college"da to'liq grant yutib olib, biochemistry yo'nalishida Connecticut shtatida o'qimoqda.

➡Nilufar STEM yo'nalishlariga qiziqadi va hozirda qiziqishlari IT hamda biznesdan iborat. STEM Borderless va START loyihalarini asoschisi hisoblanadi.

⏩Suhbat davomida Nilufar o'zining Amerika universitetiga kirish yo'li, top dasturlarga yutgan grantlari va loyihalar asoschisi bo'lish tajribasi haqida gapirib o'tadi. Undan tashqari, Nilufar o'z yo'nalishi hamda STEM bo'yicha o'qish haqida batafsil ma'lumot berib o'tadi.

📎"Guest Speaker" suhbatiga qatnashing va o'zingizni qiziqtirgan savollaringizga Nilufar Amondan shaxsan javob oling. Suhbat davomida faol qatnashgan ishtirokchilarga mehmonimiz tomonidan maxsus sovg'a ham topshiriladi😍

🟣Sana: 19-dekabr
🟣Vaqt: 21:00
🟣Manzil: telegram voice chat


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🔥Unite Girls kuzatuvchilari uchun ajoyib yangilik!

✔️Endi siz bizning telegram kanalimizda voice chat orqali bo'lib o'tadigan "Guest Speaker" suhbatlarida qatnashishingiz mumkin.

🪐Ko'plab chet el dasturlariga qabul qilingan, top universitetlarda o'qish imkoniyatlariga va ko'p yutuqlarga erishgan qizlar bilan bo'lib o'tadigan suhbatlarimizda qatnashish imkoniyati sizda bor.

🌟Suhbat davomida maxsus "Guest Speaker" larimiz muvaffaqiyatga erishish yo'llari haqida gapirib o'tadilar. Suhbat oxirida esa sizni qiziqtirgan savollaringizga javob olish imkoniyatiga ham ega bo'lasiz.

📎O'ylaymizki bu sizga manfaatli bo'ladi va siz o'z ustingizda ishlash uchun yanada ko'proq motivatsiya olasiz!

➡Tez kunlarda sizni ajoyib yangiliklar kutmoqda! Telegram kanalimizni kuzatishda davom eting.

@unite_girls - With Unite Girls for a better future🌏

🎉Natijalar chiqdi!
Oxirgi natijalar chiqdi va shu ariza topshirgan o'quvchilar endi bizning rasman 1-mavsum o'quvchilarimiz hisoblanadi.

📌Dasturimizga 500 dan ortiq arizalar kelib tushdi va arizalar mamlakatimizning turli xil viloyatlarida va O'rta Osiyoda istiqomat qiladigan qizlar tomonidan to'ldirilgan!

🔜Agar sizning ism familyangiz bu ro'yxatda bo'lsa sizni tabriklaymiz va yaqin orada biz sizga darslarning boshlanishi haqida barcha ma'lumotlar bilan bog'lanamiz. 1-darsimiz 11-dekabr, Dushanba kunidan boshlanadi.

🔜Agar siz ro'yxatda bo'lmasangiz, xafa bo'lishga o'rin yo'q! Chunki sizni hali juda ham ko'p yangiliklar kutmoqda, shunchaki "Unite Girls" kanalini kuzatib boring.
➡Barchangizni kutganingiz va qiziqishingiz uchun rahmat.

🎉Results are out!
The final results are out, and these applicants are now officially our students for the 1st cohort.

📌We received more than 500 applications from different parts of our country and Central Asia!

🔜If you have your name on the list, then congratulations, you are accepted, and we will soon contact you with further details about the lessons. Our 1st lesson will start from 11th December, Monday.

🔜If you are not on the list, then don't be upset. We will also have our next cohorts, keep following our channel, and wait for the new opportunities that "Unite Girls" will provide in the near future.
➡Thank you everyone for your patience and interest.

@unite_girls - Together for a better future⭐️

1.5k 1 28 140 62
20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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