📆Bugun, 19-yanvar Toshkent viloyati Boʻstonliq tumani 1-sonli politexnikum direktori Xolmurotov Yorqin Riskaliyevichning tavallud ayyomi.
✨ Ushbu qutlug‘ sana munosabati bilan sizni viloyat Oliy taʼlim, fan va innovatsiyalar boshqarmasi hamda viloyatdagi kasbiy taʼlim muassasalari jamoalari nomidan samimiy muborakbod etamiz.
💬 Sizga mustahkam sog‘lik, cheksiz baxt, ishlaringizda ulkan zafarlar tilaymiz. Siz yetakchilik qilayotgan jamoaning yutuqlari doimo yuksak cho‘qqilarga erishsin, yoshlarga bilim va tarbiya berishdagi fidokorona xizmatlaringiz esa har doim e’tirofga sazovor bo‘lsin!
📆Today, january 19st, marks the birthday of Xolmurotov Yorqin Riskaliyevich, the director of polytechnic school no. 1 in Boʻstonliq district, Tashkent region.
✨ On this special occasion, we sincerely congratulate you on behalf of the regional department of Higher education, science, and innovations, as well as the teams of vocational education institutions in the region.
💬 We wish you robust health, boundless happiness, and great success in your endeavors. May the achievements of the team you lead always reach new heights, and may your dedicated efforts in educating and nurturing young minds always be recognized and appreciated!
✅OTFIV Toshkent viloyati axborot xizmati.
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📆Bugun, 19-yanvar Toshkent viloyati Boʻstonliq tumani 1-sonli politexnikum direktori Xolmurotov Yorqin Riskaliyevichning tavallud ayyomi.
✨ Ushbu qutlug‘ sana munosabati bilan sizni viloyat Oliy taʼlim, fan va innovatsiyalar boshqarmasi hamda viloyatdagi kasbiy taʼlim muassasalari jamoalari nomidan samimiy muborakbod etamiz.
💬 Sizga mustahkam sog‘lik, cheksiz baxt, ishlaringizda ulkan zafarlar tilaymiz. Siz yetakchilik qilayotgan jamoaning yutuqlari doimo yuksak cho‘qqilarga erishsin, yoshlarga bilim va tarbiya berishdagi fidokorona xizmatlaringiz esa har doim e’tirofga sazovor bo‘lsin!
📆Today, january 19st, marks the birthday of Xolmurotov Yorqin Riskaliyevich, the director of polytechnic school no. 1 in Boʻstonliq district, Tashkent region.
✨ On this special occasion, we sincerely congratulate you on behalf of the regional department of Higher education, science, and innovations, as well as the teams of vocational education institutions in the region.
💬 We wish you robust health, boundless happiness, and great success in your endeavors. May the achievements of the team you lead always reach new heights, and may your dedicated efforts in educating and nurturing young minds always be recognized and appreciated!
✅OTFIV Toshkent viloyati axborot xizmati.
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