Grammar for IELTS & Multilevel

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Toifa: Telegram

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Owner: Teacher Matyoqub (Multilevel C1)
→Reading 73
→Listening 72
→Writing 67
You can find in this channel:
🔰 Complex grammatical structures
🔰 Topic based vocabulary
🔰 Multilevel tips
🔰 IELTS tips
🧑‍💻 Admin: @Multilevel_Admin

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Postlar filtri

Have a lot in common - ko’p o’xshash tomonlari bo’lmoq

— My brother and I have a lot in common. We love the same types of songs, we have the same hobbies and even we think alike.

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
IELTS Band 7+ Vocabulary Lesson 1: Family

Immediate family
Extended family
Close-knit family
Care-free childhood
Troubled childhood
Broken homes
Raise/bring up a child

Family tree
Distant relatives


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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Some teachers at school 😅

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Inglizlarda "out of this world" degan ibora bor. O'zbekchada "daxshat, zo'r, ajabtovur" - degani.

Our English teacher is out of this world! He makes every lesson fun and easy to understand.

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Let's eat grandma - ketdik buvini yeymiz.

Let's eat, grandma - ketdik buvi, ovqatlanamiz.

Comma (Vergul) qo'yish orqali kimnidir buvisini hayotini saqlab qolishingiz mumkin.

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📌Despite=in spite of=regardless of=irrespective of=notwithstanding-dan qat’iy nazar/ga qaramay.

1️⃣Life is beautiful, despite some frequent challenges and formidable obstacles.

2️⃣In spite of some frequent challenges and formidable obstacles, life is beautiful.

3️⃣Life is beautiful, regardless of some frequent challenges and formidable obstacles.

4️⃣Irrespective of some frequent challenges and formidable obstacles, life is beautiful.

5️⃣Notwithstanding some frequent challenges and formidable obstacles, life is beautiful.

6️⃣Some frequent challenges and formidable obstacles notwithstanding, life is beautiful.

📌Ba’zi bir tez-tez uchrab turadigan qiyinchiliklar va katta to’siqlardan qat’iy nazar, hayot go’zal!

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Xox qiz bola bo'ling, xox yigit kishi, dunyoda sizni shunchaki sizligingiz uchun yaxshi ko'ruvchi yagona zot-bu onangiz. Boshqa hech kim!!!

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
🗣20 English Words You're (probably) Mispronouncing!

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Do young and old people use phones in the same way?

Well, basically, young people use their phones to play video games, listen to music, and be active on social media, and old people rely on their phones for communication.

Well, basically, young people use their cellphones to play video games, listen to music and be active on social media, while/whereas old people rely on their phones for communication.

When you are given such kinds of questions, you should compare or contrast.

While/ whereas
Although/ even though
On the contrary/ in contrast
However/ that said
On the other hand/ at the same time

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📢 15-16-yanvardan boshlab quyidagi guruhlar boshlanadi ⤵️

➡️ Grammatika 0 dan (2 ta guruh)
1, 3, 5 kunlar soat 14:00 da
2, 4, 6 kunlar soat 9:00 da

➡️ Advanced Grammar (2 ta guruh)
• 1, 3, 5 kunlar soat 9:00 da
• 2, 4, 6 kunlar soat 14:00 da

➡️ IELTS (1 ta guruh)
2, 4, 6 kunlar soat 14:00 da

➡️ Multilevel (1 ta guruh)
1, 3, 5 kunlar soat 14:00 da

💰 Toʻlov: Grammatika va Advanced Grammar kursi uchun 300,000 soʻm, IELTS va Multilevel guruhlari uchun 350,000 soʻm.

Sifatli taʼlim beradigan oʻquv markazlar ichida eng arzoni bizda!

📍 Manzil: Baxtli kelajak ko'chasi, 4-yoʻlak
📌 Mo'ljal: UrDu roʻparasi

☎️ Murojaat uchun telefonlar:
📞 (88) 299 88 66
📞 (93) 749 39 21

👨‍💻Admin: @Multilevel_Admin

Answers + Transcript

Ishlamasdan javobga qaragan kal


🎧 Listening Part 2 - Multilevel


🏝Topic-based vocabulary: Travelling

1. Recreational place - kóngil ochar joylar
2. Amusement park - istirohat bog'i
3. Newly built- yangi qurilgan
4. Impressive looks - hayratlanarli ko'rinish
5. Distinctive - ajralib turadigan
6. Fictional story - hayoliy, o'ylab topilgan
7. Stunningly beautiful - hayratlanarli darajada chiroyli
8. Holiday-makers - dam oluvchilar
9. Recharge their batteries - dam olib kuch toʻplamoq
10. Pocket-friendly accommodations - hamyonpob turarjoylar
11. Has a lot to offer - taklif qiladigan narsasi koʻp
12. In a global village - elektron vositalar orqali bog'langan dunyo
13. Well-aware of cultural diversity - madaniy turli xillikdan xabardor
14. Travelling overseas - horijga sayohat
15. From all walks of life - dunyoning hamma burchagidan
16. Pick up amazing aspects of other cultures - boshqa madaniyatlarni o'rganish
17. Extend their perspectives - dunyo qarashni kengaytirish
18. Fewer delays, fewer technical problems - kechga qoldirish
19. Sustainable travelling - uzoq davom etadigan sayohat
20. Prioritise - muhimligiga qarab tartibga solmoq
21. Provide employment - ish bn ta'minlamoq
22. Local residents - mahalliy aholi
23. Increase sales- savdo sotiqni rivojlantirish
24. An influx of tourists - koʻp miqdorqagi turistlarni tashrif buyurishi
25. Lead to overcrowding - odamlarning ko'pligiga sabab bo'lish
26. Result in excessive littering - ko'p miqdorqagi chiqindi chiqishiga olib keladi



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Ushbu kitob o'z ichiga oladi
➡️Shu paytgacha tushib kelayotgan va endi tushishi kutilayotgan savollarga C1 darajadagi namunaviy javoblarni

➡️ Javoblardagi mavzuga oid murakkab so’zlarga inglizcha izohlar va o’zbekcha tarjimalarni

➡️ Savollarga ajoyib yondashuvga ega g’oyalarni
📚Kitob pdf holatda

🎁Bonus TOPIC-BASED VOCABULARY kitobi bepul!
Ushbu kitobda siz IELTS&MULTILEVEL ning writing va speaking qismida uchraydigan har qanday mavzuga o'zbekcha tarjimasi bilan topic based vocabulary topishingiz mumkin!
🫰Kitobdan namuna ko'rish

💰 Narxi: 29,000 so'm

💳 9860350104790240
💳 9860190104585319
Name: Matyokub Kurbondurdiev

📱Contact: @Multilevel_Admin

🗣 Speaking vocabulary

By and large =generally

By and large, living in the countryside is much more preferable for old people because of its healthy and peaceful environment.

Umuman olganda, sog'lom va tinch muhiti tufayli qishloqda yashash keksa odamlar uchun afzalroq.



No sooner....than...
Nimadir bo'lsagina nimadir bo'ladi

🥇No sooner do we change our mind than we can change our life
Fikrlashimizni o'zgartirsakgina hayotimizni o'zgartirolamiz!

🥈No sooner do people citizens become innocent than they might blame the government.
Fuqorolar aybsiz bo'lsagina hukumatni ayblashi mumkin.

🥉No sooner does he win the war against himself than he can win the war against the world.
U o'ziga qarshi urushni yenga olsagina dunyoga qarshi urushni yenga oladi.



20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.