Kommentariyani ham yopdim.
Fikrlaringiz unchalik ham kerak emas ekan.
Ushbu kanal - mening hobbiyim. Hech kim pul tolamasa ham doimiy olib boriladigan loyiham!
Siz fikr bildirasizmi, yoqmi - men davom etaman post yozishda!
Kanalimda ayrim ichidan pismiq bovolib kuzatadiganlar bor ekan. Shunaqa meni yomon korib berayotgan ilmimdan foydalanayotganlar 🐀 uchun yangi bir narsa orgatmoqchiman.
Keling konstruktiv tanqid nima ekanligini o'rgataman.
1. First, before you even say or write a word, check your intention. Is it really because you differ with the other person on academic grounds, or is there some other ulterior motive? Is it really because you envy the other person’s position, or the fact that they hold more sway then you?
2. If you do not receive revelation from the Allah, please do not act as if you know what is concealed in the hearts of people. If you do, then you risk falling into the major sin of shirk (to associate partners with Allah)!
Fikrlaringiz unchalik ham kerak emas ekan.
Ushbu kanal - mening hobbiyim. Hech kim pul tolamasa ham doimiy olib boriladigan loyiham!
Siz fikr bildirasizmi, yoqmi - men davom etaman post yozishda!
Kanalimda ayrim ichidan pismiq bovolib kuzatadiganlar bor ekan. Shunaqa meni yomon korib berayotgan ilmimdan foydalanayotganlar 🐀 uchun yangi bir narsa orgatmoqchiman.
Keling konstruktiv tanqid nima ekanligini o'rgataman.
1. First, before you even say or write a word, check your intention. Is it really because you differ with the other person on academic grounds, or is there some other ulterior motive? Is it really because you envy the other person’s position, or the fact that they hold more sway then you?
2. If you do not receive revelation from the Allah, please do not act as if you know what is concealed in the hearts of people. If you do, then you risk falling into the major sin of shirk (to associate partners with Allah)!