Bahs va munozaralar uchun
aqlli iboralar🤓 👇
🔸 Ask me another - Osonroq narsa so‘ra!
🔸Eat one's words - gapini qaytib olmoq
🔸 Enough of it - Bu yetarli bo‘ldi
🔸 go into details - tafsilotlarga urg‘u bermoq
🔸 I don’t care - Menga ahamiyati yo‘q
🔸 I have no idea - Men tushunmayapman
🔸 I mean it! - Men jiddiy gapirdim!
🔸 I wish I knew - Buni bilishni xohlardim!
🔸 It doesn’t matter - Bu muhim emas
🔸 It doesn't make sense - Bunda ma'no yo‘q
🔸 It doesn't prove a thing - Bu hech narsani isbotlamaydi
🔸 It' s none of your business - Bu sizning ishingiz emas
🔸 It's a lie - Bu yolg‘on
🔸 It's all the same to me - Menga farqi yo‘q
🔸 It's beside the point - Buning dahli yo‘q
🔸 It's new to me - Birinchi marta eshitishim
🔸 It's out of place - Bu o‘rinsiz
🔸 It's up to you - O‘zing hal qil
🔸 It's waste of time - Bu vaqtni bekorga sarflash
🔸 Let's clear it up - Keling oydinlashtirib olamiz
🔸 Let's drop the subject - Keling mavzuni o‘zgartiramiz
🔸 Mind one's own business - Birovning ishiga aralashmaslik
🔸 no matter - ahamiyati yo‘q
🔸 point of view - nuqtai nazar
🔸 pro and con - rozi va norozi
🔸 say one's say - fikrini bildirmoq
🔸 side against - qarshi tomonni qo‘llamoq
🔸 So what? - Nima bo‘libdi?
🔸 speak one's mind - fikrini bildirmoq
🔸 Stand one's ground - o‘z fikrida qolmoq
🔸 Stand to reason - ma'noga ega bo‘lmoq
🔸 Take a side - bir tomonni (gapni) qo‘llamoq
🔸 Take a stand - muhim o‘rinni egallamoq
🔸 Take into account - diqqatga kirmoq
🔸 That's not the point - Gap bu haqda emas
🔸 That's very well, but - Bu juda yaxshi, lekin...
🔸 to one's face - yuziga (ochiqcha aytish)
🔸 up against - qarshilik qilmoq
🔸 Use your own judgement - O‘zing hal qil
🔸 What are you driving at? - Nimaga sha'ma qilyapsan?
🔸 What are you talking about? - Nima demoqchisiz o‘zi!
🔸 What for? - Nega?
🔸 What of it? - Bundan nima foyda?
🔸 You can take it from me - Menga ishonishing mumkin
SUCCESS TEAM - Better Together
aqlli iboralar🤓 👇
🔸 Ask me another - Osonroq narsa so‘ra!
🔸Eat one's words - gapini qaytib olmoq
🔸 Enough of it - Bu yetarli bo‘ldi
🔸 go into details - tafsilotlarga urg‘u bermoq
🔸 I don’t care - Menga ahamiyati yo‘q
🔸 I have no idea - Men tushunmayapman
🔸 I mean it! - Men jiddiy gapirdim!
🔸 I wish I knew - Buni bilishni xohlardim!
🔸 It doesn’t matter - Bu muhim emas
🔸 It doesn't make sense - Bunda ma'no yo‘q
🔸 It doesn't prove a thing - Bu hech narsani isbotlamaydi
🔸 It' s none of your business - Bu sizning ishingiz emas
🔸 It's a lie - Bu yolg‘on
🔸 It's all the same to me - Menga farqi yo‘q
🔸 It's beside the point - Buning dahli yo‘q
🔸 It's new to me - Birinchi marta eshitishim
🔸 It's out of place - Bu o‘rinsiz
🔸 It's up to you - O‘zing hal qil
🔸 It's waste of time - Bu vaqtni bekorga sarflash
🔸 Let's clear it up - Keling oydinlashtirib olamiz
🔸 Let's drop the subject - Keling mavzuni o‘zgartiramiz
🔸 Mind one's own business - Birovning ishiga aralashmaslik
🔸 no matter - ahamiyati yo‘q
🔸 point of view - nuqtai nazar
🔸 pro and con - rozi va norozi
🔸 say one's say - fikrini bildirmoq
🔸 side against - qarshi tomonni qo‘llamoq
🔸 So what? - Nima bo‘libdi?
🔸 speak one's mind - fikrini bildirmoq
🔸 Stand one's ground - o‘z fikrida qolmoq
🔸 Stand to reason - ma'noga ega bo‘lmoq
🔸 Take a side - bir tomonni (gapni) qo‘llamoq
🔸 Take a stand - muhim o‘rinni egallamoq
🔸 Take into account - diqqatga kirmoq
🔸 That's not the point - Gap bu haqda emas
🔸 That's very well, but - Bu juda yaxshi, lekin...
🔸 to one's face - yuziga (ochiqcha aytish)
🔸 up against - qarshilik qilmoq
🔸 Use your own judgement - O‘zing hal qil
🔸 What are you driving at? - Nimaga sha'ma qilyapsan?
🔸 What are you talking about? - Nima demoqchisiz o‘zi!
🔸 What for? - Nega?
🔸 What of it? - Bundan nima foyda?
🔸 You can take it from me - Menga ishonishing mumkin
SUCCESS TEAM - Better Together