Firdavs Nizomov | SAT

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha

SAT - 1540 (English - 750)
"The road ahead is arduous and will require intense work."

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O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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Ikki kun oldin bo'lib o'tgan imtihondagi texnik muammolar haqidagi xabarlarni eshitgan bo'lishingiz mumkin.

Men ham imtihonga ro'yxatdan o'tgandim. Buni bilasizlar.

Ochig'i, menda hech qanday muammo bo'lgani yo'q.

Texnik xatolik kuzatilganlarga email kelgani haqida esa ko'pchilik allaqachon yozishdi.

Men imtihondan oldin hammaga bergan va doimiy beradigan maslahatimga o'zim amal qilolmadim. Imtihondan oldin umuman uxlolmay chiqdim. Deyarli uxlamadim desa ham bo'ladi.

Hozir, tarqalgan leak'lardan savollarni ko'rib chiqyapman. Afsuski, xatolarim bor. Hozir savollarni fresh mind bilan ko'rayotib bilyapman: ingliz tilidan 3 ta, matematikadan 1 ta. Hamma xatolar Module 2'da. Qolganlari to'g'ri, ishonchim komil.

1600 boshqa safarga qoldi.

📌 Asosiy xulosalar:

1. Imtihondan faqat bir kun oldingi emas, kamida bir hafta oldingi sleep schedule'ni to'g'irlab olish kerak. Shunda peak performance bo'lishi ehtimoli oshadi.

2. Vaqtingiz tig'iz bo'lsa ham, ingliz tili savollarida har bitta so'zga imkoni boricha e'tibor qaratish kerak. Bitta "foreign" so'zini e'tibordan qochirganim, oddiy savolda xato qilishimga sabab bo'libdi.

3. Math'dan 800 olish uchun qiyin savollarni shunchaki ishlay olishni bilishingiz emas, tez ishlay olishni bilishingiz kerak.

Qolganlarini yana yozaman.

Hozircha ✌️ , guys.

*✌️ this means “peace” (just letting you know)


The peak of stupidity

I used to say to the students who made dumb mistakes, "This is the peak of stupidity".

Apparently, I also have reached the peak of stupidity it turns out.

Had my best performance from English section, but 3 mistakes in Math Module 2 was just too much for my nerves.

And #theinsightoftheday is to try to be clever and learn from mistakes.

Rushing in reading the question is really bad.

Also, I now strongly believe that before you choose or write your answer in math section, always read the question one more time.

That way, you won't end up at 760 Math even though you knew how to solve all the questions.



If you expect disappointment, you won't be disappointed.

This time, however, I thought that I would get higher score - that is, 1580 or 1590.

Being impetuous made the result really vexing.

4 stupid mistakes in English part (in one words in context question, I accidentally chose the other option. I don't know how it happened though).

The other three are clearly dumb mistakes.

One stupid mistake from Math. For the other question that I got wrong, I spent 7 minutes, but still couldn't get it.

Hope I will have a far better result in the next one.



Meni umumiy SAT darajamni oshishiga asosan quyidagi kitoblar va resurslarning katta foydasi tekkan.

1️⃣ Erica Meltzer's Reading and Erica Meltzer's Grammar

2️⃣ College Panda Math

3️⃣ Khan Academy.

Undan tashqari, vocabulary list'lardagi so'zlarni o'rganish va doimiy practice ham muhim bo'lgan.


Practice Test 7'ni qildim.

College Board oldingi savollarni qayta-qayta tashlashni yaxshi ko'radi )

Bu testdagi ayrim savollar December Exam'da, October Exam'da tushgan edi.

Oldingi testlardan qiyinroqmi?

- Bilmadim.

Menimcha, qiyinroq emas, tricky'roq. Sizni chalg'itishi mumkin bo'lgan detallar ko'p.

One more thing

Nega English qismi 800 chiqmagani haqida, nega Module 2'da 3 ta xato qilganim haqida savol bermoqchi bo'lsangiz, javobim tayyor.

Shunchaki ikkita savolni ishlamadim. (vaqt muammo baribir ham)

📌 Lekin, bundan siz bir katta insight olishingiz mumkin. Siz English Module 2'da 3-4 ta xato qilib ham, 700-750+ olishingiz mumkin. (Module 1'da xato qilmaysiz deb hisoblasak).

Bitta xato vocabulary question'da bo'ldi. Ikkita inferences'da.

⚡Kamchiliklar ustida ishlashda davom etamiz.

Kelayotgan Martdagi maqsad - 1️⃣6️⃣0️⃣0️⃣!


The last three

let's see...

The reality is life is a single-player game. You're born alone. You're going to die alone. All of your interpretations are alone.

©️ Naval

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can't – you're right”

©️ Henry Ford

To be honest, I am tired. Like really.

It turns out the thing that I have worked for almost my whole year hasn’t produced anything great.

It turns out I lost credibility.

It turns out I lost myself among all these stuff happening in my life.

Looking back, I feel like this year has been a waste of time. A huge waste of time.

Something I wanted for 4 years hasn’t happened. It was a rational decision but staying in Uzbekistan felt like a better idea.

A relationship that almost reached to the ultimate stage stopped due to the things I can’t control.

In The Great Gatsby, the book of Francis Scott Fitzgerald, Nick Carraway tells Gatsby that he can’t repeat the past.

Gatsby refutes and says, “Of course you can. Well, of course you can.”

I was also told by many people that I can’t control everything I want and some certain things depend on other people as well.

I disagreed.

Probably Nick and the people who reminded me of the fact that I can’t do everything myself… were right.

And yes, even though
it’s hard to admit, Henry Ford’s quote is not true in every case.


Bluebook’dan tashqari free mock exam topshirishingiz mumkin bo’lgan website’lar ro’yxati:




Siz yana qo’shimcha biror bir vebsaytni bilsangiz, izohlarda yozib qoldiring va yana shunaqa vebsaytlarni yuborishimni xohlasangiz, reaksiyalarni ayamang :))


642 0 13 1 14

Almost every part of my body is hurting.

My ankle, my calf, my back, my knees.

Didn’t have time to write or post anything about the full marathon (42 km).

Probably main reason is not a lack of time. It’s just that my left knee is hurting so badly. Excruciating pain.

Hope I will recover soon.

P.S. will continue to post more about SAT in the upcoming week.


535 0 0 15 16

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

🚀 Xo'sh, endi keyingisiga o'tamiz.

2023-yil mart. Tarixda birinchi bo'layotgan Digital SAT imtihoni. TIS (Tashkent International School)'da test seats allaqachon tugab bo'lgandi. Menda faqatgina UzSWLU Academic Lyceum'ida topshirish varianti bor edi.

Registratsiya qildim imtihonga. Test uchun boryo'g'i 13 kun faqat Khan Academy yordami bilan tayyorlandim. Ko'proq ingliz tili qismiga e'tibor qaratdim preparation'da. 📖✨

DSAT paper-based exam'dan osonroq tuyuldi, ayniqsa, ingliz tili qismi.

Bu 3-marta imtihon topshirishim edi va oldingi ikkita imtihondan olingan insaytlardan to'g'ri xulosa chiqarib, bu safargisida performance'dan muammo bo'lmasligi uchun barcha narsaga puxta tayyorgarlik ko'rdim.

🚗 Yo'l charchog'i bo'lmasligi uchun, imtihondan bir kun oldin sevimli Cobalt'da Toshkentga kevoldim. Do'stlarim bilan mazza qilib vaqt o'tkazdim.

😌 Ertangi kun (imtihon kuni) boshqacha kuch bilan, zo'r dam olgandek uyg'ondim. Mashinada test center'ga bordim va security ALUzSWLU'da qanchalar poor ekanligini ko'rib xayron qoldim.

Test topshirish uchun o'zim noutbuk olib borgandim, lekin test center'ni o'zining kompyuterlarida topshirishim kerakligini aytishdi. Tortishib o'tirmadim :))

Natija chiqdi, ham xursand qiladigan, ham xafa qiladigan.

🎥 Necha ball chiqqanini bilmoqchi bo'lsangiz va matematikadan bilimingiz 750+ ga tortadigan holatda, 700 dan past chiqib qolishini xohlamasangiz, pastdagi video xabarlarni diqqat bilan eshiting!

*video imtihondan oldin, 3-rasm esa imtihondan keyin olingan :)


I'm sending it now, then :)


Bugun tashlaymi yoki ertaga ertalabmi?
  •   Ertaga tashlasangiz, “sveji” miyaga yaxshiroq tushunarli bo’ladi.
  •   Send it now!
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