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O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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🧵 So'zlashuv uchun: #vocabulary


📏 at war - urushda
📏 at peace - tinchlik vaqtida
📏 at ease - erkin
📏 at rest - dam olishda
📏 at sea - dengiz bo‘yida
📏 at lunch - tushlikda
📏 in danger - xatarda
📏 in need - muhtojlikda
📏 in tears - ko‘z yosh to‘kib
📏 in reply - javoban
📏 in love - oshiqlikda
📏 in difficulty - qiyinchilikda
📏 on guard - himoyada
📏 on purpose - ataylab
📏 on fire - o‘t ichida
📏 on sale - sotuvda
📏 on vacation - o‘quv ta’tilida
📏 on time - vaqtida
📏 on duty - navbatchilikda
📏 on land - yerda
📏 on sea - dengizda
📏 by accident - tasodifan
📏 by design - qasddan
📏 out of control - nazoratdan chiqqan
📏 out of danger - xatardan holi
📏 out of date - eskirgan
📏 out of door - tashqarida
📏 out of order - buzilgan
📏 out of stock - qolmagan
📏 out of turn - navbatdan tashqari

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A -👩‍👦  Ona va bolaga
Б - 👵 Keksa onaxonga
C - 🤕 Nogironga
Д - 😡 Jahldor bezoriga

Variantlardan birini tanlang va o'zingiz haqingizda hayratlanarli faktlarni bilib oling👇😱


⭐️ Collocations_on_topics

Topic: family 🏠

Mutual divorce/separation
— kelishib, janjalsiz ajrashish

Stay on good terms with each other
— bir-biri bilan yaxshi munoabatda qolmoq

Get pregnant
— homilador bo’lmoq

Single mother
— nikohsiz bola ko’rgan ayol

Have an abortion
— abort qildirish

Give the baby up for adoption
— bolani boqib olishga berib yuborish

Due date
— bola tug’uladigan kun

Give birth/have the baby
— farzandni dunyoga keltirish

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🆕 Informal              🆕 Formal

🪛say sorry             👉apologize
🪛go up                    👉increase
🪛go down               👉decrease
🪛set up                    👉establish
🪛look at                   👉examine
🪛blow up                  👉explode
🪛find out                  👉discover
🪛bring about           👉cause
🪛put off                    👉postpone
🪛rack up                   👉accumulate
🪛make up                 👉fabricate
🪛stand for                👉represent
🪛find out                   👉discover
🪛leave out                👉omit
🪛point out                👉indicate
🪛go against             👉oppose
🪛get in touch with  👉contact
🪛It's about                👉It concerns
🪛need to                   👉required
🪛think about            👉consider

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So'zlashuv uchun: Lug‘at
⚡️ Education

1. educational system – ta’lim tizimi.
2. elemantary school – boshlang’ich maktab.
3. private school – xususiy maktab
4. Junior High school – kichiklar yuqori maktabi
5. Senior High school – kattalar yuqori maktabi
6. teach - o‘qitmoq, dars bermoq
7. teacher - o‘qituvchi, muallim
8. selective – tanlab olingan.
9. theory - nazariya
10. pattern – namuna, model
11. fee – o’qish uchun to’lash
12. religion - din
13. tax - soliq
14. include – o’z ichiga olmoq
15. preschool - maktabgacha
16. infant school – bog’cha yoshidagi 5-7 yoshli bolalar maktabi
17.Junior school – boshlang’ich maktab
18. Public school –umumta’lim maktab
19. Secondary Comprehensive school – o’rta umumta’lim maktab
20. attend - qatnamoq
21. modern school – kasb-hunar maktabi
22. grammar school – o’rta klassik maktab
23. woodwork – yog’och ishi
24. class-room - sinfxona
25. tutorial - seminar
26. tutor – sinf rahbari (Brit.)
27. attach - biriktirmoq
28. boarding school – internat maktab
29. progressive – ilg’or, taraqqiyparvar
30. curriculum – o’quv rejasi
31. study guide – o‘quv qo‘llanmasi
32. study strategy – o‘rganish strategiyasi

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
📹 How to Use This Prepositions In English | At, On, In ☺️💯✅ #english

👤 #Grammar_Guru

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
🎞 Tense in English Grammar | Past, Now, and Future tense #shorts #vocabulary #grammar

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
#OfficialPreparation #Writing9

📺 🇬🇧 The Truth about IELTS Writing Scoring with Jay! | - E2 IELTS Writing!

P.s: Need to Score 8+ in IELTS Writing? WATCH THIS VIDEO! It may be really helpful for you! 🤗

🥳 Anyone else who took IELTS in 2021, add up yours and welcome to send us✅

↪ Want more⁉️ Just👇Stay tuned 🥳

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Do you chomp or slurp? 😁

#learnenglish #vocabulary #speaking

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⭐️ The most necessary Abbreviations - Eng kerakli qisqartmalar

⭐️ POV - Point of view - Nuqtai nazar

⭐️ G2g - Got to go - Borishim kerak

⭐️ Wyd - What (are) you doing? - nima qilyapsiz?

⭐️ Wdym - What do you mean? - Bu bilan nima demoqchisiz?

⭐️ Smh - Shake my head - Boshimni silkit

⭐️ Brb - Be right back - Darhol qayting

⭐️ DW - Don't worry - Xavotir olmang

⭐️ Ngl - Not gonna lie -  yolgʻon gapirmayman

⭐️ Lmk - Let me know - menga xabar bering

⭐️ Tysm - Thank you so much - sizga katta rahmat

⭐️ FAQ - Frequently asked questions - tez tez soʻraladigan

⭐️ FYI - For your information - Ma'lumotingiz uchun

⭐️ IRL - In real life - Haqiqiy hayotda

⭐️ FFM - Follow for more - Koʻproq ma'lumot uchun

© english_grammar_easy

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📘 Kiran Makkar's Speaking Cue Cards May Aug 2023 First & Final Version


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Advanced Everyday English @Amazing_Ielts.pdf
📘 Advanced Everyday English


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📌At - aniq vaqt ko'rsatilganda ishlatiladi
🔸at 2 oclock
🔸at 10:30.

📌At - yonida ma'nosida, o'rnini bildiradi:
🔸at the table
🔸at the office
🔸at home

📌In - kunning ma'lum bir qismini aytganimizda ishlatamiz
🔸in the morning
🔸in the day time
🔸in the afternoon
🔸in the evening

📌In - ichida ma'nosida ham ishlatiladi
🔸in the room
🔸in the pocket
🔸in the table

📌In - oy, fasl, yil haqida gapirilganda ishlatiladi
🔸in may
🔸in summer
🔸in 1960

📌On - ustida ma'nosini ham anglatadi
🔸on the roof
🔸on the table

📌On - hafta kunlari bilan ham qo'llaniladi
🔸on Sunday
🔸on the 8th of March
🔸on the first of September

📌with - bilan ma'nosida ishlatiladi
🔸with my friend

📌after - so'ng, keyin
🔸after the lessons

📌before - oldin, avval

📌Ko'p predloglar to'g'ridan-to'g'ri tarjima qilinmaydi. Ko'pincha fe'llar bilan qo'shilib, fe'lli birikmalarga aylanadi


🔸to look for - qidirmoq
🔸to look at - qaramoq
🔸to look through - qarab chiqmoq

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[@Amazing_Ielts] Writing for Advanced.pdf
📘 Writing for Advanced

SECTION: #Writing

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How Thinking Is Written- An Analytic Approach to Writing.pdf
✅ How Thinking is Written


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20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.