Let me introduce the team of Up2Mates:
Azizbek Zaripov - For those who don't know me, I'm majoring in Applied Maths, with good old 7.5 and 1520. Position: Creative contributor.
Abrorbek Nematov - a member of the winning team of President Tech award, securing $50k in investments. Currently diving into Machine Learning. Stats: 8.0 & 1540. Position: CTO
Bilol Bakhrillayev - Former competitive programmer, currently focused on mastering Machine Learning.Stats: 7.5 & 1540.
Position: Head of coding department.
Yakhyo Kadyrov - just a chill guy interested in politics and education.
Azizbek Zaripov - For those who don't know me, I'm majoring in Applied Maths, with good old 7.5 and 1520. Position: Creative contributor.
Abrorbek Nematov - a member of the winning team of President Tech award, securing $50k in investments. Currently diving into Machine Learning. Stats: 8.0 & 1540. Position: CTO
Bilol Bakhrillayev - Former competitive programmer, currently focused on mastering Machine Learning.Stats: 7.5 & 1540.
Position: Head of coding department.
Yakhyo Kadyrov - just a chill guy interested in politics and education.