🇺🇸 Syringe
🇺🇿 Shpris
1. The doctor filled the syringe with medicine before giving the injection.
Shifokor ukol qilishdan oldin shpritsni dori bilan to‘ldirdi.
2. He used a syringe to give the baby a dose of liquid medicine.
U shprits yordamida chaqaloqqa suyuq dorini berdi.
3. The nurse carefully disposed of the used syringe in a special container.
Hamshira ishlatilgan shpritsni ehtiyotkorlik bilan maxsus idishga tashladi.
4. Syringes should always be sterile to prevent infections.
Infeksiyalarning oldini olish uchun shpritslar har doim steril bo‘lishi kerak.
5. He accidentally pricked his finger with a syringe needle.
U tasodifan barmoğini shprits ignasi bilan teshdi.
🇺🇸 Syringe
🇺🇿 Shpris
1. The doctor filled the syringe with medicine before giving the injection.
Shifokor ukol qilishdan oldin shpritsni dori bilan to‘ldirdi.
2. He used a syringe to give the baby a dose of liquid medicine.
U shprits yordamida chaqaloqqa suyuq dorini berdi.
3. The nurse carefully disposed of the used syringe in a special container.
Hamshira ishlatilgan shpritsni ehtiyotkorlik bilan maxsus idishga tashladi.
4. Syringes should always be sterile to prevent infections.
Infeksiyalarning oldini olish uchun shpritslar har doim steril bo‘lishi kerak.
5. He accidentally pricked his finger with a syringe needle.
U tasodifan barmoğini shprits ignasi bilan teshdi.