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O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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KEEB - IELTS | W8.0 dan repost
This post is written for those who love writing and strive for W7.0-7.5 ✍🏼

We are setting up a new writing program here at PIRAMID IELTS CENTER

If you meet these requirements, feel free to reach us out to bolster your writing score:

❗️ - Good grammatical knowledge
❗️ - W6.0-6.5

Duration: 1.5 months

What can you expect from us? 🤔

- a qualified writing tutor
- free essay checking service
- 24/7 online support

This program will provide you with both T1 & T2, improving your writing score in every way possible.

Teacher: Kamronbek Istamov with a band 8.0 in the Writing section.

Fee: 600.000 soums (one-time payment / for 1.5 months)

Please note: If you happen to achieve W7.0-7.5 after our program, the half of your payment will be refunded by PIRAMID IELTS CENTER ! 🔥

Contact: @royce_vvv / 994524477

PIRAMID | Teacher Ozod dan repost
📢 Exciting News! MARCH STARTER GROUPS !!!
Join Our New Starter English Group at PIRAMID IELTS CENTER!

📚 Classes Begin: Early March 2025
👩‍🏫 For Beginners Looking to Improve Their English Skills!

✨ What You’ll Get:
✅ Fun and interactive lessons
✅ Professional and supportive teachers
✅ Practical speaking and listening practice
✅ A friendly learning environment

📅 Registration is now open!
📩 Reserve your spot today!

📢 Ajoyib Yangilik! MARCH STARTER GROUPS !!!
PIRAMID IELTS CENTER'da yangi boshlang‘ich Ingliz tili guruhiga qo‘shiling!

📚 Darslar boshlanish sanasi: 2025-yil, Mart oyining boshida
👩‍🏫 Ingliz tilini o‘rganishni endi boshlayotganlar uchun

Nimalarga ega bo‘lasiz?
✅ Qiziqarli va interaktiv darslar
✅ Tajribali va yuqori malakali o‘qituvchilar
✅ Amaliy gaplashish va tinglash mashg‘ulotlari
✅ Do‘stona va qulay ta'lim muhiti

📅 Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish allaqachon boshlangan!
📩 Joyingizni hozirdan band qiling!

Oxford Center | Stay Home dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish


📅 Date: 23 February
🕙 Time: 10:00
💰Fee: 50.000

📍Location; Oxford IELTS Center , Gorgaz Astanofka
👩🏻‍🏫 Mock Testimiz 8.0-8.5 ga ega bo’lgan Instructorlar/Expertlar tomonidan olib boriladi!

⬇️Mock testimizga qatnashish to’lov qilish uchun @thekhudoyorergashev ga yozing! To’lov qilganigizdan keyingina candidate number ga ega bo’lasiz!

Btw, he is the only guy who scored an 8.0 in writing in our town (Gijduvan). That has never happened before so far.😁

Hey fellas!!!👋👋👋 Hope you are alive and kicking.😁

The last post for today... I am going to write smth about IELTS and CEFR students.😁

While students studying IELTS are getting smarter and wiser day by day, students in CEFR are becoming dumber and fooler.

If u know the reasons behind this case, mentioned them in comments section below.

Need any comments???😉

Let's go then...

Kamron is one of our previous students and current dedicated staff members in Piramid who has recently pulled off a band 8.0. Despite getting an 8.0, he decided to resit the exam and achieve a band 8.5, with writing a band 8.0. As you can see, one of his goals has been fulfilled. Getting an 8.0, especially in writing section is no walk in the park. He is just 0.5 shy of getting an 8.5 and he will upgrade his score in no time.

Stay tuned!!!😎

KEEB - IELTS | W8.0 dan repost
Alhamdulillah ! ⚡️

Task 2
It is important to have a single language as the international official language. Do you agree or disagree?

There is a view of having only one dominant language as the global official language. While I accept the advantages of this proposal, I disagree with it for some reasons as will now be explained.

On the one hand, it will be better to some extent if we have solely one international language to communicate. This is because it assists in preventing language barriers when people tend to travel to other foreign countries, allowing them to communicate with each other effortlessly and thus relying on the help of translators can be minimized. Another compelling reason as to why I am in favor of having exclusively single language has to do with cutting costs and saving time. To be more precise, both money and time spent on publishing textbooks or journals can be saved up if there is only one worldwide language. Valuable resources, therefore, can be better allocated to other vital sectors of society such as healthcare, education and transport infrastructure.

The above arguments notwithstanding, there are a couple of reasons why I am still opposed to having a sole language as the international one. The primary rationale for this is that it results in the extinction of other languages, let alone their cultures and traditions. Losing these important features means the whole nation might fade away with them, since they are regarded as an integral part of a country. The disappearance of other occupations is another essential factor to consider. That is, if people solely use a universally spoken language, certain professions like tutoring as well as translating may vanish given easy communication in one language.

To sum up, even though I admit the use and significance of single language as a universal one, I am against this idea owing to the disappearance of nations and particular jobs

An untimed attempt
299 words


Bunaqasi hali IELTS olamida bo’lmagan!

Kutib oling 12 kunlik bepul ‘’RUSH’’ Reading Marathon by Mr.Jonibek IELTS Instructor with a band 8.5 (W:8.0, R:9.0)

⚡️ Marathon Details:
1) 12 ta yangi haqiqiy real exam passage lar
2) 12 ta video darslik Mr.Taxirov tomonidan
3) 12 ta artiklar

🗓Start Date: 8 February

📈12 kun davomida siz hali yechmagan, hech qaysi marafonda ishlatilinmagan , IELTS imtihonida tushgan va tushushi mumkun bo’lgan passagelarga ega bo’lasiz!



Task 2

Many cities are now turning their park and farmland into new housing developments. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

Owing to a massive exodus of rural people to large cities, many mega cities are converting their parks as well as farmlands into new housing estates in order to prevent homelessness. Positive as it may seem, I personally believe that it is a change for the worse.

On a positive note, the construction of new residential areas in lieu of parks along with farmlands yields better results. One of them has to do with dealing with homeless people. Since many villagers tend to migrate to urban areas in search of a better lifestyle, they are prone to facing a number of problems, especially homelessness. Thus, the erection of new homes can be the best remedy to sort out this issue.

On the other hand, building such developments can pose some threats to an urban population. This is because constructing new houses is sure to result in both air and noise pollution which is a growing concern of city dwellers these days, not to mention problems caused by cars. Urban life, as a result, can be damaged severely, prompting many residents to move to suburbs or small towns.

While acknowledging the benefits and drawbacks of building new houses at the expense of parks and farmlands, the negatives this trend brings about should also be taken into consideration. As parks are regarded as an entertainment place both for children and adults, they should be maintained, since it can be an optimal entertaining spot where both demographics can go and spend some quality time. As far as farmlands are concerned, they are an indispensable part of both urban and rural population. The rationale for this is all people heavily depend on dairy products, certain crops as well as fruits and vegetables, all of which are products of farmlands. Were it not for farmlands, the humanity would experience famine – a pressing issue.

To conclude, even though erecting new housing developments instead of parks and farmlands may sound positive, I am still of the view that it is an undesirable turn of events due to the reasons mentioned above.


PIRAMID | Teacher Ozod dan repost



Attempt: 2nd
Cefr Level: B2

Prep time with us: FOUNDATION

⚡️Credits go to their previous teachers as well. We are thrilled to be part of your journey.


PIRAMID | Teacher Ozod dan repost



Cefr Level: B2

Prep time with us: FOUNDATION

⚡️Credits go to their previous teachers as well. We are thrilled to be part of your journey.


PIRAMID | Teacher Ozod dan repost



Cefr Level: C1

Prep time with us: FOUNDATION

⚡️Credits go to their previous teachers as well. We are thrilled to be part of your journey.


PIRAMID | Teacher Ozod dan repost



Cefr Level: B2

Prep time with us: FOUNDATION

⚡️Credits go to their previous teachers as well. We are thrilled to be part of your journey.


PIRAMID | Teacher Ozod dan repost



Cefr Level: B2

Prep time with us: FOUNDATION

⚡️Credits go to their previous teachers as well. We are thrilled to be part of your journey.


PIRAMID | Teacher Ozod dan repost



Cefr Level: B2

Prep time with us: FOUNDATION

⚡️Credits go to their previous teachers as well. We are thrilled to be part of your journey.


Dilshodbek Ravshanov (9.0) dan repost

1. Most CD tests are conducted on the Inspera app (which is quite convenient), and you will navigate through it on your own once the invigilator gives you basic instructions✅

2. You can change the color of the interface and regulate the size of the font ✅

3. A video will be played for you before you start every section ✅

4. The keyboard may be different from the one you are used to, so make sure you notice the differences and adjust appropriately ✅

5. In the listening part, there are only 2 minutes to double-check your answers (after Section 4) because most of the answers will be typed in directly. I say most of the answers because they will give you a piece of paper and a pencil to make notes if necessary. Usually, questions related to people’s names and phone numbers are written on paper first (to avoid confusion with the backspace) ✅

6. "No more than two/three words" is very typical now, so don’t be surprised if you see it on your test. Certain questions may confuse you because of this rule, but you have to use your critical thinking. Let me give you an example: if the speaker mentions "colored stones" and you write just "stones," it is a mistake, since the word "colored" changes the meaning ✅

7. In the reading part of a CD test, some Passage 2s are easier than Passage 1s, so make sure you check what kind of questions are given and then decide which passage you want to start with ✅

8. CTRL+C & CTRL+V work on the reading test, so it is IMPOSSIBLE for you to make spelling mistakes ✅

9. The answers that you’ve already dealt with will be labeled green (or black/grey) at the bottom of the screen, which helps you see how many questions are left to solve ✅

10. When there are 10 minutes left, the timer will flash as a reminder. CD test invigilators will not tell you things like, "You have 10 minutes left." It is only you and the computer ✅

11. During the writing test, you decide what you want to do first, and editing is incredibly easy. For example, you can start with the main body and write the introduction later (if you want to). There is a word count, so you will know how many words you’ve written, but the system does not autocorrect anything. You are responsible for spelling and punctuation, so double-check them when you have time at the end ✅

12. Maps are very common on CD tests—I had two this year—so make sure you prepare for that responsibly. ✅

13. Test takers in the same room can be given totally different listening, reading, and writing tasks. Don’t be surprised about that either ✅

14. And yes, some test takers (like myself) are very noisy when typing, so please use your headphones during the writing part as well ✅

#CDadvice ❤️‍🔥

@ieltsaidbydilshodbek 🔥

Just a friendly reminder

A seasoned businessman with millions never laughs at a novice entrepreneur who is barely making $200 a month,

A black-belt karate master never laughs at a white belt amateur, who cannot manage a basic kick

An IELTS band 9.0 holder never laughs at a beginner who cannot put together a sentence in English!

The only people that laugh at you when you are trying to achieve something are miserable failures. What they say doesn't matter!

So, ignore all the noise around you and keep working for your dreams!😇😎

The line chart provides data on the proportion of jobless people and the number of people leaving the country of Ireland over a period of 20 years, starting from 1988.

Overall, throughout the period studied in question, both the rate of the unemployed and the number of emigrants decreased, albeit at varying degrees. Another key point is the fact that while the percentage of unemployment was higher at the beginning, the quantity of people leaving the country surpassed than that of jobless people's rate in the final year.

Looking at the proportion of unemployed individuals first, initially, there were around 17% of people without work, thereafter which the figure fell significantly to just under 5% in 2000. Before increasing to 10% in the end, the ratio of jobless people remained stable at 5%.

As for the number of emigrants, it started the period with roughly 40,000, and reached a chart high of 70,000 in 1990. Having declined to approximately 35,000, the figure fluctuated further and ended the period with just over 40,000.

172 words
An untimed attempt

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.