The Devil at Play
Past a certain threshold, your achievements won't bring you more friends; rather, they instill a sense of jealousy, therefore capping, or cutting, the number of existing companions.
This established, yet unfortunate, truth reveals an intriguing aspect of the foundamental human nature, which has been shaped through millennial experience: the other outperforming you might mean your power dislocation.
Since competition, in different senses, have been ingrained in our communal lifestyle, we can't develop genuine friendships with powerful entities: instead, we tend to perceive them as a potential rival or threat.
This personality fabric is considered a fundamental material in character construction; thus, its removal mandates an effortful, conscious series of actions. Even then, we can only manage to suppress this trait but not eradicate it.
Past a certain threshold, your achievements won't bring you more friends; rather, they instill a sense of jealousy, therefore capping, or cutting, the number of existing companions.
This established, yet unfortunate, truth reveals an intriguing aspect of the foundamental human nature, which has been shaped through millennial experience: the other outperforming you might mean your power dislocation.
Since competition, in different senses, have been ingrained in our communal lifestyle, we can't develop genuine friendships with powerful entities: instead, we tend to perceive them as a potential rival or threat.
This personality fabric is considered a fundamental material in character construction; thus, its removal mandates an effortful, conscious series of actions. Even then, we can only manage to suppress this trait but not eradicate it.