
Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Toifa: Bloglar

Wake up, Neo...
The Matrix has you...
Follow the white rabbit.
Knock , Knock, Neo.

my techie things here also:

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O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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I think I found my home. Debian ...

Is Chat GPT working ok for you? Now it seems very strange ,coz gives more generic answers rather than specific and I'm not satisfied. Yes , depends on the prompt too , but it was not like this before...

(same for me 👍 / 👎 not same)

What do you think, does sublime have the same fate as winrar?

Josh*Developer dan repost
Kimgadir qilayotgan yaxshiligini videoga olib, yaxshilik qilinayotgan odamga zulm qilayotganlar ko’payib qoldi a?

Bir nochor onaxonni yashirin videoga olib, unga pul beryapti va yig’laganlarini videoga olib tarqatyapti…
Onaxonni o’zi yoki farzandlari buni ko’rsa nima der ekan?
Kimga yoqadi bu holat?
Ruhsat so’radimikan?

Ibrat bo’lsin uchun olgandir deysizmi?
Ibrat bo’lsin uchun qilishga qarshiligim yo’q, lekin haligi nochor insonni nafsoniyati bordir, farzandlari bordir. Nochor holida yashirin videoga olib, yig’latib, oxirida “videoga olgandik, rozi bo’ling” deyishsa, katta ehtimol bilan “Mayli” deydi. Lekin ichida bunga rozi bo’lolmaydi. Hech bo’lmasa yuzini berkitish kerak.



Announced some updates, I like it. But no need a lot of package and tools (i think). Also good place for start and learning.
If you are searching for faster speed, minimalism then use basic Linux and install things needed.Important 2-3 applications can get 90% of the job done

A’zamxo‘jayev / Аъзамхўжаев dan repost
Энг муҳими шу. Шуни унутманглар.

Man, I'm studying in a nerd mode 🌚.
I still don't understand why my eyes start hurting immediately if I read documentation.
But nothing happens if I play games all day long

IT names are getting scary 😶‍🌫️ DevOps => DevSecOps => DevTestSecOps

I immediately feel the scam.
it's also experience too , I can give a masterclass if you want

Overall, quite a lot things to write and realized learning how to get the job done takes some time. Find a clear path for yourself and do something new every day.
Here I found amazing quote too: "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, its about learning how to dance in the rain". Then,don't wait storms to pass and learn how to enjoy lifelong learning process.
When you stop growing , later you may eaten by this IT world 😸

Feeling a little bit overwhelmed by size of things should be learned. Better thing is go back to basics first before diving into something , lmao...
You can do a lot of fancy scooby-doo hacking things all day long. But when things got so basic everybody sucks.
- You might be a lucky skidie who is bypassing logins with random SQLi payloads but don't understand how DB queries work
- You might know stealing data (exfiltrate) from different networks easily, but don't know how basic subnets work
- You might know how to crack WPA passwords , but don't know how router works
- You might taking over subdomains of application, but don't understand how DNS records are made
- You might be popping a shell with random scanners , CVEs but dont know how to code simple exploits
Fundamentals kinda looks like root of tree. Other skills will be built on top of them.

if i wanted to see trash content , i watch it from incognito mode . They should not affect my youtube algorithm

recaptcha and hcaptchas becoming insane.
Sometimes even impossible to solve. Am I losing my humanity


129609 ta yoshlar

Xushnudbek.uz dan repost
Joriy yilgi maktab bitiruvchilarining 36 foizi 56,7 balldan kam to‘plagan

Maktab taʼlimi eng yaxshi hududlar: Buxoro, Navoiy hamda Toshkent shahri.

🔴 Maktab taʼlimi eng yomon hududlar: Andijon, Toshkent viloyati hamda Surxondaryo.

mandat.uzbmb.uz saytidagi ochiq maʼlumotlarga ko‘ra, joriy yilda jami abituriyentlarning salkam yarmi (49,4%) o‘tish balining eng quyi chegarasi bo‘lgan 56,7 balni ham to‘play olmaganini xabar qilgandim.

Maʼlum bo‘ldiki, 56,7 balldan kam to‘plagan abituriyentlarning 70,5 foizi avvalgi yillarda o‘qishni tugatganlar, 29,5 foizi joriy yilgi bitiruvchilar bo‘lgan.

Joriy yilda maktablarni tugatgan 359 ming 790 nafar yoshlar testga kirgan. Shularning 36 foizi (129 ming 609) 56,7 balldan kam to‘plashgan.

2023-yilda eng yomon ko‘rsatkich, Andijon viloyatida (41,9%), eng yaxshi ko‘rsatkich esa Buxoro viloyatida (27,1%) qayd etilgan (yuqoridagi jadvalga qarang).

Yaʼni Buxoroda joriy yili maktabni tugatgan o‘quvchilarning 72,9 foizi 56,7 balldan ko‘proq natija ko‘rsatgan.

O‘zi umuman joriy yilgi maktab bitiruvchilarining o‘rtacha bali 76,1 balni tashkil qilmoqda.

Ushbu natijalar hududlar kesimida taʼlim sifati qayerda yaxshiligini ham ko‘rsatadi.


56,7 ball — bu to‘plash mumkin bo‘lgan eng yuqori 189 balning 30%i degani. Yaʼni abituriyent hech bo‘lmasa 30% bilimga ega bo‘lsa, ushbu ko‘rsatkichni to‘play oladi. 30% bilim esa reyting tizimidan qiyos olsak, hatto 2 baho ham emas! 1 baho desak to‘g‘ri bo‘lar balki.

👉 @xushnudbek 👈

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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