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Alahsiragandek yozibman, shunchaki uygondim deyish qiyin bugun)

Xayrli tong, xalqim!
Gohida shunday suhbatdoshing bo'ladi, vaqt roketaga minib uchadi. Umuman o'tmasligini istasangda kechikasan, sen uzoqlashishini istagan vaqting yaqinlashaveradi, sen majbursan)

Once when i was figuring out my main topic for essays and some extracurriculars, Saidamir told me that it has some unique and special reasons why i am continuously doing it again and again. And i answered that the biggest reason is capturing lets me live my life wholly — in the past, present and even in my future.

Once my teacher asked how i was learning capturing and editing, the answer was simple, i enjoyed it, i had put some "ixlos" to my work, maybe for this, it is working a bit nicer)

These are one of the reasons why i love shooting and videomaking)

Ibrohimjon's blog dan repost
Maqsad san’atni yaratish va ijodkor bo’lish emas …

Ibrohimjon's blog dan repost
One of the reasons why art people do art (music, poem, novel, sculpture, painting, film, fiction, essay) is they want to create the world they wish they had in real life. Creativity, talent, and imagination allow them to put stones in their favorite order.

It is not an attempt to escape from reality nor to build perfect universe. In fact, it should not be perfect or unrealistic. It is for fulfilling the need inside us to create something powerful that has not been discovered yet in the world.

To me, when I write something, it feels like witnessing life from another viewpoint. Creating the scenario to experience the new becoming, not to win and not to get something. Just for the sake of exploration and enjoyment.


Shu bugun deb turay hay garchi yangi kun kirganiga 47 minut bulgan bulsa ham, pc da storageni tozalashim kerak edi va nihoyat qila oldim.

It was hard to declutter the mess. Clutter made me sick, i couldnot stand more than this. So decluttering was the only way to escape from the stress)

2 martami 3martami Tog'amning o'g'lini boshini yorib qo'yganimni va abetda bir nechi marta uxlamasdan o'ynagani qochib ketib, keyin jazo sifatida yong'oq tozalaganimni va o'zimga o'sha beg'ubor va begunoh tog'amning o'g'lini hserik qilvolganimni hisobga olmasa yaxshi bacha bo'lganman)

my first achievements degan file topdim) va shular bor ekan)

Vaay manuni eshiting ☺️

Og'zingizni yumib turing degan gapi..

Va futbolkada quyonchaning rasmi 🗿

Gapirishim 😶‍🌫 ujaasss

Mani naq 2 yil oldin olgan video darsimni topvaldim.

Pryam cringe 🗿

Endi magazindan Rolton olib kelganimda qo'shnimiz Osh uzatvordida, nima qilay, roltonni yeyaveraya?

113 0 0 11 15

Yuqoridan topshiriq kelgan CapCut pro sotvolish haqida)

Mukoshafatul qulub haqida nima deysiz?
Yoki Yashamoq?


Qo'limda o'zim o'qiyman deb olgan kitob, shuni tugatishim bilan oradagi bir jarimani to'laymiz.

Yana ozgina yozsam 10dan ortiq xato qilarkanmandaa. Bir gapda 2ta xato. 🗿

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.