September girl🐾

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Toifa: Bloglar

On a mental vacation)
Doing my best hoping for the God to do the rest✨

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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У тебя новый анонимный вопрос:

What is ur biggest mistake ever

I made too many mistakes that i struggle to choose one but not dreaming big I'd say.

У тебя новый анонимный вопрос:

Have u ever heard about Newuu , aren’t u planning to apply there

Their SAT requirement is beyond my horizon

У тебя новый анонимный вопрос:

What is ur dream job

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Soo, let's go.

I am writing the daily plan that I had probably 1,5months before my main exam. That month was truly painful but definitely worth it.

So what I did and when I did.

Reading book(30-40pages) --7a.m-8a.m.

1 Listening practice +analyze--8 a.m-9a.m(anlyzing didn't take too much time since already at that time my listening was 8,5-9.)

Write Task 2--9a.m-10a.m
Write Task 1 --10a.m-11a.m


Reading practice(Thematic Reading) --2p.m-3p.m
From 3-4.30p.m(I usually had Writing lesson from Dilshodbek Ravshanov(@ieltsaidbydilshodbek)


Speaking lesson(8p.m-9, 30p.m) --( by @khusan57)
Speaking mock and practice--(9, 30p.m-11p.m

That's it guys, note that sometimes not everyday was the same, this plan helped me to get 7,5 at least for me hope you get your desired score. :)

1inchi IELTS topshirganimda ham plan deyarli shunday bir xil bo'lgan

Xop,official olib qaraydigan bo'lsak 2 oy ,lekin o'zimga qolganda 2 oy demasdim chunki orada deyarli 1 yil farq bor va men o'rtada SAT ga tayyorlandim,dars o'ttim va ingliz tilidan deyarli tanaffus olmadim matematika o'qib yurgan bo'lsam ham.

2 oyda daily planim quyidagicha edi:

2 ta artikl
1 ta Reading Cambridge full
1 ta script( 2-3 varoq)
1 ta Listening cambridge full
1 ta Task 2 ba'zida Task 1
Speaking 2-3 ta full mock topshirish
Movie(FRIENDS 2-3 Episodes)

Спросить анонимно dan repost
У тебя новый анонимный вопрос:

Ielstga 7,5 dan 8 gacha qancha oy ketti , routine zni aytib berolaszmi pls , i will def try it

Am I actually inspired or do I feel the constant pressure to be inspired? 👀

I lied I've been following her for 2 years)As someone who tried Korean,Japanese,German, and Arabic , I can say that language learning is all about immersion. Nothing moree

Am I even existing?

I found my polyglot icon💅🏻

I have this smart people around mee,guuys. Congraaats maa guurl💅🏻

@itsseptembergirl advertise qisayiz bo'ladi)

Faqat 80 ta bo'lishimiz kerak, i mashi(shu desam o'lib qolaman) 20 ta reaction yeg'ishi kerak)

AYRTISim bor😂, Cambridge bor, eng muximi Yakshanba bor

Yakshanba bitta passage live yechib tahlil qilamizmi?IELTSchilaar?

But, darling, what if you fly?

I are go home)

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.