General English Grammar

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Toifa: Ta’lim

Har kuni ingliz tili grammatikasi, videolar, lug'atlar, quiz testlar va shuningdek, speaking namunalar kanalimizga joylab boriladi.
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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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🇬🇧 𝗛𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗯𝗼𝗱𝘆

🇺🇿 Vaqtini uyda o'tqazishni yoqtiradigan odam

Ex: He's a homebody who hates parties.

I'm a homebody, so I knew traveling would be tough.


Masalan sanaladigan birlikdagi otlar :

Egg - tuxum
Chair - stul
Apple - olma
Pen - ruchka
Book - kitob

Sanalmaydigan otlar:

Sugar - shakar
Money - pul
Coffee - kofe
Water - suv
Bread - non


Ingliz tilida How much / How many so'roq so'zlari mavjud bolib, ular so'roq gaplarni ifodalashda ishlatiladi va har doim gapni boshida qo`llaniladi.

How much – qancha, necha deb tarjima qilinib faqat sanalmaydigan otlar bilan ishlatiladi.

1.How much money do you earn per day? – bir kunda necha pul ishlab topasan?
2.How much bread is there? – u yerda qancha non bor?

How much water does she drink each day? – U bir kunda qancha suv ichadi?

How many – qancha, nechta deb tarjima qilinib faqat sanaladigon otlar oldidan ishlatiladi.

1.How many apples do you have? – Senda nechta olmalar bor?
2.How many girls dou you know about? – Sen nechta qiz xaqida bilasan?
3.How many bananas are there? – U yerda qancha banan bor?


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Your first day as a professor !

Doctorlar ham mandan chiroyliroq yozishsa kerak deb o'ylab qoldim

Muammo - problem, issue, concern;

Sabab - reason, cause

Oqibatlari - effect, consequence, result, outcome

Yechim - deal with, solve, tackle, adress, sort out, take measure, mitigate, remedy, alleviate, prevent, do about, resolve


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Compound Nouns

🟣break in

✍to enter a place illegally and with the use of force

⭕️For example:

"The burglar broke in our neighbor's house last night."

one (= a …). one birlikdagi sanaladigan otni gapda takrorlamaslik uchun ishlatiladi.

I need a pen. Do you have one? (one = a pen)
Menga ruchka kerak. Sizda birorta bormi? (birorta = ruchka)
A: Is there a bank near here?
B: Yes, there’s one at the end of this street. (one = a bank)
A: Shu yer yaqinida bank bormi?
B: Ha, bu ko’chaning oxirida bitta bor. (bitta = bank)

Ones – ko’plikdagi sanaladigan otni gapda takrorlamaslik uchun ishlatiladi.

Which flowers do you want? These or those? or These ones or those ones?

Sizga qaysi gullarni hohlaysiz? Bularimi yoki narigilarimi?

V O C A B U L A R Y 📝📝

✅ Moreover – bundan tashqari

✅ Furthermore – bundan tashqari

✅ As if/As though - Xuddi

✅ On condition (that) – …sharti bilan

✅ As…as - …-dek

✅ Than - …-dan ko’ra

✅ As a result of - …-ning natijasida

✅ Once - …-gach, bilanoq

✅ as much as – qo’shimchasiga, bundan tashqari

✅ On the contrary – shunga zid

Respect people who find time for you in their busy schedule. But love people who never look at their schedule when you need them
Good morning 🌅

📈Writingda keng tarqalgan so'zlar va ularga Advanced sinonimlar:

1. Advantage:
- Advanced synonyms: Benefit, asset, boon, advantage, edge, privilege.

2. Disadvantage:
- Advanced synonyms: Drawback, downside, limitation, handicap, detriment.

3. Problem:
- Advanced synonyms: Issue, challenge, dilemma, obstacle, predicament.

4. Solution:
- Advanced synonyms: Resolution, remedy, fix, answer, antidote, panacea.

5. Impact:
- Advanced synonyms: Influence, effect, consequence, repercussion, outcome.

6. Cause:
- Advanced synonyms: Reason, factor, catalyst, root, stimulus, trigger.

7. Effect:
- Advanced synonyms: Result, outcome, consequence, repercussion, aftermath.

8. Important:
- Advanced synonyms: Crucial, significant, vital, paramount, essential.

9. Different:
- Advanced synonyms: Diverse, varied, distinct, disparate, heterogeneous.

10. Similar:
- Advanced synonyms: Alike, comparable, analogous, akin, homogeneous.

Most Useful synonyms for  reading ✅

🗨️Amazing - Incredible
🗨️Anger - Enrage
🗨️Angry - Wrathful
🗨️Answer - Reply
🗨️Ask - Question
🗨️Awful - Dreadful
🗨️Bad - Depraved
🗨️Beautiful - Gorgeous
🗨️Begin - Start
🗨️Big - Enormous
🗨️Brave - Courageous
🗨️Break - Fracture
🗨️Bright - Sparkling
🗨️Calm - Quiet
🗨️Come - Approach
🗨️Cool - Chilly
🗨️Crooked - Bent
🗨️Cry - Weep
🗨️Cut - Slice
🗨️Dangerous - Perilous



Who's = who is
who is is it ? ❌
Whose is it ? ✅

I am not knowing - men uni bilyabman ❌

I doesn't ❌
he, she, it doesn't ✅
I, you, we, they don't ✅


......... is it ?
  •   Who's
  •   Whose
10 ta ovoz

He didn't work .......
  •   Enough hard
  •   Hard enough
10 ta ovoz

I ....... her
  •   Am not knowing
  •   Don't know
  •   Doesn't knkw
11 ta ovoz

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.