1. Aspire to V1 - kuchli hohlamoq
I aspire to get ielts 8+
2. Do smth in hopes of smth - òsha narsani umid qilib
S+V in hopes that S+V
I bought this course in hopes that I would improve general English
3. Sensation - very great surprise
4. Overnight- immediately
5. Hefty - kattagina, mòmaygina
6. Enroll - to put yourself
Enroll on a course
7. Pursue- uzoq vaqt mobaynida nimadur qilish or davom ettirish
I want to Pursue my education at Westminster
8. The middle child - òrtacha farzand
9. Gifted program- a program of study designed for exceptionally intelligent students
Gifted = talented
10. Become fast friends- yaxshi dòst bòlib ketish
11. Plausible- likely to be true
12. Birth of smth - the start of smth
13. Smth oriented- o'shanga asoslangan
User oriented- userga qaratilgan
14. Prioritize- smth ni 1chi òringa qòyish
15. Viral - trend bòlib ketishi
16. Grow at an exponential rate - juda katta òsish
17. Perfect storm - situation in which a number of events occur to produce a dramatic result
18. More to the point- aniqroq aytadigan bòlsam
19. To be out to do smth - òsha maqsadda nimadur qilish
20. Overloading- tòldirib tashlash
21. Lose sight of- to stop considering smth; to forget amth
I never lost sight of the aim of the course
22. Original aim - asl maqsad
23. Outlive criticism- tanqiddan koproq yashash
24. Die down - òlib ketadigan
25. Buyout- group gains control of a company by buying all - sotib olish
26. Booming - gullamoq, rivojlanish