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Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Postlar filtri

Odamlar nega shunaqa aaa?

O'zlari xato qilib, seni ayblaydi)

No way, Is the father of algebra persian?

4.1k 0 15 153 173

99 days left until 2025)

— What are you most grateful for?

5.1k 0 47 113 211

The Most Dangerous Countries to Visit⚠️

Take countries like Afghanistan, Yemen, and Somalia. These nations, often romanticized in travel memoirs or adventure documentaries, are riddled with risks that range from civil wars to terrorist activities.


5.8k 0 154 21 62


7k 0 90 73 491

har bir o'zbek bolasi ko'rishi shart bo'lgan kino bu — "Otamdan qolgan dalalar"

tvdagi lashsha seriallardan va krinj ko'rsatuvlardan vaqt ortsa ko'rarsiz)

7k 0 20 52 210

Stop Making Excuses When Things Go Wrong🙅😒

Every time you blame an external factor for your failure, you are actively choosing not to learn from the experience. This choice creates a pattern, and over time, that pattern becomes your default setting. Suddenly, you’ve built a life based on blaming external circumstances, and you’ve cultivated a mindset of powerlessness.


7.8k 1 200 17 61


8.6k 0 121 74 596

iltimos, musurmon so'zini ishlatmang)

7.9k 0 1 45 150

The Rise of Online Product Reviews: A Positive or Negative Development?🗓✏️

Online reviews have also enhanced accountability for businesses. In the past, companies could more easily dismiss individual complaints or concerns. Today, however, a single negative review can snowball into a public relations crisis if left unaddressed, especially on platforms where reviews are highly visible and shared across social media.


8.8k 0 171 8 62


8.9k 0 98 48 742

Why Men Cry Less😭

Perhaps the most influential factor in why men cry less lies in the sociocultural expectations that dictate how men and women are supposed to behave. From a young age, boys are taught to suppress their emotions, particularly sadness and fear, as these are seen as signs of weakness.


10.4k 0 291 16 90

Bro so'zi uzbekcha brodar so'zidan olingan ekan)

10.1k 0 34 64 371


11.7k 0 17 25 264

Talking about finances is becoming popular. Why Money Talk Is on the Rise and Its Implications?💰💸

Social media platforms have played a crucial role in amplifying the trend of openly discussing finances. Influencers, bloggers, and financial advisors use these platforms to discuss a wide array of topics, from salary transparency to debt management.


women in uzb)💔

11.1k 0 88 83 830

Why Are Fewer Students Pursuing Science, and What Are the Reasons Behind It?🔍

Many students believe that careers in business, law, or media offer quicker paths to high- paying jobs and fame compared to scientific careers, which are often perceived as requiring long years of study and research with uncertain returns.


— share yours⬇️

11.6k 0 29 532 199
20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.