Sardorbek Abdulabbozov | Blog

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Toifa: Bloglar

• Middle Flutter Developer & Team Lead @ KPI Software Ltd
• IUT | Class of 2024
- Website:
- Channel: @cs_in_uzbek

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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Top 3 Tech Blogs You Should Follow (My Personal Picks):

1) Azimjon Pulatov: @lazyprogrammer @fikrlog
2) Mukhammadyusuf (aslo Yusuf) Abdurakhimov: @TenxStartuper
3) Rustam Zokirov @cracking_maang

P.S: This is just my personal list - Uzbek engineers are creating many other exceptional tech blogs worth checking out

📱 @abdulabbozov_s


10xStartuper 🗽 dan repost
Realize it now, you will never be this young again.


Janob Panda dan repost
Ruhiyatingizni ko’taradigan gap aytaymi?

Siz Allohdan so’rab, sababini zo’r qila turib, niyatingizga yetolmay qolishingizdan ko’ra, koinotning vayron bo’lib ketishi Alloh uchun yengilroq narsa …

Instagramdan topib oldim )


Shunaqa gaplar do'stlar... Hali ko'p ishlash kerak

As for now, my progress:

1) I've read 300/510 pages of the book: daily ~15 pages (this is the longest streak since long time);
2) Small steps helping me to be consistent;
3) I've set limit to the distracting apps (for example, Instagram - daily screen time was reduced from ~2,5 hours to ~40 minutes)
4) My inner peace and self-confidence is increasing again day by day


BUT, THANKFULLY, I’ve started to follow new methods to break this state since December. Although these methods are well-known, I have never followed them before. They are:

1) Reading books based on current emotional state;
2) Taking small steps with consistency rather than big ones with less frequency;
3) Reducing time spent on useless things, like Social Media, Computer games etc;
4) Using the resources available and avoid making excuses for what you lack.

2024 was the one of the worst years for me from emotional/spiritual aspect. To be more precise:

1) I lost my inner peace;
2) My lazyness reached the highest point because I was in my comfort zone;
3) I lost consistency in everything;
4) Wasted so much time for useless stuff even if I was aware of it;
5) Even missed more salahs than previous years;

In conclusion, 2024 was year of decline for me, personally, with few expection cases.

Assalomu Alaykum my friends, I’m seeing improvement in my life day by day, Alhamdulillah!

In next few posts, I will share my experience in case you find them beneficial.

May Allah helps us to do the right things consistently!

10xStartuper 🗽 dan repost
Imposter syndrome is not a syndrome it was formerly called imposter phenomenon.

So it’s simply a cognitive bias—a “systematic error in the way individuals reason about the world due to subjective perception of reality.”

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

I literally loved this feature in new taxi app - 1Way

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Pain that sometimes I face during my taxi rides 🤦‍♂️

Azimjon's Fikrlog dan repost
Toshkentga kelganimda odatda faqat metroda yuraman, onda-sonda taksiga chiqaman.

Kuni kecha taksida
Notanish haydovchi:
- ha toybola, maytabdan qaytyapsizmi?

Life of developers/engineers

P.S: from the chat with my coworker

Now feel the vibes of graduation...

📱 @abdulabbozov_s


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.