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Happy Women's Day to all the girls on the channel.💕

Hayotmisan hayot

yassir dan repost
Faqatgina oshqozonimiz ro’zador bo’lmasin

Qo’l oyog’imiz -zulumdan ro’za tutsin !

(Bo’lmasam Ramazondan topganimiz faqat ochlik bo’ladi)

Happy Ramadan 🌙

Yo'qotgan barcha narsalarimdan eng ko'p o'zimni sog'indim. Ko'zimdagi olov. Oldinga intilish. Ma'noli hayot. Maqsadli harakat...

May this Ramadan be one of the best of our life. May it heals & guides us to the right path.

"Bechora odamlar: Yashashni xohlamaydilar, o'lishni esa uddalay olmaydilar."

— Seneka

"Man can do what he wills but he cannot will what he wills."

— Schopenhauer

"Solitude is pleasant. Loneliness is not".

Yolgʻizning gʻamini yemaydi hech kim,
Himoyasi uchun yelmaydi hech kim.
Eslashsa, dunyodan oʻtdi u, derlar,
Dunyodan oʻtkazdik, demaydi hech kim.

Abdulla Oripov

lamourmi dan repost
plant your own garden and decorate your own soul instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.


"The safest way of not being very miserable is not to expect to be very happy."

— Schopenhauer

A calm sea...
A blue sky...
A cool breeze entering the room through the window in the morning...

Imagine a place like that...
If only you had a house by the sea ...
Where you are free from all worries, all the burdens weighing on your heart...
If only for a moment, you could lose yourself in your dreams, sail on the waves of your desires, and completely surrender to the endless sea...

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.