IT Park Uzbekistan dan repost
👍IT Park bosh direktori Abdulahad Kuchkarov IT Park’ning g‘oyadan boshlanib, rivojlanib borayotgan ekotizimga aylanish jarayoni haqida so‘zlab berdi.
Tadbirni quyidagi havola orqali jonli efirda kuzatishingiz mumkin:
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👍 Abdulakhad Kuchkarov – CEO of IT Park shared the journey of IT Park from an idea to a thriving ecosystem.
You can watch the ceremony live at the following link:
🟥 YouTube
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2017-yilda IT Park shunchaki qog‘ozdagi loyiha edi — Farhod Ibragimovning dadil g‘oyasi bilan yaratilgan kichik startap. O‘sha paytda bizning rezident kompaniyalarimiz sanoqli edi. G‘oya bor edi, intilish bor edi, ammo bu loyiha haqiqatan ham muvaffaqiyatga erishishiga ishonch yetishmasdi — faqat ishonch, harakat va imkonsiz narsani ro‘yobga chiqarishga intilish bor edi.
2025-yilga o‘tib, bugungi holatimizga nazar solaylik.
Hozirda biz mamlakatimiz bo‘ylab 14 ta filial, shuningdek xorijda 4 ta vakolatxonaga egamiz. Rezidentlarimizning daromadi 1,6 milliardga yetdi va bizning tarmog‘imizda 2600 dan ortiq kompaniya, jumladan 700 ga yaqin xorijiy korxona mavjud.
O‘zbekiston IT va autsorsing sohalari uchun eng jozibador manzillardan biriga aylandi. Kompaniyalar bizni nafaqat raqobatbardosh sharoitlar taklif qilganimiz uchun, balki iste’dodli kadrlar, hukumatning kuchli qo‘llab-quvvatlashi va yuqori darajadagi ishonch tufayli ham tanlashmoqda.
Bu endi faqat IT Parkning hikoyasi emas.
Bu butun bir mamlakatning tarixidir.
Tadbirni quyidagi havola orqali jonli efirda kuzatishingiz mumkin:
🟥 YouTube
👍 Abdulakhad Kuchkarov – CEO of IT Park shared the journey of IT Park from an idea to a thriving ecosystem.
In 2017, IT Park was just a project on paper — a small startup with Farkhod Ibragimov’s bold vision. Back then, we had only few member companies. There was an idea, there was ambition, but there was a lack of assurance that it would really succeed—only belief, effort, and a commitment to making the impossible possible.
Fast forward to 2025, and look at where we are now.
Today, we operate 14 branches nationwide, along with 4 representative offices abroad. The revenue of our members stands at 1.6 billion, and we have a network of over 2,600 companies, including nearly 700 foreign enterprises.
Uzbekistan has become one of the most attractive destinations for IT and outsourcing. Companies choose us not just because we offer competitive conditions but because of our talented people, strong government support, and a high level of trust.
This is no longer just the story of IT Park.
This is the story of an entire country.
You can watch the ceremony live at the following link:
🟥 YouTube
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