IELTS with Isojon| 8.0

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Toifa: Telegram

The channel is targetted at helping students to learn English.

Owner: @Sukhrobzoda_I
*Teacher at @everestofficial
* IELTS 8.0 (2x)
*Listening&Reading 9.0🥱
*Writing/Speaking 7,5 😅
* Students' results:

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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The diagram details how ceramic pots are manufactured.
In general, the procedure involves two main stages, started with preparing raw material and then followed by actual production. Moreover, this is a rather complex process that requires special machinery to be completed.

Initially, usable clay is loaded into heavy trucks with the help of an excavating tractor, and then delivered to a ceramic plant, where the second phase of production takes place.

Once arrived, the clay is smashed into pieces using two separate crushing machineries, before mixing with water to get a liquid form. The following steps include pouring the mixture into moulds and drying half-ready pots for 4-6 hours. Then, all clay pots are assembled inside an oven heated up to 1000 degrees Celsius. Having been taken out of the ovens, the pots need to be colored, and later fired to be have a user-friendly exterior. Now, finished pots are ready-to-use.

151 words


va alaykum assalom
Assalomu alaykum

- Reading bu qolgan skillar ga qaraganda o'sishi sekinroq kechadigan skill.

- Har kuni Ingliz tilida o'qish shart
- Yangi so'zlarni ruyxat qilib, kun davomida qaytaring
- Inglizcha Romanlar, Ertaklar, Maqolalar o'qib, tahlil qilish kerak.
- IELTS uchun, reading practice+analyze + eng kam javob topolgan passagezni yozma tarjima qilish kerak

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Ассалому алайкум ва раҳматуллоҳи ва барокатуҳ

"IELTS" га оид "advice" олмоқчийдим
"Reading" ни қанақа қиб оширса бўлади, баъзан жавобни топишга қийналаман, "vocab" панд бериб қолади баъзан...


1)What are some rules that exist in schools or workplaces in your country ?

-punctuality = attendance
- having beard and wearing religious dresses

2) Do people in your country usually obey the law?

In my opinion, we cannot say for sure every uzbek follows all types of rules or policies ,unless, we would not need prisons or traffic controller or even the police. Uzbekistan then could be called as utopia. On a daily basis, we can hear about different criminal cases and their hurtful consequences on the news headlines and Telegram channels. So, we may conclude that Uzbekistan is not free of any offences.

3) what kind of behavior is considered as good behavior ?

It really depends on the society and common behavioral norms that people of a place share. These rules can decide whether a person has good manner or not. For example, in our culture, it is not offensive to ask about someone’s age and family background, conversely not answering to suchlike questions is considered as disrespect between two people. However, in most Western societies, giving these questions may finish the relationship between casual acquaintances or just first ever conversation between two strangers


Describe an unusual building🏰

Describe a sport you like 💪🏆

To begin with, I should say I am not that aware of new policies and laws, This is because of no direct connection or impact that they may have upon me. But recently I watched a video about a new law passed by the government officials, which allows private personals to install speed traps, and own a certain proportion of fine that the rule-breaker drivers have to pay. At first, I was not concerned about what kind of negative consequences this new regulatory decision can have, but after paying two or three heavy fines I, myself, started worrying about the fairness of this law.

Talking about who are more likely to be affected negatively, definitely, they are the drivers who make a living only by working as a taxi driver or delivery-man. They may not focus on road signs carefully during the whole day. Or in some parts of the cities, privately installed traps can fabricate the speed of cars to increase the amount of paid money, by this way the trap owners may earn a fortune at the cost of ordinary people.

I, personally, do not want this law to be canceled completely, as it has already minimized the number of road accidents caused by high speed in most hot points of our city. But, the government should not , I think, give all the credibility of those traps to private organizations, considering to what extent they may use them to make money instead of controlling the traffic.


Speaking part 3️⃣

People cannot value your advice or guidance until they fail...

The pie charts present information about fundraising sources and expenditures of an American children’s charity in 2016.

Overall, it is clear that donated food was recorded as the main source of fund for the charity, while the biggest proportion of raised money was allocated on program services. Other categories in both charts had relatively smaller rates.

Looking at revenue sources first, more than 86% of charity’s budget was dependent on donation in the form of food. Also, communities contributed for a tenth of its budget, making it considerably higher than program income, at 2.2%. Lastly, government grants, program income and invested money , all made up a tiny 0.8% of total fund.

Regarding the expenditure proportions, organizing charity programs cost significantly more for the institution, requiring more than almost 96% of its fiscal policy. The expenses for fundraising were slightly higher than managemental and general charges, being 2.6% and 1.6%,respectively.

150 words

The bar char details the recycled amount of four types of waste, namely paper, glass, tins and garden in a center between 2011 and 2015.

Overall, the center increased the overall tons of recycling in each waste year by year, despite erratic figures in the mid-period. Moreover, paper was recorded as the most repurposed waste almost in all given years, while garden trashes were recycled least in the center during the period.

Delving into details, more than 55 tons of paper were recycled in the center initially. Once declined sharply to 40 tons, a whopping jump by 30 more tons was witnessed within the remaining years. Similarly, the amount of reprocessed glass ,first, fell markedly till just over 40 tons, before reaching 52 tons by the final year.

Regarding recycled tins and garden trash, the center experienced different patterns of change in their total tons. To be specific, having dropped to just over 25 tons within the first year, recycling tins went up significantly to about 33 tons. During the following years, this figure stayed unchanged by 2014, which then climbed to approximately 40 tons. Finally, the recycling center had lower tons of reused garden garbage during the span, hitting the bottom of 15 tons in 2015.



Primary school pupils are advised to learn the basics of farming, such as growing vegetables and caring domestic animals. Although this decision might seem as an extra burden to school curriculums, I consider it as an advantageous change.

To start, modern schools have more subjects and extracurricular activities designed to maximize the study period of children. Moreover, so as to increase the employability of pupils in the future, science and foreign languages classes are doubled in primary education. The addition of agriculture classes to this tight schedule might not be as effective as we expect, as the interest level for children is unlikely to be high after having a challenging math or physics class.

Conversely, I support the idea of involving children in farming hours, believing it can offer them a valuable opportunity to connect with nature. This interaction is one of the best ways to relieve stress for people of any age. Additionally, through learning how to grow food and take care of animals, children can have a better awareness of the food they eat, which, in the long term, may help to instill a desire to have healthier dietary choice, understanding how unhealthy chemically grown food is. Consequently, societies of healthier people may be possible to create.

Another probable advantage of agriculture lessons is that children are likely to master all the skills needed to provide themselves with sustainable sources of food. Despite how globalized the world is, the number of problems caused by this globalization is on the rise, leading to the necessity of community-based societies, in which people are responsible for sustaining themselves. Knowing how to grow vegetables or keep animals is one of those responsibilities. As the first step to sustainable societies, teaching the public, particularly children, about agriculture must help us a lot.

In conclusion, regardless of any drawback, I support the idea of teaching farming skills at primary schools, allowing for closer connection with nature and self-sustaining generation.

325 words



IELTS qiyin deb o’qisangiz, shunday ha juda qiyin

IELTS qiyin emas desam xursand bolsizmi ?

Hamma juda katta natijalar qiyinchilik bilan erishilgan.

Be patient 😇

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.