Bring up – tarbiyalamoq / katta qilmoq.
My grandmother brought me up after my parents died.
Buvim meni ota-onam vafot etgandan keyin tarbiyalagan.
Fall out (with) – janjallashib qolmoq / urushib qolmoq.
I fell out with my best friend over a small misunderstanding.
Men eng yaqin do‘stim bilan kichik tushunmovchilik sababli urushib qoldim.
Get on (with) – yaxshi munosabatda bo‘lmoq / til topishmoq.
I get on well with my classmates.
Men sinfdoshlarim bilan yaxshi chiqishaman.
Go out with – kimdir bilan uchrashmoq (sevgi munosabatida bo‘lish).
She has been going out with Tom for two years.
U ikki yildan beri Tom bilan uchrashib kelmoqda.
Grow up – ulg‘aymoq/katta bo‘lmoq.
I grew up in a small village.
Men kichik qishloqda ulg‘ayganman.
Let down – xafa qilmoq / ishonchini oqlamaslik.
I trusted him, but he let me down.
Men unga ishongan edim, lekin u meni xafa qildi.
Look after – g‘amxo‘rlik qilmoq/qaramoq.
She looks after her younger brother while their parents are at work.
U ota-onasi ishda bo‘lganida ukasiga qaraydi.
Split up – ajrashmoq/munosabatni tugatmoq.
They decided to split up after five years of marriage.
Ular besh yillik turmushdan keyin ajrashishga qaror qilishdi.
Bring up – tarbiyalamoq / katta qilmoq.
My grandmother brought me up after my parents died.
Buvim meni ota-onam vafot etgandan keyin tarbiyalagan.
Fall out (with) – janjallashib qolmoq / urushib qolmoq.
I fell out with my best friend over a small misunderstanding.
Men eng yaqin do‘stim bilan kichik tushunmovchilik sababli urushib qoldim.
Get on (with) – yaxshi munosabatda bo‘lmoq / til topishmoq.
I get on well with my classmates.
Men sinfdoshlarim bilan yaxshi chiqishaman.
Go out with – kimdir bilan uchrashmoq (sevgi munosabatida bo‘lish).
She has been going out with Tom for two years.
U ikki yildan beri Tom bilan uchrashib kelmoqda.
Grow up – ulg‘aymoq/katta bo‘lmoq.
I grew up in a small village.
Men kichik qishloqda ulg‘ayganman.
Let down – xafa qilmoq / ishonchini oqlamaslik.
I trusted him, but he let me down.
Men unga ishongan edim, lekin u meni xafa qildi.
Look after – g‘amxo‘rlik qilmoq/qaramoq.
She looks after her younger brother while their parents are at work.
U ota-onasi ishda bo‘lganida ukasiga qaraydi.
Split up – ajrashmoq/munosabatni tugatmoq.
They decided to split up after five years of marriage.
Ular besh yillik turmushdan keyin ajrashishga qaror qilishdi.