24) Lightness (noun)
Definition: The quality of being simple or easy to understand.
Translation: Yengillik, osonlik
Example: The author’s lightness of writing makes science accessible.
25) Panache (noun)
Definition: A stylish and confident way of doing something.
Translation: Uslub, o‘ziga xoslik
Example: Yong writes about science with panache, making it enjoyable.
26) Knack (noun)
Definition: A special ability to do something well.
Translation: Iqtidor, mahorat
Example: Yong has a knack for explaining complex ideas simply.
27) Complex (adjective)
Definition: Difficult or complicated to understand.
Translation: Murakkab
Example: Microbiology is a complex field, but the book explains it well.
28) Enthralling (adjective)
Definition: Extremely interesting and engaging.
Translation: Maftunkor, qiziqarli
Example: The book provides an enthralling insight into the world of microbes.
29) Gently (adverb)
Definition: Softly or carefully.
Translation: Muloyimlik bilan, ohista
Example: The author gently guides readers through the microbial world.
30) Bid (noun)
Definition: An attempt to achieve something.
Translation: Harakat, urinish
Example: The book is a bid to change how we see microbes.
31) Magnify (verb)
Definition: To make something appear larger.
Translation: Kattalashtirib ko‘rsatmoq
Example: Leeuwenhoek used a microscope to magnify microbes.
32) Teeming with (phrase)
Definition: Full of, completely filled with.
Translation: To‘lib-toshgan
Example: The water drop was teeming with tiny organisms.
33) Poor (adjective)
Definition: Bad in quality or condition.
Translation: Yomon, past sifatli
Example: Germ theory gave bacteria a poor reputation.
34) Endure (verb)
Definition: To last for a long time despite difficulties.
Translation: bardosh bermoq, davom etmoq, saqlab qolmoq
Example: The negative image of bacteria has endured for centuries.
35) Plea (noun)
Definition: A strong request or argument.
Translation: Ilitimos, murojaat
Example: The book is a plea for a better understanding of microbes.
36) Responsible (adjective)
Definition: Being the cause of something.
Translation: Mas’ul, javobgar, sababchi
Example: Poor diets may be responsible for disrupting microbial balance.
37) Block (verb)
Definition: To stop or prevent something.
Translation: To‘smoq, to‘xtatmoq
Example: A bacterium is used to block the spread of dengue fever.
You can find the rest of the words in test 74
Definition: The quality of being simple or easy to understand.
Translation: Yengillik, osonlik
Example: The author’s lightness of writing makes science accessible.
25) Panache (noun)
Definition: A stylish and confident way of doing something.
Translation: Uslub, o‘ziga xoslik
Example: Yong writes about science with panache, making it enjoyable.
26) Knack (noun)
Definition: A special ability to do something well.
Translation: Iqtidor, mahorat
Example: Yong has a knack for explaining complex ideas simply.
27) Complex (adjective)
Definition: Difficult or complicated to understand.
Translation: Murakkab
Example: Microbiology is a complex field, but the book explains it well.
28) Enthralling (adjective)
Definition: Extremely interesting and engaging.
Translation: Maftunkor, qiziqarli
Example: The book provides an enthralling insight into the world of microbes.
29) Gently (adverb)
Definition: Softly or carefully.
Translation: Muloyimlik bilan, ohista
Example: The author gently guides readers through the microbial world.
30) Bid (noun)
Definition: An attempt to achieve something.
Translation: Harakat, urinish
Example: The book is a bid to change how we see microbes.
31) Magnify (verb)
Definition: To make something appear larger.
Translation: Kattalashtirib ko‘rsatmoq
Example: Leeuwenhoek used a microscope to magnify microbes.
32) Teeming with (phrase)
Definition: Full of, completely filled with.
Translation: To‘lib-toshgan
Example: The water drop was teeming with tiny organisms.
33) Poor (adjective)
Definition: Bad in quality or condition.
Translation: Yomon, past sifatli
Example: Germ theory gave bacteria a poor reputation.
34) Endure (verb)
Definition: To last for a long time despite difficulties.
Translation: bardosh bermoq, davom etmoq, saqlab qolmoq
Example: The negative image of bacteria has endured for centuries.
35) Plea (noun)
Definition: A strong request or argument.
Translation: Ilitimos, murojaat
Example: The book is a plea for a better understanding of microbes.
36) Responsible (adjective)
Definition: Being the cause of something.
Translation: Mas’ul, javobgar, sababchi
Example: Poor diets may be responsible for disrupting microbial balance.
37) Block (verb)
Definition: To stop or prevent something.
Translation: To‘smoq, to‘xtatmoq
Example: A bacterium is used to block the spread of dengue fever.
You can find the rest of the words in test 74