✳️Yurakdan gapirish uchun iboralar✅
🔹 I really like - Menga rostdan ham yoqadi.
▪️I really like playing basketball maybe that's way I'm quite tall.
▫️Menga basketbol o'ynash rostan yoqasi balkim bo'yim uzunligi uchundir
🔹 I especially like - Menga ayniqsa (nimadur) yoqadi.
▪️I especially like Creating posts in order to help you 😊
▫️Menga ayniqsa postlar yaratish yoqadi sizga yordam berish maqsadida
🔹 I love - Men (nimadur bajarishni) sevaman.
▪️Most of people love listening to music in their leisure time 🎧
▫️Ko'p odamlar ularning bo'sh vaqtida musiqa eshtishni yoqtiradi(sevadi)
🔹 I quite enjoy - Men (nimadurdan) biroz rohatlanaman.(lekin ko'p emas)
▪️We quite enjoyed our day out, in spite of the weather.
▪️Ob-havoga qaramay, dam olish kunimiz juda mamnun bo'ldi.
🔹 I'm a big fan of - Men (nimadur)qilishga ishqibozman.
▪️Nancy is a big fan of Chatting.Whenever you look she's "Typing..."
▫️Nansi chat qilishnj ishqibozi, qachonki qarasang "Typing" qilayotgan bo'ladi
🔹 I find it great to - Men bunday qilishni buyuk( zo'r,yaxshi )deb topaman
▪️I find it great to go for a walk after 5pm with my parents on Sundays
▫️Yakshanba kunlari soat 17.00 dan keyin ota-onam bilan sayr qilishni yaxshi ko'raman
🔹 It leaves me a deep impression - bu menda chuqur taasurot uyğotadi.
▪️Historic places usually leave me a deep impression.
▫️Tarixiy joylar doimmo menda chuqur taasurot uyg'otadi
➠ https://t.me/IELTS_adss
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👉🏻 ©️ @Amazing_IELTS
🔹 I really like - Menga rostdan ham yoqadi.
▪️I really like playing basketball maybe that's way I'm quite tall.
▫️Menga basketbol o'ynash rostan yoqasi balkim bo'yim uzunligi uchundir
🔹 I especially like - Menga ayniqsa (nimadur) yoqadi.
▪️I especially like Creating posts in order to help you 😊
▫️Menga ayniqsa postlar yaratish yoqadi sizga yordam berish maqsadida
🔹 I love - Men (nimadur bajarishni) sevaman.
▪️Most of people love listening to music in their leisure time 🎧
▫️Ko'p odamlar ularning bo'sh vaqtida musiqa eshtishni yoqtiradi(sevadi)
🔹 I quite enjoy - Men (nimadurdan) biroz rohatlanaman.(lekin ko'p emas)
▪️We quite enjoyed our day out, in spite of the weather.
▪️Ob-havoga qaramay, dam olish kunimiz juda mamnun bo'ldi.
🔹 I'm a big fan of - Men (nimadur)qilishga ishqibozman.
▪️Nancy is a big fan of Chatting.Whenever you look she's "Typing..."
▫️Nansi chat qilishnj ishqibozi, qachonki qarasang "Typing" qilayotgan bo'ladi
🔹 I find it great to - Men bunday qilishni buyuk( zo'r,yaxshi )deb topaman
▪️I find it great to go for a walk after 5pm with my parents on Sundays
▫️Yakshanba kunlari soat 17.00 dan keyin ota-onam bilan sayr qilishni yaxshi ko'raman
🔹 It leaves me a deep impression - bu menda chuqur taasurot uyğotadi.
▪️Historic places usually leave me a deep impression.
▫️Tarixiy joylar doimmo menda chuqur taasurot uyg'otadi
➠ https://t.me/IELTS_adss
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👉🏻 ©️ @Amazing_IELTS