Zarifbek's Archive

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Блоги

Specialized School of Angren City'23
Посты на русском, узбекском и английском языках.
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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
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Qish kelganini bildik bizda ham taqvim bor)

Sun'iy intellektdan so'rashingiz kerak bo'lgan savollar:
1. Just based on what you know about me which movie character do you think is most similar to me?
2. Based on what you know of me, draw a picture of what my life looks like
3. From all of our interactions what is one thing that you can tell me about myself that I may not know about myself

November 19th - Men's Day.
Girls, I'm free now - you may send over your wishes.

#day #reminder


Osiyoda futbol arablar yutganicha davom etishini qachon tushunasilar)

Bo'ldi qor yog'ganini hamma bildi

iPad olsam bo'ldi

Репост из: KY
How many of you remember the last time you sat down and actually let some new idea sink in?

Do you remember the last time you read or watched something and absorbed every bit of it?

This is something I want you to ask yourself.

This is called Art😃


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Shamol tezligi = 0 km/s

Репост из: transparent thoughts
People who are grade 10 and younger, I highly suggest you to develop your writing skills and develop your writing style. Most of you are probably grinding to get a good SAT scores and deepening your interest and knowledge in particular field but alongside all this hustle dedicate certain amount of time ideally every day to write authentic piece. Read classics, expose yourself to different fields, deepen your knowledge and practice writing. Does not matter if you are humanities major or stem major just make sure that you know your stuff extraordinarily well relatively to your other comrades. You may not be the smartest but you can always be the most knowledgeable.

Репост из: Read and Return
Assalomu aleykum,

We are excited to introduce a new initiative that’s close to our heart: the "Read and Return" book borrowing project.

The idea came to us from our own experience of loving books but often not having enough funds to keep up with all the ones we wanted to read or resources to find them in our country.

We found ourselves borrowing from friends and family, and it created this wonderful exchange of stories, knowledge, and connection. Now, we aim to build a supportive reading community and make books more accessible to everyone!

Borrowing is completely free, and you can keep the books for up to 3 weeks. If you’re interested in discovering new books or donating and sharing them, we’d love for you to join)

Join our channel to stay updated on all the new books available and how you can borrow/lend them!

Share with your booklover friends)



Yana bir marta jo'natish kerak edi

FIFA Futsal World Cup Uzbekistan 2024

Oxirgi 1 oy davomida yurtimiz mezbonlik qilgan Futzal bo'yicha Jahon Chempionatida ko'ngillilar (Volunteer) qatorida ishtirok etdim. Umumiy olib aytadigan bo'lsam, chempionat ko'lami katta bo'lganligi sababli, guruhlar juda ham ko'p edi. Men Event Transport bo'yicha ishladim. Asosiy ishim mehmonxonalarda jamoalar o'yin va mashg'ulotlarga borishidan oldin ular uchun ajratilgan transport vositalari vaqtida kelishini nazorat qilish edi. Humo arenada ishlagan volontyorlar, hotel transportdagi volontyorlarga qaraganda ko'p tanishlar ortirgan bo'lishi mumkin, lekin, biz kichik bo'lsa ham (30 nafar) guruhimiz a'zolari bilan maroqli vaqt o'tkazdik. Hamma narsani oxiri bo'lgani kabi, chempionat ham 6-oktabr o'z yakuniga yetdi. Jamoadoshlar bilan balki, keyingi loyihada ko'risharmiz, balki yo'q. Lekin, ular bilan birga ishlagan har kunimiz xotiralarga boy bo'ldi.

#Beat_As_One #FIFA_Family #ThankYou #FIFA_Volunteers

Business boshlandi

Hayotimizning eng muhim kishilari uchun…

Azizlarim, balki kimnidir barchaga barobar eng muhim deb atash g’alati ko’rinishi mumkin, ammo gap ustoz haqida bo’lsa, menimcha hamma bu fikrga qo’shilsa kerak.

Shu paytgacha juda ko’p ustoz ko’rdim. Shukrlar bo’lsinki, ularning har birlaridan bilim va ko’nikmalar oldim. Aynan shu bilimlar ortidan shu darajaga yetib keldim. Avvalambor ularga tashakkurlarimni izhor etaman.

Va albatta bugungi, "Ustoz va murabbiylar kuni" bilan barcha ustoz va murabbiylarni chin qalbimdan tabriklayman. Boringizga shukr qadrdon ustozlar! Yosh avlodni yanada teran fikrlovchi, bilimli, tarbiyali qilib yetishtirishingizga Alloh madadkor bo’lsin!

Hurmat ila Zarifbek Yuldashmatov!

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