Ruxshona Urolova

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Блоги

📌IELTS 8 (3x)
🏫Student of WIUT 2/4
🚀Listening | Speaking 9.0
👩🏻‍🏫 Aspiring teacher with 7+ results by students
Bu yerda MEN va IELTS haqida📌

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
Фильтр публикаций

Yana bitta el clasico ko’rarkanmiz


I need a challenge for tomorrow
Any ideas?

When someone tells me a secret, I am like: I won’t tell no one knowing damn well I am reporting it to my 3 friends later

When’s 2026 coming

I am done with 2025

Best foods make you do so many dishes


“I cry to Lucas Jones poems”

Qanaqa podarka oldiyla, noskidan tashqari?😁

Sleep 8 hours❌

Sleep 3 hours and inhale coffee✅

3k 0 9 12 129

-Nega bunaqa bo’ladi sudda?

-200 yil oldin bittasi shunaqa qaror qabul qiganiga


1 dona mavzuda 60ta slide bor ekan.

maybe I won't do so well after all

Good morning

2-semestrni yaxshi o’qiyman, dars qilaman deb o’zimga aytib qo’yuvdim. Bilmadim qanchalik eplayman lekin menga qiziq bo’gan modullar boshlandi

-Jinoiy Huquq⚖️
-Shartnomaviy huquq⚖️
-Fuqarolik huquqi⚖️

Let’s see how well I do.

Bugun bayram ekan-a

Uzumdan 1-pochka paypoq zakaz qildim

3.4k 0 2 22 178

Visca Barca y Visca Cataluña


3.8k 0 4 56 164

Maan, I love sleeping
This is the best thing that humans can do

4k 0 5 13 98

Tosh asrida, maktab payti tanaffus degan narsalar bo’lardi…

3.9k 0 4 16 131

Ertaga o’qish😪

Barcelona today has the chance to decide what my mood will be like for the rest of the month❤️💙🤞

3.8k 0 9 108 148

Kelila maslahatlashamiz

Kanalimda ko’rishni xohlaydigan 5xil content sanay olasizmi?

Hamma yozsa, shuncha yaxshi

4k 0 2 17 49

“Let coffee connect us” is a phrase I say to no one☕️

Let me enjoy the coffee by myself

3.9k 0 10 12 108
Показано 20 последних публикаций.