Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Курсы и гайды

Reading va listening 75 ustozdan bepul qoʻllanma va har kunlik bepul darslarni qoʻlga kiritmoqchi
🔥REKLAMA XIZMATi: @Realexam_ads
💬 For any kinda inquiries: @Multilevel_73

Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Курсы и гайды
Фильтр публикаций

Speaking kursda jigarlar bilan introduction lesson o'tib berdik men juda xursandman active qatnashdi barchalari 😅✊

Pastda ularni fikrlarini ko'rib chiqishiz mumkin ❤️

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🎤 Kechagi darsimizni recording varianti. Ushbu dars IELTS va MultiLevel imtihoni speaking part 1 va Would you... savol turlariga qanday javob berishni tushuntirdim.

P/s: Rahmat aytmoqchi bo'lsangiz reaksiya bosib qo'yishni unutmang

📤 Ulashishni unutmang
💣To join: @MultiLevel_exam_paper

Kechagi darsimizda qatnashgan oquvchimizdan ajoyib fikrlar ochigi dars judayam zor bolgandi. Recording korib yuboramizmi unda

Yess - More reactions

Изох ❗

Dars haqida samimiy fikrlarizni yozib qoldirasiz eng yaxshilarini TVga op chiqamiz

— Recording 3 qatorchalar reaksiya yigib quysela boldi

100 foiz kafolatlangan teacher kurslari bu kuproq uquvchiga ham boğliq har bir darsni bittada tushunib olaszlaa vapshe dars 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Grammar qoydani qo'yib gap tuzasiz — har bir structure diferent bo'lsin. Javoblarni aniq holatda ifodalashga harakat qiling

4k 0 28 6 46

The form of the second conditional is quite simple:

/COULD / might + infinitive verb.


4.3k 0 23 23 26


➡️ MultiLevel va IELTS imtihoni speaking qismida speaking part 1 savollari qismiga kiradigan Would you... savol turi mavzusida bugun dars o'tamiz. Barcha tiplarni birga berib o'taman.

Oddiy javoblar bilan emas, yaxshi levelda savollarga javob berishni xoxlaysizmi ? Bu dars aynan siz uchun bo'ladi. Yanvar hisobidagi oxirgi darsimiz bo'ladi.

Kechagidek bugun ham 20:30da darsimiz boshlanadi. Darsga to'liq holatda tayyor bo'ling, bugun yonamiz.

✅ @MultiLevel_Exam_Paper

P/s: Darsgacha shu postda reaksiya va comment to'ldirib qoldirganlar C1 natijalar nasb qilsin deb qolaman 🤲❤️

🎤 Speakingda "Would"li savollarga javob berish ko'pchilikda muammo deb aytib qoldi 10-15 kishi. Xuddi shu savol turini bir aperatsiya stoliga o'tkazib davolamaymizmi ?

( Commentda namuna qoldirdim )

Nima deysizlar commentda + qoldirib shu postga bitta reaksiya bosib quyinglarchi

5k 0 1 33 79

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📝 IELTS & MultiLevel Writing Task 2

Har ikki imtihonda writing savollarini tushunish uchun nima qilish kerak. Savolni tushunish uchun eng zor 3 STEPS. Batafsil darsda o'rganasiz. Foydali bo'ladi.

📤 Ulashishni unutmang
💣Join: @MultiLevel_Exam_Paper

5.3k 0 159 3 59

Xayrli tong 🐻

Shu kechagi darsni recordingini ko'rib yuboramizmi deb ertalabdan turdimda sizlar uchun

📹 Darsda qatnashgan barchaga rahmat. Dars haqida chin yurakdan bildiradigan tilaklaringizni yozib qoldiring. 🔥❤️

Barchasini o'qib chiqaman 🥹❤️

Recording uchun 3 qator reaksiya 😎


Eng muhimi Darslarimiz sifati va nazoratiga 100 foiz kafolat beramiz


Feedback & Level Assessment
Bu esse B1 ( Intermediate) darajasida yozilgan.

Kuchli tomonlari:
✅ Mavzuni yaxshi yoritgan, ikkala tomonning fikrlari keltirilgan.
✅ Qiziqarli misollar berilgan.
✅ Mantiqiy tuzilma bor.


Grammatik xatolar:
"becouse" (to‘g‘ri shakli: because)
"peoples living" (to‘g‘ri shakli: people's lives)
"or different nations" (to‘g‘ri shakli: of different nations)

Jumlalarning noaniqligi:
"Some people think that travelling is the best way to learn about cultures through books, movies and the internet."
Bu noto‘g‘ri tuzilgan, chunki "travelling" orqali "books, movies, and the internet" orqali o‘rganish deyilgan.

Formal tildan uzoqlashish:
"Well, which of these opinions is justified?" (IELTS esse yozishda "Well" kabi norasmiy so‘zlar ishlatish to‘g‘ri emas.)
Rasmiyroq bo‘lishi uchun "So, which of these views is more justified?" deb yozish yaxshiroq.

Grammatik xatolarni tuzatish:
"becouse" → because
"peoples living" → people's lives
"or different nations" → of different nations

Yozish uslubini yaxshilash:
Jumlalarni yanada aniqroq qilish. Masalan, "One of these debatable topic is." noto‘g‘ri va to‘liq emas.
Iqtiboslar noto‘g‘ri yozilgan: "Seeing once is better than hearing a thousand times."

Akademik tilga e’tibor berish:
Norasmiy so‘zlardan qochish ("Well" o‘rniga "So" yoki "Thus").
Formal so‘z va iboralarni ishlatish ("financially advantageous" yaxshi, lekin "more cost-effective" yanada rasmiy)



Humanity was created to live in a world filled with various choices."
✅ Grammatik jihatdan to‘g‘ri.
Tavsiyanoma: Formal uslub uchun "Humans are destined to live in a world full of choices." yaxshiroq bo‘lishi mumkin.

"Since peoples living contain inherent contradictions, it is only natural for debates and discussions to arise on such matters."
"peoples" noto‘g‘ri, chunki "people" allaqachon ko‘plik.
"living" noto‘g‘ri ishlatilgan, "lives" yaxshiroq.
✅ "Since people's lives contain inherent contradictions, it is only natural for debates and discussions to arise on such matters."

"One of these debatable topic is."
Jumla to‘liq emas va grammatik jihatdan noto‘g‘ri. "One of these debatable topics is whether traveling or reading is the best way to learn about culture." kabi to‘g‘ri tuzish kerak.

"Some people think that travelling is the best way to learn about cultures through books, movies and the internet."
Gap noto‘g‘ri ma’no bildiradi. Chunki "travelling" orqali "books, movies, and the internet" orqali o‘rganish deyilgan.
✅ "Some people think that traveling is the best way to learn about cultures, while others believe that books, movies, and the internet are more effective."

"Well, which of these opinions is justified?"
IELTS uslubida "Well" ishlatish noto‘g‘ri.
✅ "So, which of these views is more justified?"

Body Paragraph 1 (Learning through Travel)
"Firstly, learning about culture through travel is very beneficial becouse people experience it in real life during their journey."
"becouse" noto‘g‘ri → "because"
"during their journey" o‘rniga "firsthand during their travels" yaxshiroq.
✅ "Firstly, learning about culture through travel is highly beneficial because people experience it firsthand during their travels."
"There is a famous saying in our culture ,,Seeing once is better than hearing a thousand times"."
Iqtibosni noto‘g‘ri yozishgan. "Seeing once is better than hearing a thousand times"
✅ "There is a famous saying:

'Seeing once is better than hearing a thousand times.'"

"However, there are many people who have a different opinion on this matter."
✅ Grammatik jihatdan to‘g‘ri.

Body Paragraph 2 (Learning through Books & Internet)
"Just like a coin has two sides, some people approach this issue differently."
✅ Grammatik jihatdan to‘g‘ri.

"From this perspective, people should learn about culture through books has significant benefits."
"people should learn" va "has significant benefits" fe’lning noto‘g‘ri uyg‘unligi.
✅ "From this perspective, learning about culture through books has significant benefits."

"Additionally, learning about culture through books or the internet is financially advantageous."
✅ Grammatik jihatdan to‘g‘ri.

"For example, if on average trip costs around 20 million the same amount of money could be used to buy many books."
"on average trip" noto‘g‘ri → "an average trip"
"20 million" valyuta belgilanmagan. "20 million UZS" yoki "20 million dollars" deb yozish kerak.
Vergul kerak: "For example, if an average trip costs around 20 million, the same amount of money could be used to buy many books."
"In conclusion, one of the most effective ways to learn about culture is through travel."
✅ Grammatik jihatdan to‘g‘ri.

"This is becouse a person gains a much deeper understanding by seeing and experiencing things firsthand rather than just hearing or reading about them."
"becouse" noto‘g‘ri → "because"
"a much deeper understanding" yaxshi, lekin "a deeper and more comprehensive understanding" yaxshiroq.
✅ "This is because a person gains a deeper and more comprehensive understanding by seeing and experiencing things firsthand rather than just hearing or reading about them."

"Therefore, traveling is essential for understanding the traditions, history and lifestyle or different nations."
"or" noto‘g‘ri → "of"
"history and lifestyle of different nations" yaxshi, lekin "history, lifestyle, and traditions of different nations" yaxshiroq.
✅ "Therefore, traveling is essential for understanding the traditions, history, and lifestyle of different nations."

yes teacher men ham qatnashdim very very amazing darslar bir kunda 2marta dars boldi ayniqsa examplellar dars juda ham qiziqarli boldi yana kutib qolamiz shunaqa darsni maslahatim qoshililar vawwe zor 😁😁

🚀 2 skill master course - Writing and Speaking - 1 Fevraldan 16kun davomida ⚡️


➡️ Pronunciation
➡️ Topic-Vocabulary (2X)
➡️ Advanced Grammar
➡️ Common topiclar boyicha tayyorgarlik
➡️ Daily Vocabulary


➡️ Writing Task 1-2 preparation
➡️ Checking and without checking type
➡️ Full writing lessons
➡️ CEFR and IELTS materials
➡️ Har bir task 2 savollariga tayyorgarlik
➡️ Pullik barcha materiallar va undan tashqari sizga
🎁 Qiymati 300 ming + bo'lgan giftlar taqdim etiladi


‼️ Eng yaxshi tomoni: Teacherlar tomonidan talablarga qarab kundiz kuni ham darslar tashkillashitiriladi

Natija qilgan o'quvchilar ham kam emas
➡️ @oquvchilar_resultss
➡️ @shogirtlarniki

➡️ Tariflar bilan tanishib chiqing

🟢 Writing checking and speaking. Feedback— 109K so'm
🔴 Writing without checking 89K so'm

1-fevraldan darslar boshlaymiz
15-fevraldagi imtihongacha tayyorlab beramiz


Eng muhimi Darslarimiz sifati va nazoratiga 100 foiz kafolat beramiz

5.1k 0 11 16 21

Simon Task 2 Model Answers.pdf

5k 0 182 7 27
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