Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Курсы и гайды

Reading va listening 75 ustozdan bepul qoʻllanma va har kunlik bepul darslarni qoʻlga kiritmoqchi
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Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Курсы и гайды
Фильтр публикаций

📈 A1 (beginner) form of words = C2 (advanced)👇

🥉 Beginner (A): help
🥈Intermediate(B2): assist
🥇Advanced(C1): facilitate

🥉 Beginner (A): problem
🥈Intermediate(B2): issue
Advanced(C1): predicament

🥉 Beginner (A): show
🥈Intermediate(B2): demonstrate
🥇Advanced(C1): manifest

🥉 Beginner (A): start
🥈Intermediate(B2): begin
🥇Advanced(C1): commence

🥉 Beginner (A): look
🥈Intermediate(B2): observe
🥇Advanced(C1): scrutinize

🥉 Beginner (A): bad
🥈Intermediate(B2): poor
🥇Advanced(C1): deplorable

🥉 Beginner (A): good
🥈Intermediate(B2): excellent
🥇Advanced(C1): exemplary

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Readingda ko'p uchraydigan sinonimlar part-6 ✅

emotions = feelings

experts = biologists

enormous = immense

eyesight = vision

effect = impact

evidence = clue

experiments = studies

evidence = indication

environmental = ecological

extremely high = impressive

each person = each individual
external = outer

encourage = promote = support = urge

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C1 word

Clean (someone/ something )up



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⚫️ PART 6 | 3X



🔔🔔🔔🔔 : Agar imtihonga juda oz qolgan bo'lsa. Alohida partlarga ishlayman deganlar uchun



✔️Vocabulary : Human Bodies
🔻General Body Parts

1. Head - Bosh
2. Face - Yuz
3. Hair - Soch
4. Forehead - Peshona
5. Eyebrow - Qosh
6. Eye - Ko‘z
7. Nose - Burun
8. Ear - Quloq
9. Mouth - Og‘iz
10. Lips - Lablar
11. Teeth - Tishlar
12. Tongue - Til
13. Neck - Bo‘yin
14. Shoulder - Yelka
15. Chest - Ko‘krak
16. Back - Bel (or Orqa)
17. Arm - Qo‘l
18. Elbow - Tirsak
19. Hand - Qo‘l kafti
20. Fingers - Barmoqlar
21. Leg - Oyoq
22. Knee - Tizza
23. Foot - Oyoq kafti
24. Toes - Oyoq barmoqlari

🔻Internal Organs

1. Heart - Yurak
2. Lungs - O‘pka
3. Liver - Jigar
4. Stomach - Oshqozon
5. Kidney - Buyrak
6. Brain - Miya
7. Intestines - Ichaklar
8. Veins - Tomirlar
9. Bones - Suyaklar
10. Skin - Teri

🔻Other Human bodies

1. Muscle - Mushak
2. Joint - Bo‘g‘im
3. Nails - Tirnoqlar
4. Spine - Umurtqa
5. Rib - Qovurg‘a
6. Blood - Qon
7. Nerve - Asab
8. Sweat - Ter
9. Pulse - Tomir urishi
10. Eyelash - Kiprik


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Aziz va mo’tabar Onajonlar va opa singillar!

💙 Sizlarni kirib kelgan 8 – mart Xalqaro Xotin – qizlar bayrami bilan chin yurakdan muborakbod etamiz. Sizlarga uzoq umr, sihat - salomatlik, baxt va omad tilaymiz.

🌸Bayram muborak 💐


🩸 Part 1 Personal Questions

The following are some example questions and answers that you might hear in the speaking test:

1. Where are you from? 🏡
I’m from Castle Town, which is a town located in the South-West of Amazonia. This is the place where I lived until I was twenty years old. After that I moved to Capital City, which as you might know is in the north of the county.

2. Tell me about your hometown. 🏡
My hometown is a traditional place that is not very often visited by tourists.
It has a population of approximately fifty thousand people and because it is
located close to the ocean the main industries include fishing and farming.
Although it is a quiet town, it has certainly experienced rapid growth in
recent years.

3. Tell me about the home where you live now.🏠
I currently live with my cousin’s family in an apartment near the city. The
apartment is quite small, with one main living room, two bedrooms and a
bathroom. It’s on the third story of an apartment block so it can get quite
noisy at night. The best thing about it is the location. Being close to the city
means it is convenient to go out during the week and on weekends.
Tell me about your family. 👫
There are four members of my family. My father works as an engineer for a
large company. My mother is an accountant, and my sister is a student like
me. I have a very close relationship with all members of my family and we
often gather for meals on the weekends and birthday celebrations.

5. Tell me about your work or study.
At the moment I work in a retail store in a large shopping mall in the city.
The shop sells clothes so I am gaining a great deal of experience in
customer service and cash handling. Although this experience is quite
helpful, I look forward to the opportunity to get a professional job at some
stage in the future.

6. What form of transport do you use to get to work? ✏️
Normally, I take the bus. This journey takes approximately thirty minutes
from where I live at the moment. Occasionally, my cousin gives me a lift in
his car. This is much shorter; it only takes about fifteen minutes.

7. What do you like doing in your spare time? 🤵
I don’t really have any hobbies that I do on a regular basis. However, I like
playing computer games, especially on my tablet computer. Although I
know playing games can be addictive, I try to limit the amount of time I

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Teacher: Khumoyun C1 (Speaking 72) 👨‍💻



A1 Big B2 massive
Ulkan Ulkan
A1 funny C1 hilarious
Kulgili Kulgili
A1 strong B2 powerful
Kuchli Kuchli
A1 hot B2 scorching
Issiq Juda
A1 kind B2 benevolent
Mehribon Mehribon
A1 sad B2 melancholic
G'amgin G'amgin
A1 busy C1 hectic
Band Band


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