Фильтр публикаций

When you fell in love with reading passage.)

🎯 Boshlang‘ich yangi "Beginner" guruhimizga qabul boshlandi! 📚

Kurs kimlar uchun?
Ingliz tilini noldan boshlamoqchi bo‘lganlar va mustahkam poydevor yaratishni xohlaganlar uchun ideal kurs.

🔑 Siz kursdan nimalar olasiz?

✅ Tilni tushunish va o‘rganish uchun asosiy ko‘nikmalar
✅ Oson va qiziqarli darslar
✅ Yangi imkoniyatlar sari birinchi qadam

Darslar: Sizga qulay grafikda, maktab vaqtidan so‘ng olib boriladi va qo‘shimcha darslar ham mavjud.

🗓  Boshlanish sanasi: 24 - Fevral, soat 13:00

📍 Manzil: Global o‘quv markazi, "G‘ishti" filiali

Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish va qo‘shimcha ma’lumot uchun:
   📞  +998916484152
📱 : @global_IELTS_Teacher

Ingliz tilini o‘rganishda yangi qadamlarni biz bilan qo‘ying! 🌟


Bugun Exam ga boradiganlarlarga omad, pasprt esdan chiqmasin!

Ha aytgancha natijalar har kuni kechki payt hisobot qilib tashlab boriladi.

Bitta emas 3 ta kitobni sizlarga hadya qilmoqchiman.

🥇o’rin uchun - Muqaddima asari (uzbek)
🥈 o’rin uchun - EGO IS THE ENEMY (english)
🥉 o’rin uchun - START WITH WHY (english)

Sharti 1. @nodirjons_7 ga “book” degan so’zni jo'natasiz.

2.Sizga link beriladi va shu linkingizdan qo'shilgan har bir ishtirokchi sizni yutish ehtimolingizni oshiradi

🟤Start: 14- feb 20:30
🟤Finish: 21 - feb 20:30

Keyingi hafta juma kunigacha konkurs davom etadi.


Kitobni egasini qanday aniqlaymiz, idea lar bormi?

Nekim taqdir bo‘lsa, ul bo‘lur tahqiq bilgaysiz,
Erur jang-u jadal, ranj-u riyozat barcha behuda.

O‘zungni shod tutqil, g’am yema dunyo uchun zinhor,
Ki, bir dam g’am yemakka arzimas dunyoyi farsuda.

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Two amazing kids😄


Репост из: Davronbek Turdiev Jamiyati

"Hech qachon ko'rsatmagan natijangizni ko'rsatish uchun, hech qachon qilmagan harakat qilishingiz kerak"

Odamlarning 99%i imkoniyalarining 50 foizini ham ishlatishmaydi.

Ularning hayolida muvaffaqiyat uchun yetarlicha harakat bo'lmoqda, lekin ishoning muvaffaqiyat siz o'ylagandan ko'proq harakat talab qiladi.

Aaaaancha ko'proq!

Qachonki siz boshqalar chiday olmaydigan darajada harakat qilishni boshlasangiz

Siz boshqalar erisha olmaydigan natijalarga erishishni boshlaysiz.

Bu yerda asosiy savol: "qo'lingizdan keladimi yoki yo'qmi?"

va aynan shu savolga beradigan javobingiz sizning bu dunyodagi o'rningizni belgilab beradi.

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Nothing just Empty.

What colour would you choose to paint the walls of your room?

I would go for a soft, neutral shade like beige or light grey because it creates a calm and cozy atmosphere. Since I spend a lot of time working and studying, I prefer colours that help me focus and relax at the same time.

What colour would you never use in your home?

I would never use bright neon colours like lime green or hot pink. They are too overwhelming and can make a room feel chaotic rather than comfortable. I prefer more natural, soothing tones that make a space feel warm and inviting.

Can you describe the place where you live?

I live in Bukhara, a historic city known for its stunning architecture and rich culture. My home is a typical Uzbek house, with traditional decorations and a spacious courtyard. It’s a peaceful place, and I love the blend of modern and traditional elements in my surroundings.

What kind of housing accommodation do you live in?

I live in a house, which is quite common in my area. It’s a single-story home with a large yard where my family spends a lot of time. The house is well-ventilated, with big windows that let in plenty of natural light.

What do you like about your flat?

Since I live in a house rather than a flat, I appreciate the space and privacy it offers. I love the fact that we have a courtyard where we can relax, enjoy fresh air, and even grow plants. It’s also a great place for family gatherings.

Which room does your family
spend most of the time in?

We spend most of our time in the living room. It’s where we relax, have tea, and talk about our day. It’s also the place where we welcome guests
, so it’s always warm and inviting.

What can you see from the windows where you live?

From my windows, I can see the peaceful streets of my neighborhood, lined with trees and traditional houses. On clear days, I can even catch a glimpse of the sunset, which is always a beautiful sight.

Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?

I definitely prefer living in a house. It gives me more space, privacy, and a sense of freedom. I also love having a yard where I can enjoy nature, something that’s usually not possible in a flat.


Home and accomodation #speaking #record #sample #part1 #band8

«Albatta, Biz payg‘ambarlarimizga va imon keltirgan zotlarga dunyo hayotida ham, guvohlar (hozir bo‘lib) turadigan kunda (qiyomatda) ham yordam berurmiz» (G‘ofir, 51).

Alhamdulillah har br qiyincilikdan kyn roxat borekan😇

Shu dars qilmaydigan o’quvchilani tayoq bilan urib “bormi og’riq” deb so’rasangda

🚀 GLOBAL RESULTS date 18th January

🔥Nasullayeva Dilsora - CEFR B2


🚀 GLOBAL RESULTS date 28th December.

🔥Shoyimova Shirina -


390 0 3 16 36


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We are going for the gold🥇


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