😼😽😻🤝🙌✌️✊ 🅰🅰🅰🅰 1⃣
🔔Largely depends on – Ko‘proq bog‘liq bo‘ladi
(Example: It largely depends on my circumstances.)
🔔Sit down and immerse myself – O‘tirib o‘zimni hikoyaga to‘liq bag‘ishlamoq
(Example: I prefer reading stories because it allows me to fully immerse myself.)
🔔Multitasking – Bir vaqtning o‘zida bir nechta ishni bajarmoq
(Example: When I’m multitasking, listening to stories is more convenient.)
🔔Far more convenient – Ancha qulayroq
(Example: Listening to stories is far more convenient.)
🔔Engaging experience – Qiziqarli tajriba
(Example: Listening to stories is far more convenient and engaging.)
🔔Spark my imagination – Tasavvurimni uyg‘otmoq
(Example: Those moments sparked my imagination.)
🔔Deepen my love – Muhabbatimni chuqurlashtirmoq
(Example: It deepened my love for storytelling.)
🔔Captivating stories – Qiziqarli va diqqatga sazovor hikoyalar
(Example: My parents would tell me captivating stories.)
🔔Fascinating characters – Qiziqarli personajlar
(Example: Their stories were full of fascinating characters.)
🔔Valuable life lessons – Qimmatli hayot saboqlari
(Example: Their stories were full of valuable life lessons.)
🥸 Stories
⚠️Topic vocabulary
🔔Largely depends on – Ko‘proq bog‘liq bo‘ladi
(Example: It largely depends on my circumstances.)
🔔Sit down and immerse myself – O‘tirib o‘zimni hikoyaga to‘liq bag‘ishlamoq
(Example: I prefer reading stories because it allows me to fully immerse myself.)
🔔Multitasking – Bir vaqtning o‘zida bir nechta ishni bajarmoq
(Example: When I’m multitasking, listening to stories is more convenient.)
🔔Far more convenient – Ancha qulayroq
(Example: Listening to stories is far more convenient.)
🔔Engaging experience – Qiziqarli tajriba
(Example: Listening to stories is far more convenient and engaging.)
🔔Spark my imagination – Tasavvurimni uyg‘otmoq
(Example: Those moments sparked my imagination.)
🔔Deepen my love – Muhabbatimni chuqurlashtirmoq
(Example: It deepened my love for storytelling.)
🔔Captivating stories – Qiziqarli va diqqatga sazovor hikoyalar
(Example: My parents would tell me captivating stories.)
🔔Fascinating characters – Qiziqarli personajlar
(Example: Their stories were full of fascinating characters.)
🔔Valuable life lessons – Qimmatli hayot saboqlari
(Example: Their stories were full of valuable life lessons.)