⚠️Yodlab oling
▪️art of -da mahorat
▪️astonishment at -dan hayratga tushish
▪️apology for - uchun uzr
▪️choice of tanlangan narsa
▪️disappointment at hafsalasi pir bo‘lish
▪️excuse for -dan bahona
▪️experience in -da tajriba
▪️fear of -dan qo‘rquv
▪️habit of -da ko‘nikma
▪️hope of -dan umid
▪️idea of fikr, g‘oya
▪️importance of muhimlik
▪️intention of -ga qasd qilish
▪️interest in -ga qiziqish
▪️means of -ning vositasi
▪️method for (method of) uchun uslub
▪️necessity of -da zarurat
▪️objection to -ga e’tiroz
▪️opportunity of -ga qulay imkoniyat
▪️plan for uchun reja
▪️pleasure of -dan rohatlanish
▪️possibility of -ga imkoniyat
▪️preparation for uchun tayyorgarlik
▪️problem of -ning muammosi
▪️process of -ning jarayoni
▪️reason for uchun sabab
▪️right of huquqi
▪️skill in -da mahorat
▪️surprise at -dan ajablanish
▪️way of -ning yo‘li (vositasi)
➠ https://t.me/IELTS_adss
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👉🏻 ©️ @Amazing_IELTS
⚠️Yodlab oling
▪️art of -da mahorat
▪️astonishment at -dan hayratga tushish
▪️apology for - uchun uzr
▪️choice of tanlangan narsa
▪️disappointment at hafsalasi pir bo‘lish
▪️excuse for -dan bahona
▪️experience in -da tajriba
▪️fear of -dan qo‘rquv
▪️habit of -da ko‘nikma
▪️hope of -dan umid
▪️idea of fikr, g‘oya
▪️importance of muhimlik
▪️intention of -ga qasd qilish
▪️interest in -ga qiziqish
▪️means of -ning vositasi
▪️method for (method of) uchun uslub
▪️necessity of -da zarurat
▪️objection to -ga e’tiroz
▪️opportunity of -ga qulay imkoniyat
▪️plan for uchun reja
▪️pleasure of -dan rohatlanish
▪️possibility of -ga imkoniyat
▪️preparation for uchun tayyorgarlik
▪️problem of -ning muammosi
▪️process of -ning jarayoni
▪️reason for uchun sabab
▪️right of huquqi
▪️skill in -da mahorat
▪️surprise at -dan ajablanish
▪️way of -ning yo‘li (vositasi)
➠ https://t.me/IELTS_adss
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👉🏻 ©️ @Amazing_IELTS