MultiLevel Course 🇬🇧

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Образование

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Kanalga qoshilish uchun pasdagi tugmani bosin 👇🏻

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
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🎞 Tense in English Grammar | Past, Now, and Future tense #shorts #vocabulary #grammar

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💎MULTILEVEL uchun kerakli baza qidirib yurganlar uchun admindan tavsiya‼️👇


🇺🇿MULTILEVEL uchun Baza 📚

🙌Kirganlar faqatgina darmonda😊
Bugun 20:00 da BEPUL mock test

👉 @Inglizcha_kinolar_multfilm_movie
🤑 @Huntme_Logistics

Avtobusda ishlatiladigan ingliz tilidagi foydali 10 ta gap:

1. Is this the right bus to [destination]? – Bu [manzil]ga boradigan to‘g‘ri avtobusmi?
2. How much is the fare?
– Bileti qancha turadi?
3. Can I pay by card? – Kartada to‘lashim mumkinmi?
4. Where should I get off?
– Qayerda tushishim kerak?
5. Does this bus go to [destination]? – Bu avtobus [manzil]ga boradimi?
6. What time does the last bus leave?
– Oxirgi avtobus qachon ketadi?
7. Can you tell me when we reach [place]? – [Joy]ga yetganimizda menga ayta olasizmi?
8. I need to get off at the next stop.
– Keyingi to‘xtash joyida tushishim kerak.
9. How long does the trip take? – Safar qancha vaqt oladi?
10. Is there a seat available?
– O‘tiradigan joy bormi?

Bu gaplar avtobusda sayohat qilishda ingliz tilini o‘rganayotganlar uchun juda foydali bo‘ladi.

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💻 🖌Kanalga qoʻshiling🔽
Multi-level Course | Teacher Otabek✅️ 

⚡️ Barcha abituriyentlar va ularning OTA-ONALARI uchun hushxabar!!!

🏛 Yurtimizdagi barcha oliy ta'lim muassasalarining kirish ballarini joyladik!

Bilmoqchimisiz  ⭕ O'TISH BALLARI
tugmasini bosing va o'qing.

⭐️ The most necessary Abbreviations - Eng kerakli qisqartmalar

⭐️ POV - Point of view - Nuqtai nazar

⭐️ G2g - Got to go - Borishim kerak

⭐️ Wyd - What (are) you doing? - nima qilyapsiz?

⭐️ Wdym - What do you mean? - Bu bilan nima demoqchisiz?

⭐️ Smh - Shake my head - Boshimni silkit

⭐️ Brb - Be right back - Darhol qayting

⭐️ DW - Don't worry - Xavotir olmang

⭐️ Ngl - Not gonna lie -  yolgʻon gapirmayman

⭐️ Lmk - Let me know - menga xabar bering

⭐️ Tysm - Thank you so much - sizga katta rahmat

⭐️ FAQ - Frequently asked questions - tez tez soʻraladigan

⭐️ FYI - For your information - Ma'lumotingiz uchun

⭐️ IRL - In real life - Haqiqiy hayotda

⭐️ FFM - Follow for more - Koʻproq ma'lumot uchun

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Book Idioms

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📌At - aniq vaqt ko'rsatilganda ishlatiladi
🔸at 2 oclock
🔸at 10:30.

📌At - yonida ma'nosida, o'rnini bildiradi:
🔸at the table
🔸at the office
🔸at home

📌In - kunning ma'lum bir qismini aytganimizda ishlatamiz
🔸in the morning
🔸in the day time
🔸in the afternoon
🔸in the evening

📌In - ichida ma'nosida ham ishlatiladi
🔸in the room
🔸in the pocket
🔸in the table

📌In - oy, fasl, yil haqida gapirilganda ishlatiladi
🔸in may
🔸in summer
🔸in 1960

📌On - ustida ma'nosini ham anglatadi
🔸on the roof
🔸on the table

📌On - hafta kunlari bilan ham qo'llaniladi
🔸on Sunday
🔸on the 8th of March
🔸on the first of September

📌with - bilan ma'nosida ishlatiladi
🔸with my friend

📌after - so'ng, keyin
🔸after the lessons

📌before - oldin, avval

📌Ko'p predloglar to'g'ridan-to'g'ri tarjima qilinmaydi. Ko'pincha fe'llar bilan qo'shilib, fe'lli birikmalarga aylanadi


🔸to look for - qidirmoq
🔸to look at - qaramoq
🔸to look through - qarab chiqmoq

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📚 Cambridge English Vocabulary in Use Pre-intermediate and Intermediate

🔹A. The beach

cliff /klɪf/ - qoyatosh
beach /biːtʃ/ - plyaj
wave /weɪv/ - to'lqin
sand /sænd/ - qum
rock /rɒk/ - tosh
spend /spɛnd/ - sarflamoq
coast /kəʊst/ - sohil
seaside resort /ˈsiːsaɪd rɪˈzɔːt/ - dengiz bo'yi dam olish maskani
sandy /ˈsændi/ - qumli
stroll /strəʊl/ - sayr
casual walk /ˈkæʒuəl wɔːk/ - odatiy sayr
shore /ʃɔː/ - qirg'oq
sunshine /ˈsʌnʃaɪn/ - quyosh nuri
breeze /briːz/ - shabada
gentle /ˈdʒɛntl/ - muloyim, yengil

🔹B. Beach activities
surfing /ˈsɜːfɪŋ/ - to'lqin ustida suzish
windsurfing /ˈwɪndsɜːfɪŋ/ - yelkanda suzish
diving /ˈdaɪvɪŋ/ - sho'ng'ish
volleyball /ˈvɒlibɔːl/ - voleybol
sunbathing /ˈsʌnbeɪðɪŋ/ - quyoshda toblanish
calm /kɑːm/ - tinch
go for a swim /ɡəʊ fər ə swɪm/ - suzishga bormoq
sunbathe /ˈsʌnbeɪð/ - quyoshda toblanmoq
(sun)tan /ˈsʌnˌtæn/ - quyoshda toblanish
protection /prəˈtɛkʃən/ - himoya
sunburn /ˈsʌnbɜːn/ - quyosh kuydirishi
at risk of /ət rɪsk ɒv/ - xavf ostida
recommend /ˌrɛkəˈmɛnd/ - tavsiya qilmoq
sunscreen /ˈsʌnskriːn/ - quyoshdan saqlovchi krem
shade /ʃeɪd/ - soya
rough /rʌf/ - qo'pol, qattiq
sunblock /ˈsʌnblɒk/ - quyoshdan himoyalovchi krem
sun cream /ˈsʌn kriːm/ - quyosh kremi
go for a drive /ɡəʊ fər ə draɪv/ - mashinada sayrga chiqmoq

💻 🖌Kanalga qoʻshiling🔽
Multi-level Course | Teacher Otabek✅️ 

📚 Cambridge English Vocabulary in Use Pre-intermediate and Intermediate

🔹A. What are fixed phrases?

fixed /fɪkst/ - o'zgarmas
phrase /freɪz/ - ibora
idiom /ˈɪdiəm/ - ibora
out of the blue /aʊt əv ðə bluː/ - tomdan tarasha tushganday
unexpected /ˌʌnɪkˈspɛktɪd/ - kutilmagan
ring a bell /rɪŋ ə bɛl/ - quloqqa tanish eshitilmoq
make up one's mind /meɪk ʌp wʌnz maɪnd/ - qaror qabul qilmoq
get rid of /ɡɛt rɪd əv/ - olib tashlamoq, yo'qotmoq
to be about /tə bi əˈbaʊt/ - arafasida
burst into tears /bɜːst ˈɪntuː tɪəz/ - yig'lab yubormoq
apart from /əˈpɑːt frəm/ - -dan tashqari
except for /ɪkˈsɛpt fɔːr/ - -dan tashqari

🔹B. Time phrases
in four days' time /ɪn fɔː deɪz taɪm/ - to'rt kun vaqt ichida
the week before last /ðə wiːk bɪˈfɔː lɑːst/ - 2 hafta oldin
at once /æt wʌns/ - birdaniga, darhol
right away /raɪt əˈweɪ/ - darhol
straight away /streɪt əˈweɪ/ - darhol
night after night /naɪt ˈɑːftə naɪt/ - tun sayin
day after day /deɪ ˈɑːftə deɪ/ - kun sayin

🔹C. Pairs of words
now and again /naʊ ənd əˈɡeɪn/ - vaqti-vaqti bilan
one or two /wʌn ɔː tuː/ - bir necha
peace and quiet /piːs ənd ˈkwaɪət/ - tinchlik va osoyishtalik
up and down /ʌp ənd daʊn/ - u yon-bu yon
once or twice /wʌns ɔː twaɪs/ - bir necha marta
sooner or later /ˈsuːnə ɔː ˈleɪtə/ - yaqin orada

🔹D. Introducing advice, opinion, etc.
If I were you /ɪf aɪ wɜː juː/ - o'rningda bo'lganimda
in general /ɪn ˈdʒɛnərəl/ - umuman olganda
on the whole /ɒn ðə həʊl/ - umuman olganda
for instance /fɔːr ˈɪnstəns/ - misol uchun
by the way /baɪ ðə weɪ/ - aytgancha
to be honest /tə bi ˈɒnɪst/ - rostini aytganda

💻 🖌Kanalga qoʻshiling🔽
Multi-level Course | Teacher Otabek✅️ 

"I like it" ya'ni "Menga yoqdi" yoki "Men uni yaxshi ko'raman" deb aytishning boshqa yo'llari🔽

I like it.

🟢 I adore it.
🟢 It looks great.
🟢 It looks fantastic.
🟢 I’m keen on it.
🟢 I’m addicted to it.
🟢 I’m really into it.
🟢 I’m partial to it.
🟢 I’m passionate about it.
🟢 I can’t get enough of it.
🟢 I have got a soft spot for it.
🟢 I am interested.
🟢 I’m crazy about it.
🟢 I love it.

💻 🖌Kanalga qoʻshiling🔽
Multi-level Course | Teacher Otabek✅️ 

❗️ 06.01.2025


Part 1.1
• What do you like about your hometown?
• What is your favorite room in your hom
• Do you enjoy spending time at home or outside?
• How do you usually spend your weekends at home?
• Do you enjoy traveling?

Part 1.2
• A girl reading a paper book (First picture)
An old woman reading an e-book (Second picture)
• Compare them

Part 2
• Describe a situation when you felt very lucky
• Describe a time when you helped someone

Part 3
• Sports teams should be allowed to pay players for their performance (For and Against)
• Handwriting (For and Against)

💻 🖌Kanalga qoʻshiling🔽
Multi-level Course | Teacher Otabek✅️ 


💬 Harakterni ifodalovchi so'zlar:

🔻 decent — odobli
🔻 indecent — beadab
🔻 honest — to‘g‘riso‘z
🔻 fair — to‘g‘riso‘z, adolatli
🔻 sincere — samimiy
🔻 dishonest — g‘irrom, noinsof
🔻 innocent — aybsiz, begunoh
🔻 guilty — aybdor
🔻 criminal — jinoyatchi
🔻 kind — mehribon
🔻 hostile — adovatli
🔻 gentle — yuvosh, beozor
🔻 polite — odobli
🔻 rude — qo‘pol
🔻 generous — saxiy
🔻 close-fisted — qizg‘anchiq
🔻 talkative — gapdon
🔻 sociable — kirishimli, dilkash
🔻 reserved — vazmin
🔻 docile — itoatli
🔻 disobedient — itoatsiz
🔻 strict — talabchan
🔻 mild — yumshoq, muloyim
🔻 reliable — ishonchli
🔻 changeable — o‘zgaruvchan
🔻 brave — mard, jasur
🔻 courageous — mard
🔻 coward — qo‘rqoq
🔻 timid — jur'atsiz, tortinchoq
🔻 reasonable — ongli, idrokli
🔻 prudent — mulohazali
🔻 light-minded — yengiltak
🔻 cautious — ehtiyotkor
🔻 incautious — beparvo

💻 🖌Kanalga qoʻshiling🔽
Multi-level Course | Teacher Otabek✅️ 


⚡️So’zlashuvni boyitamiz!

Og’zaki nutqda ko’p ishlatiladigan 🔝2️⃣0️⃣ iboralar.

😎Actually – aslida

😎Agreed – kelishdikmi?/ Rozimisan?

😎All of sudden – birdan/ to’satdan

😎All the same to me – menga baribir

😎Are you kidding? – Hazillashyapsizmi?

😎As a matter of fact – Gap shundaki/ aslida

😎As a far as I judge – Fikrimcha

😎As if dreaming – xuddi tushdagidek

😎As well – shuningdek

😎Be careful – Ehtiyot bo’ling!

😎Before I forget – Esimdan chiqmasdan

😎Behave yourself – o’zingizni tuting!

😎Believe it or not – xoh ishoning, xoh ishonmang

😎By the way – aytganday/aytgancha

😎Can I have a word with you? - siz bilan bir og’iz gaplashib olsam bo’ladimi?

😎Certainly! Here you are – albatta (rozilik)

😎Dear me – Ey xudo! Ajabo! (xayratlanish)

😎Don’t mention it – Hechqisi yo’q, arzimaydi

😎Don’t mix in – sen aralashma!

😎Enjoy your meal – Yoqimli ishtaha!

😎For God’s sake – xudo haqi

💻 🖌Kanalga qoʻshiling🔽
Multi-level Course | Teacher Otabek✅️ 

⚡️Eng koʻp tushayotgan Speaking savollar✔️

What do you do on weekends?
Do you play any sports?

What is your favourite food?
Can you play music instruments?
What do you do in the evening?

What do you do on weekends?
Do you play any sports?

Do you have many books at your home.
Do you know any foreign singers

What do you usually do on weekends?
What is your favorite drink?
Do you wake up early?

What is your favourite colour
Have you ever bought online

What's your favorite hobby?
What do you eat for breakfast?
How do you go work or study?

Do you play instruments
What do you do in the evenings
What is your favorite season

What is your favourite meal?
What do you do in evening?

What is your favourite tv show?
What do you do on your weekends?
Do you play any sports?

💻 🖌Kanalga qoʻshiling🔽
Multi-level Course | Teacher Otabek✅️

Видео недоступно для предпросмотра
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20.10.2024 1-smenda tushgan

Listening part 2

9 walking walk
10 picnic lunch
11 dinner
12 lake
13 cooking
14 (£)185

💻 🖌Kanalga qoʻshiling🔽
Multi-level Course | Teacher Otabek✅️


1️⃣ Contamination - iflos bo'lish, bulg'anganlik
Ex: The atmosphere in large cities is often contaminated by smog, as we can see in China.

📆 The biosphere - hayvonlar va o'simliklar yashashi mumkin bo'lgan yer qatlami biosfera
Ex: Children should be educated on the biosphere through field trips and practical experiments.

📆 Emissions - ajralib chiqqan narsa, modda (issiqlik, gaz, hid, nur)
Ex: Scientists spend their whole careers studying the effect of emissions on the climate.

📆 Run-off - oqava suv
Ex: We should try to collect and use more run-off water, to avoid having to recycle water so much.

📆 Aquifers - suv shimib oladigan yer qatlami
Ex: My family have a well which connects to an aquifer, giving very pure water.

📆 Filtration - filtirlash jarayoni
Ex: Water filtration might be a solution to water shortages in very hot countries.

📆 Water table - suv chiqish chuqurligi
Ex: In my town, the water table is very high, and water will appear in even a small hole.

📆 Tainted - bulg'angan, iflos
Ex: The Mediterranean is badly tainted in some areas by sewage pollution.

📆 Soil erosion - tuproq eroziyasi
Ex: Deforestation has increased soil erosion seriously in Brazil.

📆 Logging - daraxtlarni kesish
Ex: Logging has endangered many species throughout the world.

📆 Dumping - zararli narsalarni uloqtirish, tashlash
Ex: In most countries, dumping rubbish is a criminal offence

💻 🖌Kanalga qoʻshiling🔽
Multi-level Course | Teacher Otabek✅️

Topic vocabulary

Government -
Habit - odat
Identity card - ID karta
Routine - kun tartibi
Schedule - jadval
Situation - vaziyat
Tradition - urf-odat, an'ana
Typical - odatiy
Vote - ovoz bermoq
Youth club - yoshlar klubi
Criminal - jinoyatchi
Social - ijtimoiy
Break in - bostirib kirmoq
Catch up - darajaga erishmoq
Get away with - jazodan qutulib qolmoq
Get up - turmoq, uyg'onmoq
Move in - ko'chmoq
Put away - joyiga qo'ymoq
Wake up - uyg'onmoq
Wash up - yuvmoq

💻 🖌Kanalga qoʻshiling🔽
Multi-level Course | Teacher Otabek✅️

Speaking new format Mock 10.pdf
📂Multi-Level Full Speaking Mock 10 (New format)!

C1-C2 LevelSample answers bilan birga.

💻 🖌Kanalga qoʻshiling🔽
Multi-level Course | Teacher Otabek✅️

🔺 Synonyms

➡️ A1 Small - Kichik
➡️ B1 Tiny - Juda kichkina
➡️ C1 Minute - Juda-juda kichik

➡️ A1 Hot - Issiq
➡️ B1 Warm - Iliq
➡️ C1 Boiling - Qaynoq

➡️ A1 Angry - Jahldor
➡️ B1 Annoyed - Asabiylashgan
➡️ C1 Furious - Qattiq jahli chiqqan

➡️ A1 Good - Yaxshi
➡️ B1 Decent - Durust
➡️ C1 Excellent - Mukammal

➡️ A1 Bad - Yomon
➡️ B1 Terrible - Juda yomon
➡️ C1 Horrendous - Juda dahshatli

➡️ A1 Fast - Tez
➡️ B1 Quick - Qisqa vaqt ichida tez
➡️ C1 Rapid - Juda tez

➡️ A1 Bright - Yorqin
➡️ B1 Shiny - Yaltiroq
➡️ C1 Radiant - Porloq

➡️ A1 Weak - Zaif
➡️ B1 Fragile - Mo‘rt
➡️ C1 Feeble - Juda zaif

➡️ A1 Funny - Qiziq
➡️ B1 Amusing - Kuldiruvchi
➡️ C1 Hilarious - Juda kulgili

➡️ A1 Hard - Qiyin
➡️ B1 Difficult - Murakkab
➡️ C1 Challenging - Juda qiyin va qiziqarli

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💻 🖌Kanalga qoʻshiling🔽
Multi-level Course | Teacher Otabek✅️

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