IELTS exam preparation

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Образование

Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
Фильтр публикаций

IELTS Writing📝 best tips💡

#useful 😊😊😊😊😊

Репост из: IELTS 9.0 Cambridge

I love Allah and Muhammad s.a.v. ❤️❤️❤️❤️


💠 Biz biror-bir ishni qanaqa maqsadda bajarganligimizni ifodalash uchun quyidagi usullardan foydalanamiz:

1⃣ "For"(uchun) + noun/Ving yordamida.
✅ Linda phoned Jill for some help - Linda Jillga biroz yordam uchun telefon qildi.

2⃣ (Not) to + V1
In order (not) to + V1
So as (not) to + V1
✅ Linda phoned Jill (not) to ask some help - Linda Jilldan biroz yordam so'ra(ma)gani telefon qildi.

3⃣ So that + Sub. + Verb ning qo'llanishining 2 ta vaziyati bor:

🅰 Agarda maqsadimiz tarkibida can/could/may/might modal fe'llarini qatnashtirmoqchi bo'lsak.
✅ I am learning Chinese so that I can talk to Chinese tourists - Men Xitoy tilini o'rganyabman Xitoylik turistlar bilan gaplasha olish uchun.

🅱 Qachonki bir inson boshqa bir insonning nimadur qilishi uchun qandaydur ish qilganini ifodalash uchun.
✅ I am teaching English to my applicants so that they will enter university - Men abituriyentlarimga Ingliz tilini o'rgatyabman ular universtitutga o'qishga kirishi uchun


🆙Foydali iboralar ro’yhati

📝 Fikrlarni birma bir i
fodlash uchun:

1⃣In the first place – Birinchi o’rinda
2⃣To start/begin with – Boshlashga/Boshlanishiga
3⃣Firstly - Birinchidan
4⃣Secondly – Ikkinchidan
5⃣Thirdly - Uchinchidan
6⃣Finally – Nihoyat
7⃣In addition (to this) – Qo’shimchasiga
8⃣Furthermore – Qo’shimcha qilib
9⃣Moreover – Qo’shimchasiga
🔟Besides – Bundan tashqari

📝 Foydali tamonlarini s
anab o’tganda:

1⃣ The main/ first/ most important advantage of … - Biror narsaning asosiy/ ilk/ eng muhim foydasi …
2⃣One/Another/ An additional advantage of … - Biror narsaning bir/ boshqa/ qo’shimcha foydasi …

📝 Zararli tamonlarini s
anab o’tganda:

1⃣The main/most important disadvantage / drawback of … - Biror narsaning asosiy/eng muhim ziyoni …
2⃣One/Another/An additional disadvantage of … Biror narsaning birinchi/boshqa/qo’shimcha ziyoni …
3⃣Some/Many people are against … - Ba’zi/Ko’p odamlar … ga qarshi.

📝 Natija va sabablarni miso
l keltirganda:

1⃣For example/instance / such as / like – Misol uchun
2⃣therefore – shuning uchun
3⃣for this reason – shu sababli
4⃣because/ as/ since - sababli
5⃣as a result - natijasida

📝 Qarama qarshilikni

1⃣On the other hand – Boshqa tamondan
2⃣However - Biroq
3⃣still - hanuz
4⃣but - lekin
5⃣nonetheless - ammo
6⃣nevertheless - shunga qaramay
7⃣Although - … ga qaramay
8⃣Even though - … ga qaramay (kuchliroq)
9⃣despite – biror narsaga qaramasdan
🔟in spite of (the fact that) – biror narsaga qaramasdan

📝 Xulosalash uchun ishlatilinad
igan iboralar:

1⃣To conclude - xulosalab
2⃣Sum up – xulosa qilib
3⃣All in all – xulosa tarzida
4⃣Finally - nihoyat
5⃣Lastly – so’ngida
6⃣Taking everything into account – Barchasini e’tiborga olgan holda



How to succeed ⁉️

♨️ Qanday qilib muvaffaqiyatga erishish⁉️ ♨️

✅ PLAN while others are playing

✅ boshqalar o'ynayotganda siz REJALASHTIRING

✅ STUDY while others are sleeping

✅ boshqalar uxlayotganda siz O'QING

✅ DECIDE while others are delaying

✅ boshqalar kechga surayotganda siz QAROR QILING

✅ PREPARE while others are daydreaming

✅ boshqalar hayol qilganda siz O'ZINGIZNI TAYYORLANG

✅ BEGIN while others are procrastinating

✅ boshqalar kechiktirayotganda siz BOSHLANG

✅ WORK while others are wishing

✅ boshqalar hayol qilayotganida siz ISHLANG

✅ SAVE while others are wasting

✅ boshqalar behudaga sarflayotganida siz JAMG'ARING

✅ LISTEN while others are talking

✅ boshqalar gapirayotganda siz TINGLANG

✅ SMILE while others are frowning

✅ boshqalar qovog'ini solganda siz TABASSUM QILING

✅ PERSIST while others are quitting

✅ boshqalar taslim bo'lganda siz QATTIQ TURIB OLING




📕Grammar Time📘


Stative Verbs
⭕️Holat fe'llarini "continues" zamonlarida qo'llab bo'lmaydi. Shuning uchun biz ularni qaysi "continues" zamoni ma'nosida qo'llamoqchi bo'lsak uning "simple" dagi sherigida qo'llaymiz. Masalan "Present Continues" da emas "Present Simple" da qo'llaymiz.

✅Example: "Men sizni tushinmayabman"
Bu gap hozir davom etayotgan ish-harakatdek tarjima qilinadi, ammo biz uni "present simple" da qo'llaymiz. Chunki "understand" fe'li holat fe'li hisoblanadi.
I don't understand you.
❗️NOT: I am understanding you

✴️Holat fe'llariga quyidagilar kiradi:

✔️Know - bilmoq
✔️Realize - anglamoq
✔️Recognize - tanimoq
✔️Like - yoqtirmoq
✔️Appreciate - qadrlamoq
✔️Please - iltimos qilmoq
✔️Prefer - afzal ko'rmoq
✔️Possess/own - bor bo'lmoq
✔️Seem - tuyilmoq
✔️Sound - eshitilmoq
✔️Resemble/Look like - o'xshamoq
✔️Believe – ishonmoq
✔️Suppose – deb o'ylamoq
✔️Hate – nafratlanmoq
✔️Dislike - yoqtirmaslik
✔️Fear - qo'rqmoq
✔️Envy - hasad qilmoq
✔️Hear - eshitmoq
✔️Owe - qarz bo'lmoq
✔️Equal - teng bo'lmoq
✔️Imagine - tasavur qilmoq
✔️Doubt - shubhalanmoq
✔️Forget - unitmoq
✔️Mind - qarshi bo'lmoq
✔️Care - ehtiyot qilmoq
✔️Exist - bor bo'lmoq
✔️Matter/Desire -sodir bo'lmoq
✔️Want - xohlamoq
✔️Need - kerak bo'lmoq
✔️Mean - anglatmoq
✔️Astonish/Amaze/Surprise - hayron qolmoq
✔️Belong - tegishli bo'lmoq
✔️Consist of/Contain - iborat bo'lmoq
✔️Include - o'z ichiga olmoq


Репост из: IELTS 9.0 Cambridge
📖 IELTS Reading: match the names

One type of question asks you to "match the names with the statements". You will see a list of people's names (often researchers or experts) and you have to match each name with a statement about what he/she did or said.

Here's some advice for this type of question:

- Find all of the names in the passage
first. Scan the whole passage
quickly (this is probably the only type
of exercise for which scanning
works well) and underline all the
names that the question asks you

- Remember that academic articles
often only use surnames. For
example, if one of the names is
Robert Smith, you might not see the
first name 'Robert' in the passage.
Just look for the surname 'Smith'.

- Do difficult questions last. If one
name is mentioned 3 times in 3
different paragraphs, it will be more
difficult to match with a statement
than a name that is only mentioned
once. Start with the name that is
only mentioned once.

- When you find a match, put a cross
next to the statement; you will only
use each statement once.

- As usual, look for "keywords" - words
in the passage that are similar to
words in the question statements.

Общий доступ 'Reading.pdf'

makes sense😂😂😂
#pictures @laughingC

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