🇺🇸 Mouse
🇺🇿 Sichqoncha, mishka
1. I need to buy a new mouse because mine is not working properly.
Men yangi sichqoncha sotib olishim kerak, chunki menikisi to‘g‘ri ishlamayapti.
2. She prefers a wireless mouse for her laptop.
U noutbuki uchun simsiz sichqonchani afzal ko‘radi.
3. The mouse cursor is moving too slowly on my screen.
Mening ekranda sichqoncha kursor juda sekin harakat qilmoqda.
4. He accidentally dropped his mouse, and now it doesn’t click properly.
U sichqonchasini tasodifan tushirib yubordi, endi u yaxshi bosilmaydi.
5. You can right-click the mouse to see more options.
Ko‘proq variantlarni ko‘rish uchun sichqonchaning o‘ng tugmachasini bosing.
🇺🇸 Mouse
🇺🇿 Sichqoncha, mishka
1. I need to buy a new mouse because mine is not working properly.
Men yangi sichqoncha sotib olishim kerak, chunki menikisi to‘g‘ri ishlamayapti.
2. She prefers a wireless mouse for her laptop.
U noutbuki uchun simsiz sichqonchani afzal ko‘radi.
3. The mouse cursor is moving too slowly on my screen.
Mening ekranda sichqoncha kursor juda sekin harakat qilmoqda.
4. He accidentally dropped his mouse, and now it doesn’t click properly.
U sichqonchasini tasodifan tushirib yubordi, endi u yaxshi bosilmaydi.
5. You can right-click the mouse to see more options.
Ko‘proq variantlarni ko‘rish uchun sichqonchaning o‘ng tugmachasini bosing.