#book #c
📕 Fluent C - Principles, Practices and Patterns
©️ Christopher Preschern
📆 2022
C language bo'yicha skillarimizni up qilish uchun zo'r kitob ekan. Unda C ni o'zi emas, uni qanday professional ishlatish, maxsus fichalar va optimizatsiyalar haqida so'z ketadi. Qizig'i, data lifetime and ownership degan mavzu ham bor ekan.
📕 Fluent C - Principles, Practices and Patterns
©️ Christopher Preschern
📆 2022
C language bo'yicha skillarimizni up qilish uchun zo'r kitob ekan. Unda C ni o'zi emas, uni qanday professional ishlatish, maxsus fichalar va optimizatsiyalar haqida so'z ketadi. Qizig'i, data lifetime and ownership degan mavzu ham bor ekan.