Фильтр публикаций

Репост из: SpeakUPuz ️️
How old are you?


The sales figures were inaccurate. Why?

If more than 50 per cent of your answers are incorrect, you will fail the test.

The police believe your account of what happened last night is untrue.

If you give false information, you could go to jail.

These directions are not right. We're lost!

Boshqa usullarni bilasizmi?🤨

✈️ @Vocabulary_IELTSuz

Yuzila qizardimi aynanay 😂

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Qizla tamomsila 😂

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✈Love traveling? 😃Love phrasal verbs?🥺 Let's learn 5 phrasal verbs about traveling

Set off
●When you start your journey
E.X: Let's go to sleep. We are setting off for the airport at 6am!

Take off
●When a plane leaves the ground and starts to fly
E.X: it's OK. We're taking off in two hours. We don't need to rush

Check in
●When you give your name and ID at the hotel or airport
E.X: hurry up we need to check in or we will miss the plane

Chill out
●When you relax
E.X: Ahh. I love chilling out and reading a book on holiday

Check out
●When you pay your bill and leave the hotel
E.X: Come on we need to check out at 10 o'clock


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Ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun
@idpregisterbot yoki 👨‍💻 @IDP_Register ga murojaat qiling.

Grammardan qaysi mavzu og'riqli nuqtangiz ?

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🇺🇸provider 🇺🇿ta'minlovchi
🇺🇸protector 🇺🇿himoyachi
🇺🇸caretaker 🇺🇿g'amxo'r
🇺🇸circumstance 🇺🇿vaziyat



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Word - Pass away (B2)

🗣 Uk/pɑːsəˈweɪ/ US/pæsəˈweɪ/

Polite expression for: die

Meaning - Olamdan o'tmoq, vafot etmoq

💬 Make a sentence in the comment below


Costly – qimmat

Example: The iPhone 16 Pro Max is quite pricey, but many people still want to buy it.

✈️ @Vocabulary_IELTSuz

Tayyor ✅

"Additionally" is used to add more information, similar to "also," "furthermore," or "moreover."

### How to Use "Additionally"
1. At the beginning:
- "Additionally, we need to check the budget."
- "Qo'shimcha ravishda, byudjetni tekshirishimiz kerak."

2. In the middle:
- "We finished the report, and additionally, we prepared a presentation."
- "Hisobotni tugatdik, qo'shimcha ravishda, taqdimot tayyorladik."

### Synonyms & Examples
1. Furthermore – "The project is late. Furthermore, we lack resources."
- "Loyiha kechikmoqda. Bundan tashqari, resurslar yetarli emas."
2. Moreover – "The weather is bad. Moreover, the roads are icy."
- "Ob-havo yomon. Bundan tashqari, yo‘llar muzlagan."
3. Also – "She is kind. Also, she is a great teacher."
- "U mehribon. Shuningdek, u ajoyib o‘qituvchi."


  •   Important
  •   Ipmortant
21 голосов

Mana to'liq ☝️

Bugun soat 20:30 da grammar time

Here are three examples using the phrasal verb "dream up":

1. The marketing team dreamed up a brilliant new advertisement to attract more customers.
(Marketing jamoasi ko'proq mijozlarni jalb qilish uchun ajoyib yangi reklamani o'ylab topdi.)

2. She dreamed up an interesting story for her next novel while taking a walk in the park.
(U bog'da sayr qilayotganda keyingi romani uchun qiziqarli hikoya o'ylab topdi.)

3. The kids dreamed up a fun game to play during the school break.
(Bolalar tanaffus paytida o'ynash uchun qiziqarli o'yinni o'ylab topishdi.)

✈️ @Vocabulary_IELTSuz

Different types of meat with their Uzbek translations:

### Common Meats:
- BeefMol go‘shti
- PorkCho‘chqa go‘shti
- LambQo‘y go‘shti
- MuttonQo‘chqor go‘shti (yetilgan qo‘y go‘shti)
- Goat meatEchki go‘shti

### Poultry (Parrandachilik go‘shti):
- ChickenTovuq go‘shti
- TurkeyKurka go‘shti
- DuckO‘rdak go‘shti
- GooseG‘oz go‘shti

### Game Meat (O‘rmon va yovvoyi hayvonlar go‘shti):
- Venison (Deer meat)Bug‘u go‘shti
- Rabbit meatQuyon go‘shti
- Wild boar meatYovvoyi cho‘chqa go‘shti

### Seafood (Dengiz mahsulotlari):
- FishBaliq go‘shti
- Shrimp/PrawnsKrevetka
- CrabQisqichbaqa
- LobsterOmar

### Exotic & Other Types:
- Horse meatOt go‘shti
- Camel meatTuyaning go‘shti
- Frog meatQurbaqa go‘shti

✈️ @Vocabulary_IELTSuz

Guys grammar mavzu passive voice haqida chat qilaylikmi?
  •   Yes
  •   No
72 голосов

Репост из: SpeakUPuz ️️
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