UsmonJohn | Notes ✍🏻

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Блоги

Usmonjon Mamatkulov
Teacher at English Life EC
since 2020

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
Фильтр публикаций



Living in the good old days, you know.

Men “sodda” bo’masam keragoov, odamlar 👀👀👀😅😁

Hullas bitta kitob o’qiyotgan edim, shunda aka aytyabdi:

O’zizi original sifatlarizga e’tibor bering, shularni rivojlantiring.

Menda qanday yaxshi yoki original sifatlar bor deb o’ylesizlar? - agar bor bo’lsa 👀😄

Shu yerda yozib qoldirselar, fikrlar kerak, o’zim ham o’ylanyabman.



Iftor paytda hech kimga qizig’im yo’q bilaman)

Keyinro bosib qo’yarsizlar-a?)

Репост из: Khasanov👑
Siz kimsiz?

Bu yerda kim meni shaxsan taniydi?
  •   🙌🏻
  •   🫤
47 голосов


Life's greatest moments can occasionally occur on the worst days.



And then it happens... One day you wake up and you're in this place. You're in this place where everything feels right.

Your heart is calm. Your soul is lit. Your vision is clear. You're at peace, at peace with where you've been, at peace with what you've been through and at peace with where you're headed.



In case nobody has told you yet;

Wear warm clothes, it’s cold outside)

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1 March, 2025 🌱💫

Ramazon muborak, yaxshilar) 💫

540 0 1 10 25

Репост из: Incredible Teacher 🙂
Teacheriz bilan bo'ladigon show ga qiziqsangiz

bu yerga qo'shilib olsez bo'ladi😁

hozirda 124 nafar inson bizni kuzatmoqda


We need to be reminded more than we need to be taught.

— Modern Wisdom


Репост из: Asadbek Khasanov |IELTS 8.0
Sizda IELTS writing bo'yicha muammolar bormi? Idea kelmasligi doim sizni qiynaydimi?

Agar shunday bo'lsa, 27-fevral kuni soat 20:00 da bo'lib o'tadigan 'How to use sample answers to improve writing' mavzusida dars sizning muammolaringizda yechim bo'lishiga ishonamiz.

Webinarda qatnashing va writing haqida bilimlaringizni yanada oshiring

Dars bu yerda bo'ladi:


Pulini to’lab ichorasiz)


Ertaga kelib so’rab yurmelar yana 👀😄😁

📍Mr Arabic


Reklamaga 1 ta coffee berisharkan 👀👀🌱

Репост из: Vorovskoy Dope
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Показано 20 последних публикаций.