Natijalar chiqdi!Oxirgi natijalar chiqdi va shu ariza topshirgan o'quvchilar endi bizning rasman 1-mavsum o'quvchilarimiz hisoblanadi.
📌Dasturimizga 500 dan ortiq arizalar kelib tushdi va arizalar mamlakatimizning turli xil viloyatlarida va O'rta Osiyoda istiqomat qiladigan qizlar tomonidan to'ldirilgan!
🔜Agar sizning ism familyangiz bu ro'yxatda bo'lsa sizni tabriklaymiz va yaqin orada biz sizga darslarning boshlanishi haqida barcha ma'lumotlar bilan bog'lanamiz.
1-darsimiz 11-dekabr, Dushanba kunidan boshlanadi.
🔜Agar siz ro'yxatda bo'lmasangiz, xafa bo'lishga o'rin yo'q! Chunki sizni hali juda ham ko'p yangiliklar kutmoqda, shunchaki "Unite Girls" kanalini kuzatib boring.
➡Barchangizni kutganingiz va qiziqishingiz uchun rahmat.
Results are out!The final results are out, and these applicants are now officially our students for the 1st cohort.
📌We received more than 500 applications from different parts of our country and Central Asia!
🔜If you have your name on the list, then congratulations, you are accepted, and we will soon contact you with further details about the lessons. Our
1st lesson will start from 11th December, Monday.
🔜If you are not on the list, then don't be upset. We will also have our next cohorts, keep following our channel, and wait for the new opportunities that "Unite Girls" will provide in the near future.
➡Thank you everyone for your patience and interest.
@unite_girls -
Together for a better future⭐️