Aziz's Journey

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Образование

Age : 17
An aspiring teenager
WUT scholarship student
Majoring in BA / MIS
⚡️CEO of @share_project
Academic and Personal blog
Some posts are temporary

Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Sizga choymi yoki qahva ?

- Kitob.


Allohga oshiqlarning sabri hech qachon tugamaydi.

Jaloliddin Rumiy


Репост из: New Yorker
- College isn’t a scam, a useless degree is.
- A 9-5 job isn’t a scam, a dead-end job is.
- Loans aren’t a scam, high-interest debt is.
- Investing isn’t a scam, not doing your research is.
- Courses aren’t a scam, expecting instant results is.
- Working hard isn’t a scam, working without a plan is.
- Savings aren't a scam, letting inflation eat them away is.
- Going to the gym isn’t a scam if you see no results, not being on a diet is.

The real scam is feeding your mind with false beliefs.

They're costing you more than you think.

#itisfinancebro #beliefs #thoughts #setyourmind

Something amazed me a while ago..

I thought like winning EYUF is almost impossible, but the thing is that our team member at Share won it 🤩🥳

The word that scares many students in Uzbekistan. DTM..

Each year, the Government awards scholarships to students who study in international universities in Uzbekistan, including WUT, WIUT, and Turin. Typically, 60 fully-funded scholarships are offered. Students who achieve the highest scores on the DTM exam are eligible for these scholarships.

You might be wondering about the subjects covered in the exam.

English: You'll be tested on your English language skills. There will be 30 questions.
Math: You'll be assessed on your mathematical knowledge. There will be 30 questions.

Important parts:

1. The questions on this test are similar to the ones you'd see if you were applying to a university in Uzbekistan.

2. The Government mostly doesn't offer scholarships to students who major in Business, thus i would highly recommend to pick another major, like MIS or Computer Science ( If you want be qualified for the scholarship )


In the next post, I will be talking about the exam and requirements for securing full-tuition from Webster

Here we go!!


I got (fully funded) scholarship from Webster University in Tashkent.

The scholarship will cover :

1. 4 years of studying ( 8 semesters )

2. They will pay my tuition if i study in other campuses of Webster. The Webster has 7 campuses worldwide, in USA, Greece, Switzerland, Austria, Georgia, Netherlands, and China.

Important Part :

We took DTM exam at Bilim va Malakalarni baholash agentligi on 9th of October

To cut it short -
93:5 - And your Lord is going to give you, and you will be satisfied

141 0 9 13 16

Any guesses ?
  •   IELTS 8.0
  •   SAT 1500
  •   100% scholarship
48 голосов

I’m back with a bombastic news 🚀


Hozirgi zamonda nohaqliklar, zulm yoki boshqa bir muammolarga girifdor bo’lsangiz, bizdan oldin o’tganlarni (Payg’ambarlar va sahobalarning) qissalarini esga oling, qalbingiz taskin topadi vaziyatga ko’z yuma olasiz va qalbingiz bir oz bo’lsada orom oladi. Endi siz bu qissalardan umuman xabaringiz bo’lmasa holingiz qanday bo’lyapti birodarim, qayerdan taskin topyapsiz?

Tarixga, payg'ambarimiz sollallohu alayhi vasallamning hayotlariga nazar solaylik, Rosululloh alayhissalom namoz oʻqiyotganlarida sajda holatlarida mushriklar kelib ustilariga najas tashlashdi, boshlaridan tuyaning ichaklarini ag'darib yuborishdi. Ularni so'kmadilar, haqqiga chiroyli duo qildilar.

Toifga borganlarida, dinga da'vat qilsalar Toif ahli Rosulimiz alayhissalomni toshbo'ron qildi, jarohatlandilar...
Hatto muborak yuzlaridan qon oqdi...

Shunda Jibriyl alayhissalom tushib, agar istasangiz Toif ahlini shu on tog' ustilaridan bosadi dedi. Rosulimiz nima dedilar?

Ular haqqiga istigʻfor aytdilar, oʻzlari iymon keltirmasalar, zurriyotlaridan musulmonlar chiqishidan umid qilaman dedilar.

Yoki sahobalardan Ali roziyallohu anhuning hayotlaridagi bir voqeaga nazar solsak.

Ali roziyallohu anhu bir jangda o‘zining qalqonini yo‘qotadi. Keyin uni bir yahudiy odamning qo‘lida ko‘radi va bu qalqon o‘ziniki ekanligini aytadi. Yahudiy rad etib, bu qalqon meniki deydi. Ular qoziga borishga qaror qilishadi.

Qozi huzurida Hazrat Ali o‘z da'vosini aytadi, lekin qozi dalil talab qiladi. Ali roziyallohu anhu o‘g‘li Hasan roziyallohu anhuni guvoh sifatida keltiradi, lekin sudya oila a'zolaridan guvohlik qabul qilinmasligini aytib, yahudiy foydasiga hukm chiqaradi.

Buni ko‘rgan yahudiy, Hazrat Alining adolatidan ta'sirlanib, qalqon aslida Aliyniki ekanini tan oladi va uni qaytaradi. Keyinchalik yahudiy Islomni qabul qiladi, Hazrat Ali esa qalqonni unga hadya qiladi.

Demak, nohaqliklar, zulmning turli xillari butun olamlar uchun rahmat qilib yuborilgan zot sayyidimiz Rosulimiz alayhissalomning va sahobalarning ham hayotlarida yuz bergan ekan.

Bu voqealarni o'rganishimiz va ulardan ta'lim olishimiz kerak, zero ular qalbga taskin, dunyo va undagi nohaqliklar uchun kuyunmaslik uchun eng zo'r o'rnakdir.

© Bintu Husan

It has been a long journey since our brotherhood started. Alhamdulillah, we have gone through a lot together. Now, my close friend is going abroad to study. The reality is sometimes difficult to accept; it comes so unexpectedly.

Let’s make dua for Muhammad Ali : May Allah make the process easy and enjoyable 🤲

Have a safe flight, brodar ⚡️

England is waiting for you 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

Thanks for everything brother, you were a key person on Share Community. We all highly appreciate your contributions to the project. We ( Share Team ) will definitely miss you

Good luck on your future endeavours 🔥

378 0 5 19 22

Efficiency and Effectiveness 📌

1⃣Efficiency - is a measure of how productively resources are used to achieve a goal. Organizations are efficient when managers minimize the amount of input resources (such as labor, raw materials, and component parts) or the amount of time needed to produce a given output of goods or services. For example, Burger King develops ever more efficient fat fryers that not only reduce the amount of oil used in cooking but also speed up the cooking of french fries.
UPS develops new work routines to reduce delivery time, such as instructing drivers to leave their truck doors open when going short distances.

2⃣Effectiveness - is a measure of the appropriateness of the goals that managers have selected for the organization to pursue and the degree to which the organization achieves those goals.

🤫 Book : Contemporary Management by Gareth R. Jones and Jennifer M. George


"Performance Improvement Plan" (PIP)

1. Warning/Notification: The employee is formally notified about their performance issues.
2. Improvement Period: The employee is given a specific period (often a month or more) to improve their performance, with set goals and expectations.
3. Monitoring and Support: During this period, the employee's performance is closely monitored, and they may receive additional support or training.
4. Final Evaluation: At the end of the improvement period, the employee's performance is re-evaluated.
5. Consequences: If the employee fails to meet the required standards by the end of the PIP, further action, such as termination, is taken.



Almost 150 applications with full essays in 4 days 🔥

Let's have a look at the requirements we put in place for the selection process:

1. First, students had to fill out the application and answer several questions in essay format. We received more than 100 applications from students.

2. We selected 50 students to join a private group, where they were given instructions on the next steps.

3. With the help of our amazing teachers and support staff, we conducted a mock exam to assess their SAT math and English skills. The exam was closely monitored to prevent cheating. The requirement to pass was a score of 1200+.

Alhamdulillah, we did it!

PS: It was challenging to analyze this many essays. It took a lot of effort, persistence, and dedication, but the Share team was able to do it with high quality.

Prophet Muhammad (SAWW)
Once went home late at night and slept in front of his House as He didn't want to awake Ayesha. However, He didn't realize that Ayesha was also sleeping behind the door waiting for Him.

There should be someone in your life who is down to earth and willing to support you in any way…

Al-Azhar vibes....❤️

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