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Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Telegram

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Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
Фильтр публикаций

Репост из: Fucking English 18+

Репост из: AI Guy
"YouTube Automation with AI - ULTIMATE COURSE"

Video link: here


Репост из: AI Guy
YT Auto ULTIMATE COURSE google doc.pdf
😍"YouTube Automation with AI - ULTIMATE COURSE" FREE Google Doc🔥

(if you are on Web version, open in Telegram and download the PDF😊)

✔️AI Guy Academy: https://www.skool.com/aiguyacademy

Репост из: WIRED
The extension allows you to turn YouTube into a convenient player for listening to music.

The service will remove videos, advertising and avatars from the video platform, leaving only music.

The 🔠link.

#Tech #TechTips

Репост из: WIRED
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The perfect voice generator

MARS5 supports 140 languages ​​and is capable of making a clone of any voice from the source in just 6 seconds.

You can install it from GitHub or use it for free on the website.

#Tech #TechTips

Репост из: AI Guy

🏫AI Guy Academy - https://www.skool.com/aiguyacademy/about

🔥AI Tools from AI Guy (every single AI tool that I use): bit.ly/aiguytools

🌐AI Guy Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ai_guy_yt

🌐AI Guy YouTube: https://youtube.com/@ai_guy

✔️YouTube Automation
with AI - FULL 10 Hour Course: https://bit.ly/aiguy10hourcourse

✅️Google Drive with FREE Resources (crazy value): https://aiguyacademy.com/freebies

💬AI Guy Telegram: https://t.me/ai_guy_official

🎵YouTube Automation for Beginners FREE Training: https://bit.ly/youtubeautomationaiguy

Репост из: WIRED
How to Protect Your PC from Mining?

Mining remains a lucrative business. That's why scammers emerged who use other people's PCs to mine cryptocurrency.

The No Coin platform is a reliable way to block unauthorized miners from accessing your PC's power.

The extension features a whitelisting option, so if the resource of interest is using Proof of Work Capcha or Shortlinks from CoinHive, you can keep working by simply adding it to the whitelist.

Репост из: WIRED
A service for secure file exchange between devices.

Snapdrop allows you to privately share files directly from your browser without the need to install additional apps.

To do this, you just need to go to the site from two devices, select on the first what exactly you want to share and click on the recipient, and then accept the download on the second device.

Here's the🔠 link.


Репост из: MK SAMANDAR // MK FOREX 📊
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🐹Bitget birjasi orqaliy hamsterlaringizni sotishingiz mumkin bo'ladi

🟡Bitgetdagi USDTlaringizni yani Kriptovalyutangizni Uzbekistonda Qonuniy KriptoDokonlarda yoki servislarimizda sotishingiz mumkin bo'ladi masheniklarga aldanib qolmang

🟡BITGET birjasiga kirish uchun bu link ustiga bosing 👇


Репост из: MK SAMANDAR // MK FOREX 📊
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👛Walletga Hamsterlaringiz tushmagan bo'lsa Shu videoni ko'ring ✅

10.000 ta Like 👍 va Keyingi video siz kutgan video bo'ladi

Репост из: Nodavlat oliy ta'lim muassasalari
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⚡️RASMAN: 1-bosqich talabalari uchun sentabr va oktabr oyi ijara pullari shartnomasiz ham to'lab beriladi.

Vazirlar Mahkamasining 2021-yil 24-sentyabrdagi 605-son qaroriga asosan ijara huquqi asosida yashaydigan davlat oliy ta’lim muassasalarining kunduzgi ta’lim shaklida tahsil olayotgan talabalarga oylik ijara to‘lovining bir qismini davlat budjeti hisobidan qoplab berilishi bo‘yicha arizalarni onlayn yuborish imkoniyati yaratildi.

Ariza berish quyidagicha amalga oshiriladi:

1️⃣ kontrakt.edu.uz axborot tizimidan ro‘yxatdan o‘tiladi va shaxsiy kabinetga kiriladi;
2️⃣ shaxsiy kabinetdan “Ijara to‘lovlari” bo‘limi tanlanadi.
3️⃣ “Ariza yuborish” tugmasi bosiladi va ariza yuboriladi.

Bunda 1-bosqich talabalaridan joriy o‘quv yilining sentyabr va oktyabr oylari uchun ijara shartnomasi talab etilmaydi.

Ikkinchi va undan yuqori kurs talabalari uchun ijara shartnomasi bo‘lishi talab etiladi.

Ijara shartnomalarini hisobga qo‘yish xizmati: 👉http://ijara.soliq.uz


🇺🇿 @nodavlattalim — nodavlat oliy ta’lim muassasalari haqida rasmiy xabarlar

Репост из: EFOOTBALL| PAGE🇺🇿🎮
Efootball 2025 Tahlili va Iphonelar uchun update kelmagani haqida va boshqalar

Rasmiy Sahifalarimiz 👇
🎮 | @efuzpage
💬 | @efu
🛍 | @efpageshop
🟡| @
💹 / @e
Vizitka @efootballuzpage

Репост из: @bekhruzjan_703
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Репост из: FINO - Chet elda ta'lim
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🇨🇦 Kanadada Talaba Vizasi Olish Bo'yicha Qo'llanma

⁉️Kanadada o'qish orzuingizni ro'yobga chiqarish uchun talaba vizasini qanday olishni bilmoqchimisiz?

🗣Quyidagi videoni tomosha qiling va barcha kerakli ma'lumotlarni oling!

Ro’yxatdan o’tishni unutmang
Bepul professional konsultasiya oling
Kanalga obuna bo'ling, yaqinlarga ulashing

Репост из: WIRED
Signing out of multiple accounts at once

If you temporarily decide to let other people use your computer, you should take care that they cannot log into your accounts. The most logical thing to do would be to manually log into each platform and disable it, but that would take a lot of time.

You can simplify the task by using Logify. It allows you to log out of all services and some of them.

1. Click on "Custom Logout."

2. Select the platforms of interest and click the "Logout" button.

Репост из: WIRED
How to speed up Windows in one click

When you have lots of programs installed, your computer eventually starts to hang. If there is no way to update the details of your computer, we recommend using special software.

Advanced SystemCare is a set of utilities to optimize your PC, provides an automatic service to remove malware, fix registry errors, protect personal data, clean your system and improve performance.

There are modules to protect browser settings, accelerate access when using the Internet, as well as protection against viruses, but can not replace a full-fledged antivirus.

Репост из: WIRED
How to fake a call from popular services?

There are situations when we need to end an unwanted conversation. The ideal option would be to get an important call that can be imitated.

The service Callbreaker was invented for this purpose. With his help, you can turn on the sound of the call from 18 popular services - from messengers to video conferencing programs.

For example, there is Skype and Telegram. You can also set the start time of the "call" with a timer: from 5 to 30 seconds.

Показано 20 последних публикаций.


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