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Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Образование

Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
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Репост из: Aziz Rahimov
Ish qurollari haqida

Telefon. Telefondan ishlash - xato. Faqat majbur bo’lganda. Safarda. Shoshib turganda. Telefonda matn sekinroq o’qiladi. Sekinroq yoziladi. Bir xil ish uchun ikki barobar ko’proq vaqt ketadi. Odamlar kun bo’yi telefondan ishlaydi - yana vaqtim yetmayapti deb hayron bo’ladi.

Noutbuk. Ish uchun eng qulay. Hamma joyda ishlatsa bo’ladi - kutubxona, kafe, ishxona, sohil bo’yi. Bitta ekran qo’shsa kompyuterga aylanadi. Noutbukni ochib ishlamaslik qiyin. Ayniqsa makbuk bo’lsa. Batareya ikki kunga yetadi.

Planshet. Ishlab bo’lmaydi. Sotuvchi va reklama sizga teskarisini atyadi. Ruchkasi bilan qiziqtiradi. Sensor ishlash uchun emas. O’ynash uchun qulay. Balki shunga video ko’rish va o’ynash planshetlarda ishlashdan 6 barobar keng tarqalgandur. Planshetga ishlash uchun har safar o’tirganimda, chalg'iyman. Youtubega ulanib ketadi.

Monoblok. Kompyuter. Katta ekran. Bitta qaraganda qulay ko’rinadi. Aslida kompyuter uchun doimiy joy kerak. Shunga yarasha og’ir ishlarni qiladigan kompyuter bo’lmasa - faqat chang yig’ib yotadi. Odam doim ham bir joydan ishlayvergisi kelmaydi. Toza havoga ko’tarib olib chiqib keta olmaydi. Bunga noutbuk qulayroq.

Репост из: Sobitov’s 📚 Library 🪐
Darajangizga mos kitoblar chiziq ustiga bosing 👇







Репост из: Sirojiddin's blog
🥳🎂Writing bo’yicha muomo bormi unda men sizga writing uchun foydali darslar, qo’llanmalar va postlar ulashib boriladigan kanalni tavsiya qilaman⤵️⤵️⤵️

🥳🎂Har bir darajaga mos kitoblarni shu yerdan topsangiz bo’ladi⤵️⤵️⤵️

🥳🎂Darajaga mos article lar bu yerda⤵️⤵️⤵️

Репост из: Retake
Expenditure patterns
A shift
Emerge as a significant expense
Importance grows
Expenditure category
Account for a relatively minor portion of
People’s budget
To be distributed as follows:
The largest share
Follow closely behind with
Expenses related to
Each comprising
The proportions in the mix
The percentage disparity
Narrow down
With … Verbing and that of … improving
The share of money spent on
Significant sector
, surpassing
a-2-percentage-point drop
money allocated to

Репост из: MultiLevelExpert (Cefr C1)
Reading Full Mock 43.pdf
Reading mock 43✅

Javoblarini olish uchun - 777 ta akula bosamiz 🐳


Репост из: BM | IELTS 9.0
Read this short story about Sophie and learn the idioms and set phrases given italics.

Sophie was on the edge of her seat, waiting for the job interview results. She knew her career was on the line, but she was also on the right track for a promotion—her mentor had assured her of that. To pass the time, she kept on the go, taking on extra projects and staying on top of her tasks. Finally, the email arrived. On the one hand, it was good news: she’d been selected for a leadership role. But on the other hand, it meant relocating. She knew it would be tough, but this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so she was on board. With her decision on the table, she felt the excitement of being on the brink of something new.

Репост из: BM | IELTS 9.0
It’s interesting that almost no one mentioned country music 🤓.
For me, it’s the go-to genre for long drives—maybe because I spent some time in Tennessee, USA.
Not singing along to John Denver’s “Take Me Home, Country Roads” on a road trip feels like a missed opportunity!

Репост из: IELTS Sprint marathon
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Day 1 Lesson
Listening 40/40

Репост из: IELTS Sprint marathon

Репост из: JJ's English materials

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