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Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Блоги

Илм Аллохнинг мулки ва улуг неъмати булиб, узи саралаб олган бандаларига инъом килади.
Хадис: толибга 3та турли кишиларнинг дуолари билан илм хосил булади (УЗТОЗИ, ОТА-ОНАСИ ва узининг кечалари шикасталик билан килган ИБОДАТЛАРИ) натижасида хосил булади.

Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
Фильтр публикаций

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As usual, whenever I participate in programs, I will always be the youngest one. In South Korea, building your career life begins after 23 or 24. They start very late compared to ours but ending up in their 80's or even 90's. You can see many people on a street that are over 50+ years old.

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DeepSeek cooked Nvidia and other AI models like ChatGPT

After releasing DeepSeek, the share price of Nvidia dropped 17%.

The 17% means $600 billion in market value.

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Репост из: O‘zbekiston yoshlari umumjahon assotsiatsiyasi
Rankings TOP-1000_2025.pdf
⚡️ Diplomlari to‘g‘ridan to‘g‘ri tan olinadigan TOP-1000 talikka kirgan OTMlar ro‘yxati

Oliy ta’lim, fan va innovatsiyalar vazirligi tomonidan 2025-yil uchun tasdiqlangan xalqaro e’tirof etilgan tashkilotlarning (Quacquarelli Symonds World University Rankings, Times Nigher Education, Academic Ranking of World Universities) reytingida oliy ta’lim muassasalari orasida birinchi 1 000 o‘rinni egallagan xorijiy oliy ta’lim muassasalari ro‘yxati tasdiqlandi.

Ushbu ro‘yxat 2025-yil uchun e’lon qilingan bo‘lib, har yili yangilanib turadi.

Ma’lumot uchun, TOP-1000 oliygohlarni tamomlagan talabalarning diplomlari O‘zbekistonda imtihon sinovlarisiz tan olinadi (nostrifikatsiya qilinadi).

🌐Telegram sahifamizga obuna bo’ling -  @wayuuz

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Throughout this link, you can find 430 summer programs in different fields of studies like medicine, stem, business, and so on.

Also, I recommend making a habit of reading reddits. It's much better than watching short videos.


The greatest successes come from having the freedom to fail.

- Mark Zukerberg

Some modifications on my YT banner, description, and profile photo.


Репост из: Aziz Rahimov
“Daromadim ikki marta ko‘paysa, yetadi” — deymiz.

“Pul yigʻishni boshlayman” — deymiz.


Daromad ko‘paysa, yig‘ish ko‘paymaydi. Xarajat ko‘payadi.

Avval e’tibor berilmagan matohlar – “muhim” boʻlib qoladi.

Biz ham “odamlardek” yashaylik endi: ichkaridan ovoz keladi.

Housel aytganidek: “Pul yigʻa olish moliya emas, psixologiya”.

Xohishlarini boshqara olgan — pullarini boshqara oladi.


Scholarship covers: tuition, round-trip airfare, living expanses, food, books, etc.

Eligibility criteria before you apply:

Applicants must:

​• ​Not exceed the age of 25, for Undergraduate and Diploma programmes, and the age of 35, for Postgraduate Master's Degree programmes, on the first day of July on the year when the course/programme starts.

​• ​Be proficient in English with a Credit 6 at GCE ‘O’ Level Examination or a Grade ‘C” in IGCSE English (as a second language) or an IELTS score of 6.0 or a TOEFL minimum score of 550.

NOTE: The scholarship is intended primarily for international students studying for the first time in Brunei Darussalam. Bruneians, Brunei Permanent Residents, and international students studying/who have studied in Brunei tertiary institutions are NOT eligible.



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