✅ O'zbek tilida turli xil o'xshatishlar bor va biz ulardan asosan maqol aytganda foydalanamiz. Ingliz tilida xuddi inglizlardek gapirishni istasasangiz o'xshatishlarni nutqinggizda qo'llay olishingiz kerak. Bunda biz sizga yordam beramiz.
📌 Sail through something - hamirdan qil sug'urgandek kechmoq
E.g. The reading passage was quite challenging in the mock exam. Yet some students just sailed through it!
📌 The early bird gets the worm - erta turgan kishini, Xudo o’nglar ishini.
E.g. During the sales, the shops open at 7am, and the early bird catches the worm.
📌 For rainy days - qora kunlarga
E.g. My parents always save some money for rainy days in case of the economic recession.
🔖 Yuqoridagi iboralarni, albatta, daftarga yozib, yod oling va ulardan foydalanib gaplar tuzing. Shundagina bu iboralar yodingizda qoladi. Ha aytgancha, bu ma'lumotlarni do'stlaringiz bilan ham ulashish esdan chiqmasin!
📌 Sail through something - hamirdan qil sug'urgandek kechmoq
E.g. The reading passage was quite challenging in the mock exam. Yet some students just sailed through it!
📌 The early bird gets the worm - erta turgan kishini, Xudo o’nglar ishini.
E.g. During the sales, the shops open at 7am, and the early bird catches the worm.
📌 For rainy days - qora kunlarga
E.g. My parents always save some money for rainy days in case of the economic recession.
🔖 Yuqoridagi iboralarni, albatta, daftarga yozib, yod oling va ulardan foydalanib gaplar tuzing. Shundagina bu iboralar yodingizda qoladi. Ha aytgancha, bu ma'lumotlarni do'stlaringiz bilan ham ulashish esdan chiqmasin!