— It is not because S + V but It is because S + V
Meaning: — bu uchun emas ... balki bu uchun ...
I love going for a walk in the morning. It is not because it is healthy activity but it is because it helps me to relax and focus on my studies.
Meaning: Men ertalab sayr qilishni yaxshi ko'raman. Bu sog'liqqa foydali mashg'ulot bo'lgani uchun emas balki u menga xordiq chiqarishga va o'qishimga etibor qaratishimga yordam beradi
Guys, if you know, you know😉
— It is not because S + V but It is because S + V
Meaning: — bu uchun emas ... balki bu uchun ...
I love going for a walk in the morning. It is not because it is healthy activity but it is because it helps me to relax and focus on my studies.
Meaning: Men ertalab sayr qilishni yaxshi ko'raman. Bu sog'liqqa foydali mashg'ulot bo'lgani uchun emas balki u menga xordiq chiqarishga va o'qishimga etibor qaratishimga yordam beradi
Guys, if you know, you know😉