Passiv gaplar (Passive Voice) har bir zamonda (tense) o'ziga xos shaklda qo‘llaniladi. Quyida har bir zamon uchun qo‘llanish qoidalari va misollar bilan tushuntiraman.
1. Present Simple (Hozirgi oddiy zamon) Formula: Subject + am/is/are + past participle (V3)
Misol: - Active: They clean the house every day.
- Passive: The house
is cleaned every day.
Qo‘llanilishi: - Ish-harakat doimiy yoki odatiy ravishda sodir bo‘lsa.
2. Present Continuous (Hozirgi davomli zamon) Formula: Subject + am/is/are + being + past participle (V3)
Misol: - Active: They are painting the walls now.
- Passive: The walls
are being painted now.
Qo‘llanilishi: - Hozirda sodir bo‘layotgan harakatlar uchun.
3. Present Perfect (Hozirgi mukammal zamon) Formula: Subject + has/have + been + past participle (V3)
Misol: - Active: They have completed the project.
- Passive: The project
has been completed. Qo‘llanilishi: - Yaqinda tugallangan yoki natijasi mavjud bo‘lgan harakatlar uchun.
4. Past Simple (O'tgan oddiy zamon) Formula: Subject + was/were + past participle (V3)
Misol: - Active: They built the bridge in 2000.
- Passive: The bridge
was built in 2000.
Qo‘llanilishi: - O‘tmishda aniq vaqtda sodir bo‘lgan ish-harakatlar uchun.
5. Past Continuous (O‘tgan davomli zamon) Formula: Subject + was/were + being + past participle (V3)
Misol: - Active: They were repairing the road when I arrived.
- Passive: The road
was being repaired when I arrived.
Qo‘llanilishi: - O‘tmishda muayyan vaqtda davom etayotgan harakat uchun.
6. Past Perfect (O‘tgan mukammal zamon) Formula: Subject + had been + past participle (V3)
Misol: - Active: They had finished the work before the deadline.
- Passive: The work
had been finished before the deadline.
Qo‘llanilishi: - O‘tmishda boshqa harakatdan oldin tugallangan ish-harakat uchun.
7. Future Simple (Kelasi oddiy zamon) Formula: Subject + will be + past participle (V3)
Misol: - Active: They will organize the meeting next week.
- Passive: The meeting
will be organized next week.
Qo‘llanilishi: - Kelajakda sodir bo‘ladigan ish-harakatlar uchun.
8. Future Perfect (Kelasi mukammal zamon) Formula: Subject + will have been + past participle (V3)
Misol: - Active: They will have completed the project by next month.
- Passive: The project
will have been completed by next month.
Qo‘llanilishi: - Kelajakda ma’lum vaqtgacha bajarib bo‘lingan ish-harakat uchun.
9. Modal verbs (Modall fe'llar bilan) Formula: Subject + modal verb + be + past participle (V3)
Misol: - Active: They must finish the report today.
- Passive: The report
must be finished today.
Qo‘llanilishi: - Buyruq, ehtimollik, ruxsat yoki majburiyat bildiruvchi fe’llar (must, can, should, etc.) bilan.
Izohda mazkur mavzuni yaxshi tushunishingiz uchun mashqlar qoldiraman👇🏻
@Teachery_Azamat 👈