Markaziy Osiyo sun’iy intellekt assotsiatsiyasi (AICA) IT Park Uzbekistan bilan birgalikda sun’iy intellekt sohasidagi mintaqaning bosh mukofoti - AICA Awards 2025 uchun arizalar qabul qilish boshlanganini e’lon qiladi!
Agar kompaniyangiz biznesga sun’iy intellektni joriy etayotgan, ilg‘or AI yechimlarini ishlab chiqayotgan yoki yoshlar orasida texnologiyalarni targ‘ib qilayotgan bo‘lsa, bu sizning o‘zingizni ko‘rsatish imkoniyatingizdir! G‘oliblar Markaziy Osiyoning mustaqil ekspertlari tomonidan baholanadi, eng yaxshi loyihalar esa xalqaro miqyosda e’tirof etiladi.
🌐 Arizalarni 10-fevralgacha quyidagi saytda topshirish mumkin:
The Central Asian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AICA) together with IT Park Uzbekistan announces the start of applications for AICA Awards 2025 - the region's premier AI award!
If your company implements artificial intelligence in business, develops advanced AI solutions or promotes technology among young people, this is your chance to make a name for yourself! The winners will be evaluated by independent experts from Central Asia, and the best projects will be recognized internationally.
🌐 Apply online by February 10:
📩Telegram 📱Facebook 📱 Instagram 📺Youtube 🌐 LinkedIn 🐦 X
Agar kompaniyangiz biznesga sun’iy intellektni joriy etayotgan, ilg‘or AI yechimlarini ishlab chiqayotgan yoki yoshlar orasida texnologiyalarni targ‘ib qilayotgan bo‘lsa, bu sizning o‘zingizni ko‘rsatish imkoniyatingizdir! G‘oliblar Markaziy Osiyoning mustaqil ekspertlari tomonidan baholanadi, eng yaxshi loyihalar esa xalqaro miqyosda e’tirof etiladi.
* SI sohasidagi eng yaxshi startap
* SI sohasidagi eng yaxshi ishlanma
* Biznesda sun’iy intellektni qo‘llash
* SI sohasidagi eng yaxshi ta’lim tashabbusi
* SIdan foydalangan holda sog‘liqni saqlashdagi eng yaxshi yangilik
* Agrotexnikada sun’iy intellektdan eng yaxshi foydalanish
* SI etika va xavfsizligi bo‘yicha eng yaxshi tashabbus
* Yoshlar orasida sun’iy intellektni ommalashtirish bo‘yicha eng yaxshi tashabbus
* SI bo‘yicha davlat siyosati sohasidagi eng yaxshi tashabbus
* Sanoatda sun’iy intellektning eng yaxshi integratsiyasi
* Sun’iy intellektni rivojlantirish uchun eng yaxshi platforma yoki vosita
🌐 Arizalarni 10-fevralgacha quyidagi saytda topshirish mumkin:
The Central Asian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AICA) together with IT Park Uzbekistan announces the start of applications for AICA Awards 2025 - the region's premier AI award!
If your company implements artificial intelligence in business, develops advanced AI solutions or promotes technology among young people, this is your chance to make a name for yourself! The winners will be evaluated by independent experts from Central Asia, and the best projects will be recognized internationally.
* Best startup in the field of AI
* Best AI development
* Best application of AI in business
* Best educational initiative in the field of AI
* Best AI innovation in healthcare
* Best use of AI in agricultural engineering
* Best AI ethics and safety initiative
* Best initiative to popularize AI among young people
* Best public policy initiative on AI
* Best AI integration in industry
* Best AI development platform or tool
🌐 Apply online by February 10:
📩Telegram 📱Facebook 📱 Instagram 📺Youtube 🌐 LinkedIn 🐦 X